
Cloudkitty Chronicles - Baadal Billli

Meet Isra, a little genius with a mischievous spirit. When she and her partner-in-crime Khadija stumble upon a talking cat made of clouds, all bets are off! Isra, the tiny maniac with knack of making world ending schemes, cooks up a plan to kidnap it. Little do they know, this plot is the start of an adventure that will lead them into a world of powerful magical creatures and far-off alien lands. Get ready for a journey packed with laughs, sorrow, and amazing powers.

sherjanmirza · ファンタジー
97 Chs

Motherly love

Isra had stolen a portable vacuum cleaner, and Khadija had made the soft bed of sunflowers. Their plan had been executed perfectly. It was time for phase two now.

They climbed over the fence and skipped on a few walls, dangerously maneuvering themselves until they were exactly underneath Isra's bedroom window. Khadija had the vaccume stuffed in her bagpack.

Then they started climbing up using an old steel pipe that extended to the roof as a footing, Isra was first, The girl truly knew no bounds; she was like a monkey demon set upon the world, and she was perfectly happy with being one.

After glancing through the bedroom window, seeing Miraaj, they decided against entering the room directly, Isra silently gestured her counterpart to follow her, as she carefully hopped to the next balcony in line, without making a sound, this one opened to dining area, it looked clear to enter.

The plan was going immaculate so far, with not a single blemish or hurdle.

After sharing a brief glance with each other, the two girls were about to sneak up, when their luck abruptdly ended

there was one flaw Khadija hadn't take into account, one tiny miscalculation if she had succesfully countered beforehand, the situation would be completely different.

Walking out of the bedroom window, A young lady in her late thirtees was standing up on balcony looking at the two girls in complete disblief, she had same grey eyes as Isra had, The perpetrators and the lady looked at each other for a few seconds.

"Oh hello Ms.Amna" Khadija said with a sheepish smile while Isra stayed silent, looking at her mother.

Then, as quick as lightning, her mother grabbed and pulled them both into the dining area.

"I won't even bother asking you what happened." She walked to Khadija, who was pretending to be very curious about a perfume bottle suddenly,

"Khadija, what happened?"

"You know, out of both of you, you have the most sense, Khadija and your birthday is around the corner too. You know Aunty never forgets the birthday gifts."

"So i was thinking, Khadija. How would you like a life-sized buttercup stuffed toy, and i'm thinking maybe we should make that almond cake too that you cant get enough of"

Khadija's mouth twitched at that, then she looked at Isra, who was digging holes in her soul with her ominous stare.

"I really don't know, Aunty... I was just passing by when Isra insisted that we climbed the wall instead of entering the door..." Khadija replied, catching the gist of extreme interrogation, although Ms.Amna was nice, she had always been like a mother to her, but she was manipulative.

But Khadija remained steadfast.

"Oh, very clever! I see what's going on."

Ms.Amna looked at Isra.

"I will get to the bottom of it. You will not get away this time; you listen to me. I will know what is going on one way or another, Isra."

Isra kept staring at her dumbfounded, knowing that the best way to get her mom off track is to pretend you're mentally dumb and incapable of forming any thought. So she would never question your genius.

In her mind, she was grinning. In her mind, the game was already hers, like it had always been before. She laughed in her mind, and the bag shook.

An unexpected crispy meow came from where Khadija was standing.