
Clouded moon

Just so you know... This novel is paused for the time being. Matured content... R18 ******** Kalz drove in and saw Zeh and Banni sitting together on the seat in the field there, he went closer to see what was happening, Banni was still leaning on Zeh without even noticing Kalz, probably, Zeh saw Kalz coming but he wasn't bothered about him. Kalz ran to him, dragged him up and gave him a punch in his face, Zeh almost fell to the ground but he got back his stand as soon as possible, but he didn't retaliate. "What are you doing out here with Banni? Don't you have some shame left in you, Zeh? She's my wife to be for goodness sake, why is it so difficult to accept that and move on?" Kalz asked. "What's wrong with us sitting out here?" Banni asked. "You had better shut your mouth Miss." Kalz shouted. "Are you scared of loosing her like you lost Zarah? Maybe you're never able to satisfy your women that's why they keep wanting men outside." Zeh said and immediately Kalz gave him another punch and he started bleeding. "I know the truth hurts, but don't worry, Banni is sure different, I know that, but you don't deserve her, you deserve exactly someone like Zarah, I think she's the perfect one for you, just like you always cheat on her, she cheats back on you and it's a win win, isn't that great?" Zeh said laughing out loudly. Kalz became very furious and hit him again and they both started to fight. Banni ran inside to call Mr. Peters, only him could stop them. ************* Yeah, read to find out what happens in Banni's life after she moved into the Luna Mansion to live with the two brothers.

SuZzanne · 都市
35 Chs

Zarah couldn't remember a thing

Zarah woke up the next morning in a beautiful room. She couldn't remember anything from the previous night. "Aaaaah" she held her head with her right palm as she tried to sit up. She was having a really severe head eche, she wasn't able to remember anything from last night. She looked around the room but it looked really unfamiliar. "How is it possible that she paid for this room last night and got in and she's not still able to remember anything that had happened.

"Is anyone there?" She asked as she tried to get up, then she realized she was naked. "Whhaaa?" She stared at herself confused. "How am I naked? What actually happened to me last night?" She thought as she gently touched her cunt and realized how hot and wet it was and again she noticed, there was cum all over her. In bewilderment, she screamed "godddd!!!" Then used her both hands to cover her mouth immediately. She was scared at the moment but what could she do?

"Any one there?" She screamed, but no one answered. "Who ever it was from last night was obviously done with the slut he met in the club and must have left." She thought.

She got up, dressed up and left quietly. There was obviously nothing else could do.

On getting home she gently went into her room and locked herself inside. Kalz who saw her drive in ran over to her room to apologise.

"Zarah! Zarah!!!" He called out but got no reply.

"Babe I know you're in there." He continued. "I'm very sorry, please forgive me....I was very drunk yesterday noon." He pleaded.

"Drunk?" She shouted from inside.

"Yes baby, I was drunk that was why I misbehaved." He said.

"Kalz shut mouth!!!!!" She screamed. "Godddd!!!!, for Christ sake shut up and leave." She said.

"Zarah please, it would never happen again." He pleaded and promised.

"You're always drunk, that's always your excuse, you don't care how that makes me feel or what I go through." She said as she started to cry.

Kalz could hear her cry from where he was. "Babe I'm sorry." He said calmly.

"Please go away Kalz, I swear I don't want to hear from you." She said.

"Zarah please, please, at least let me see you." He pleaded but got no reply.

After a little more pleading, he gave up and left her to be since that's what she wanted. He went to the sitting room to grab a drink. He was feeling devastated and couldn't think of anything else but drink. As he was about to pour the drink into his cup, Banni held the bottle stopping him from pouring the drink.

"And what's this all about?" He said as he gently looked up to see her face.

"I thought you were angry about all that had happened? Is this the best you could do? Drink again?

"And what makes you think you're in the right position to tell me what to do and what not to do?" He questioned.

"How do you think Zarah will feel if she See's you in this state? You look pathetic, you know right."

Kalz couldn't say a word, he only gazed at her for a while and then finally stood up from where he sat.

"You should thank your stars I'm not in the mood for drama, cause I would have made sure you regretted this action of yours." He said calmly but very mean, and then left.


Later that evening, Mr Peters came back from his long trip, he has been away for a while.