
Chapter Twelve

Celius and Ennie stood about twenty meters apart. Since the location was packed with trees, they weren't able to see each other.

"Celius, when I count down from three, we will begin. Alright?" Ennie screamed loud enough for Celius to hear her.

"Sure." He had done many spars, so he knew the general rules. Weapons were allowed if both parties agree. No fatal attacks and one must stop if the other gives up or falls unconscious. There were some other smaller rules, but it was an organized fight.

"3… 2… 1… Go!" Hearing the 'go', Celius began to run straight towards the direction that Ennie was in. He dodged the trees with skill, but his eyes didn't blink once. He got to Ennie's location immediately, but he couldn't find her. He looked all around him, but he just couldn't see her.

Suddenly, he felt a shadow looming over him. With lightning speed, he turned his head and looked up. He saw Ennie fall towards him with a wicked smile on her face. "Got you, Celius!" Her hand was clenched into a fist, but Celius was frightened. A small smile formed on his lips as he took a sidestep, dodging her air assault. Moving his body in breathtaking speed, he grabbed her right arm and spun. "Wahh!"

Ennie's vision became blurry as she felt herself begin to spin. A second later, she felt herself flying in the air. Using her fine control skills, she managed to land steadily on her feet. "I win." Suddenly, she heard a whisper coming from behind her. She turned her head and found a large fist floating in front of her. It was Celius' fist.

He had a wide smile on his face as he pulled back his fist. He patted his clothes before looking back at Ennie. On his face was a smile of pride.

"How did you move so fast?" She was shocked. She was in the air for only a split second, plus she was flying in the direction before Celsius, so how did he get behind her without her knowing?

"Haha, I'm just quick on my feet. Plus, with my current cultivation, I'm able to use my muscles effectively to increase my speed." The more he explained, the more annoyed Ennie got.

"Whatever, you were lucky. If you didn't catch me by surprise with your counter, I would have won." She was unwilling to admit defeat, so spoke in a way that made Celius' win look like a fluke.

"But you surprise attacked me too, so I think that either way, I would have won." Celius continued to smile pridefully, which was very different from his usual behavior. Even Ennie was a little speechless from the way he was acting.

"I never knew you also had such a prideful side, Celius. Surprising." She commented with a smirk, completely ignoring the previous conversation.

Celius' face went slightly red as he scratched the back of his head. "Well, I haven't had a proper spar in years, so just doing it again really excited me. My dad would spar with me every day, while I would also spar with my uncle on most days. So, us sparing again made me think of those times. I would always lose back then, so winning right now is a big deal for me. Haha." He became a little awkward as he spoke. He didn't know that he was being arrogant, but the more he thought about it, the more embarrassed he got.

"So, you used to spar every day? No wonder you're stronger than me. Your uncle and dad were considered some of the strongest individuals in the clan." She finally nodded her head and accepted her defeat. She didn't mind that she lost before, but it was fun for her to see such an arrogant Celius.

"Hehe." He was still a little embarrassed, so he quickly cleared his throat and changed the subject. "Well, I need to get back to work now. What are you planning on doing?"

"Hmm." She gave it a thought before smiling. "Would it be alright if I watched how you work? I don't have much to do, plus you won't be as bored with someone here." Little did she know that Celius loved the silence as he worked.

"Knowing that he couldn't just tell her to leave, Celius nodded his head. He picked up the three rope bundles and brought them into the field. He then picked up his ax and walked to the nearest tree outside of the perimeter of his field. He took off his shirt like normal and began to chop away.

Ennie became a little flustered when she saw him take his shirt off but didn't say anything. She knew that it was normal for the males to do so since the heat would bug them and could also be detrimental for their health.

She got up and began to walk around in the field. The more she walked the more interested she got in fielding. 'Looks hard, but fun. This might be good training for people in the Physique Purge realm. No wonder Celius is stronger than most people his age in the clan.' Although there was no statistic to say that he was stronger, Ennie made this guess based on their spar and his strength. She sparred with lots of people, she was able to make this rough guess rather quickly.

After walking around the field for about twenty minutes, she went back to her old spot. She noticed that Celius had cut down around ten trees already and was a little shocked. He was covered in sweat, top to bottom. His muscles, which were extremely nice to look at, were glistening under the sunlight. His long hair was tied with a long leaf. Ennie couldn't help but find herself become red. 'Damn it, mom kept talking about those weird things, and now I'm thinking weird things too.'

Although she thought these things, she couldn't help but watch Celius work. His muscles moved around in a way that made her heart run wild. His almost chiseled face gave off an aura of manliness which Ennie found rare in the boys she knew. This was her first time seeing Celius do a job that most men in the clan avoided. She had seen him cook, clean, care for his siblings, and some other things, but that only made her think of him as a good kid. After they sparred, she noticed that he was much stronger than others had thought, and now seeing him do such a job, she couldn't help but think back to her mother's teasing words.

Celius was completely oblivious to the thoughts that were running through Ennie's head. The only thing on his mind was how he should build the fences. He had made fences many times in the past, so he didn't get stuck on the method. Rather, he was lost on how to make the fences sturdy enough and large enough to prevent animals from intruding in his field. Plus, he had a certain amount of rope to work with. 'I need to make sure that the fence does not have major holes that could let animals in. Maybe I should carve spikes as well so that animals become a little hesitant?' Thoughts like these ran through his head.

Two hours went by quickly and Celius had cut down many trees. Since he broke through a while ago, plus the weird sensation in his chest was making his stronger, he found it easier to cut more trees in a smaller frame of time.

After completing his last tree, he picked up his shirt and wiped the sweat from his face. He then turned his head and saw Ennie looking at him blankly. "Ennie? What's wrong?"

Snapping out of her daze, her face turned beet red. 'Did I stare at him for such a long time? What the heck is wrong with me?' She got up from the ground and patted her green dress. "Oh, I was just curious to see how you chop trees so fast. Your muscles… I mean body moved so fast that I was just shocked."

Celius nodded his head slowly, still a little confused. He ignored it in the end though. "Aren't you getting bored here? You've been sitting still for a while."

"Haha, no I'm alright. It's really fun watching you work… I mean watching people work. Takes the stress out of me. Plus, I think that this type of work is good for people in our realm since we need to work on our bodies." When she mentioned bodies, she couldn't help but turn redder.

"Hey, your face is red. You should stay under the shade; you don't want to get a fever." Celius walked forward and touched her forehead with his sweaty hands. In his mind, there was nothing wrong with his actions, since he was three years younger than her, plus she was his cousin.

Seeing him make such a sudden movement, Ennie couldn't help but feel her face become even hotter. Unconsciously, she took a step back, but Celius was able to touch her forehead before that.

"Wow, you're hot!" Celius exclaimed with surprise.

"T-thanks." She spoke without even thinking but regretted her words once they were out.

"What?" Raising an eyebrow, Celius looked into her eyes with confusion. He couldn't understand what she meant, which, in a way, was a good thing for Ennie, since if he could, that would have been extremely embarrassing for her.

Taking a few steps back, she began to waver her hands. "Oh, nothing. Just thanks for checking to see if I had a fever. Since my head is burning, maybe I should go home. Yea, I'll go home and rest. I have never been in the forest for this long, plus I'm in the sun and all. Maybe I'm just very sensitive. Haha, I'll be leaving then." She spoke so fast that Celius found his head spinning. Just as she was about to go off running, he quickly grabbed her arm.

"There is a pond nearby, plus the water is cold. You should rinse your face to cool it down before going. You don't want to faint or anything midway, do you?" Without waiting for her to reply, he dragged her to the pond that was near his field. Ennie just let him drag her, but her mind was in chaos.

'Get ahold of yourself, Ennie. He's your cousin, plus he's younger than you. He doesn't even see you that way. He probably sees you as a sister or something, so don't get weird ideas.' Sadly, the more she thought, the more chaotic her mind got. 'Wait, what if he does see you like that but is confused or just unwilling? I'm technically the only girl he talks to other than his siblings. Plus, I'm not ugly, so he might be a little interested?' When she got to this point, her face was even redder than apples. Celius just happened to turn his head, and when he did, his face became a little pale.

"Ennie, your face is becoming redder. This might be bad. Let's hurry to the pond." He pulled a little harder, almost making her fall. After a few minutes, they reached a large, clean pond. Taking some water into his hands, Celius began to throw it on her face, ignoring the fact that her clothes would get wet and annoy for her. "Ennie, c'mon, put some water on your face as well. Get some on your nape as well. Try to get some on your chest too. It will make you feel much better." Celius continued to speak as he kept splashing her face with water. 'She really is like those three. If I wasn't here, who knows what would have happened to her with such a fever.'

Ennie came back to reality and began to splash her face, but her face turned even redder when Celius mentioned nape and chest. 'Ah, what the hell is going on with me. Why am I getting flustered over such little things? Kill me, just kill me now.'

"You know what, Ennie, my house near here so let's go there for now. I'll get your mom to pick you up or something, but for now, rest at my house." Celius plucked a large leaf and began to soak it with the water. He then placed it on Ennie's forehead. "This should help to keep you cool for now." He got another leaf and did the same thing but placed it on her nape this time. "Don't let this one fall, since it will help you keep very cool as well." Ennie nodded her head and used both of her hands to hold the leaves. Celius saw that it looked a little uncomfortable to hold it like that, so he pulled some long leaves and tied around her neck, to hold the leaf in place. He did the same with the leaf on her forehead. "There, you don't have to hold it anymore. It should be good." He smiled sweetly.

They walked for a long while and finally reached Celius' house. "Brother!" Rislia was the first to notice him as she ran towards him.

"Hey, Rislia." He picked her up and gave her a big kiss. He gave her tight hug but Rislia began to struggle.

"Eww, you smell." She scrunched up her nose before pushing her face further away from Celius. The latter laughed before placing her on the ground.

"Brother!" Then came the twins. Alura and Elrith both ran towards him with their little legs. "Why are you here so early?" Alura was the first to ask. She was smarter than the other three, so she was able to notice quickly.

He gave them both big kisses before pointing at Ennie. "Big sister Ennie has a fever so she came to rest. Alura, you're a big girl, so can you go and quickly get a towel for me? Make sure it's wet and cold, alright?" Giving a nod, Alura ran off with Elrith. She rushed past Grandpa Amlenor who was walking out of the house with a smile.

"Celius, why are you here so early? Ennie, what's wrong with you dear?" He walked over with concern written on his face. He inspected Ennie's face, only to find it somewhat red, but nothing major. It was also somewhat different from what normally seemed fever red.

"She had a fever, so brought her home to rest." Celius explained.

"Fever? Her face doesn't seem too red, plus this red doesn't look like the one for fevers." Amlenor looked again at Ennie, but he shook his head. Celius, confused, looked at Ennie only to find that her skin was only slightly flushed, nothing like the previous red.

"Woah, it was so red before. Maybe it was a short fever, possibly something else? Ennie, did you eat anything weird in the forest? If you did, tell me quickly. There are some poisonous plants in the forest, wait no, your face would have been purple if you ate the poison, possibly green, but not red like that." Celius spoke out a couple of times but mostly talked to himself. "No matter, for now just rest for a bit. Who knows what it was. When your mother comes, she may know. I'm not adept in these things."

Alura and Elrith soon came out with a wet cloth. Celius thanked them before taking Ennie into the house. He led her into his and Rislia's room and laid her down. He then placed the wet cloth on her forehead. "Just rest, for now, I'm going to go and quickly get your mom, alright?"

"Celius, that's fine…" She was about to speak, but Celius cut her off.

"Ennie, you were really red back in the forest. I don't know if you had a fever or something, but it is better to have someone walk you back to your house. Plus, you need to rest for a bit and your mom might know what happened, so let me just call her. Maybe something happened during our spar that was just delayed until then? I don't know, but just wait for now." Celius smiled before walking out of the room, closing the door behind him. He found his grandpa and explained the situation. "Grandpa, I'm going to get Aunty Vena just in case. She was very red before but now she isn't. Maybe the fever passed or something, but I have a feeling the issue maybe something else. While I'm gone, can you cut her some fruits or something to help her regain some strength? I'm going to take Rislia with me, alright?"

Grandpa Amlenor agreed without hesitation. Alura walked up to Celius with a smile on her face. "Don't worry brother, I will make sure she is alright. Haha."

"And I will make sure no demons touch her. Haha!" Elrith also joined in. Celius pinched both of their cheeks before walking out of the house with Rislia. He quickly went to a nearby pond with Rislia to get the stench off of him as best as he could. Rislia sat on the grass and watched him. She would giggle whenever Celius threw water on her.

After getting out of the water, he quickly put on his shirt and then picked up Rislia. He didn't dry his hair since that would have taken him a long time. He then left for Aunty Vena's home.

'That was so embarrassing. What the heck happened to me? Why was I blushing so much? I don't even like him that way, at least I think I don't.' She silently laid on the bed, thinking back to the scenes in the forest. A sigh escaped her pink lips as she touched the cloth on her head.

Knock Knock

"Ennie, we're coming in." It was Grandpa Amlenor.

"Alright." He pushed the door open and walked in with a tray. Elrith still carried his stick, while Alura also had a bowl in her hands.

"Dear, here are some fruits for you. Eat them to regain some strength." Grandpa Amlenor placed the tray on the bed while Alura did the same with her bowl. She then got on the bed and picked up the spoon in the bowl. Taking some of the food with the spoon she began to aim the spoon towards Ennie's mouth.

"Say ahh." Alura also opened her mouth a little as she said those words. Ennie thought the situation was cute so she opened her mouth. She took the spoon into her mouth and smiled at Alura.

"Wow, that was so good Alura. Did you make it?" Alura placed her hands on her side before smiling.

"I didn't make it, but I helped." Ennie couldn't help but giggle. She then took some pieces of fruit and fed Alura.

"Here, eat some. They're tasty." Alura opened her mouth and took some. Elrith saw this and got on the bed as well.

"Me too." He opened his mouth and Ennie placed a piece in his mouth too.

"Elrith, go away. Ennie is sick." Alura puffed her cheeks and flared at her brother. Elrith cowered a little before moving off the bed. He was scared slightly of his sister, mostly because he couldn't do anything to her even if she did something to him. If he tried to do anything. Elrith knew that his brother and grandpa would punish him.

"Alura, it's alright. I like Elrith too." When Elrith heard this, he smiled so brightly that it looked somewhat awkward. Elrith looked at his sister and smiled with a heroic expression. Alura just shook her head before taking the spoon once again and filling it food. "Alura, why don't you go play for a bit. You must be tired of making so much food for me. Here, I'll finish them myself so go ahead and play, alright?" Ennie wasn't annoyed by Alura, rather she felt a little embarrassed being fed by a little girl who thought she was sick, even though she wasn't.

"Alright." Alura got off the bed and walked out of the room with Elrith.

"Thank you, Grandpa Amlenor. Sorry for troubling all of you." Ennie was feeling ashamed to make such an old person make food for her.

"It's alright Ennie. Honestly speaking, seeing people come over more often makes me happy. Plus, having you around a little more is good for the three kids. They have Celius who acts like the parent, both father, and mother, but having a real girl around can be better. They'll have a big sister like you around, so don't worry about anything." With the consolation from Grandpa Amlenor, Ennie couldn't help but feel her heart lighten a little.

An hour passed by quickly and Celius finally arrived with Aunt Vena. The latter walked into the room with Luna and sat on the bed. "Ennie, what's wrong? Celius was telling me that you had a bad fever in the forest, but it suddenly went down."

Ennie looked at her mother and then at Celius who was still in the room. Aunt Vena, getting the hint, looked at Celius with a smile. "Celius, would you mind taking Luna and Rislia to the other room?"

Celius nodded his head and grabbed Luna gently. He tapped her nose and took her to the other room, where Rislia was playing with the twins and Grandpa Amlenor.

"Alright, what happened?" Aunt Vena asked once again.

Ennie's whole face went red before speaking. "Honestly, I don't know. I was with Celius in the forest. He was chopping the trees and everything, and I kind of got… flustered." Aunt Vena was a little shocked when she heard this. Although she always spoke about Celius being perfect and all, and even mentioning him being the perfect son-in-law, it was all jokes in the end. She had nothing against Celius, but he was much younger than Ennie, plus in her mind, Celius had way too many responsibilities. He wouldn't be able to care of Ennie the way she wanted him to. Plus, Celius himself wasn't interested in marriage.

"How did that happen? I thought you didn't like him like that?" She was still a little confused.

"I don't like him like that, Mom. It was just in the moment or something. I don't even know. Like, I'm used to seeing him be a responsible, mature, and just an overall great person, but this was the first time I saw him in such a… manly form or something." The more she spoke, the redder her face got. Aunt Vena notice this and smiled a little.

"Seems like you might have a crush on Celius. Honestly, I'm not that surprised. He is such a great boy, so you liking him is nothing bad, but I want to say this right now." Suddenly her face became serious. "He is great and everything, but if he continues to be great, that isn't anything good for you. Remember, why is he so great? Because he is responsible, caring, and many more reasons, but mainly because he is responsible. His responsibilities are much more than you think. I'm a parent, so I can tell you this. Raising a child, let alone three is no easy task. Not only does he have to provide financially, but he also needs to make sure they have food, a home, clothes, can get educated, are healthy, and much more. Plus, Celius is young himself, so he has his own needs. Not only that, but the whole clan is his enemy, his parents are dead, and his grandfather is too old. The only person in his family who can be helpful to him is his Aunt Esadora, but as a married woman, she has her own family to look after as well. Do you get what I'm saying?" Ennie shook her head and Aunt Vena sighed. "Celius has too much on his plate, way too much. His mind is probably filled with so much stress that romance or anything similar is not even a concern or path he cares about. He probably doesn't even think about it. All I'm saying is that although he is perfect in many ways, he has many downfalls too." Aunt Vena wasn't trying to talk Celius down to her daughter in any way, rather she just wanted to warn her about the situation Celius was in.

Ennie became silent for a moment before speaking. "Mom, I don't like him the way you think, but I may be wrong. Still, I know his situation and I know that he has too much going on for such things. I won't do anything stupid, so you can trust me." Aunt Vena nodded her head with a smile before helping Ennie get off from the bed.

"Alright, since that's all sorted out, let's go home for now. You should try focusing on cultivation a little more. It will help calm your mind and distract you from such thoughts. If you want to pursue cultivation, you should understand that things such as love come in the way and can be negative sometimes." Aunt Vena gave her a little more advice. Ennie nodded and followed her mother out.

"Celius, Uncle Amlenor, since Ennie is feeling better, I will take her home for now. Thanks again for all the trouble." She picked up Luna who was playing beside Rislia.

"Vena, are you sure? Here, have Celius walk you guys back. Celius, c' mon and go walk them home." Grandpa Amlenor got up and had Celius go with them.

"Sure Grandpa, that was the plan." He then smiled at the two and walked out the door with them.

"Celius, it's alright, you don't have to. You're probably tired…" Shaking his head, Celius declined them.

"Aunty, I'm alright. Plus, it is only right that I walk you back." He then turned to his three siblings. "Alright you three, I'm going to drop Aunty home and will be back by night, so don't bother grandpa too much." All three of them nodded their heads. Even Rislia nodded without crying too much. She just walked up and gave him a small peck on his cheek. Alura did the same, while Elrith, for some reason, patted Celius' shoulder and nodded at him heroically. Celius suddenly got the urge to spank the boy but held it back. He ruffled Elrith's head and walked away.

Leading the three out of the house, he began to escort them back. Luna, who had gotten very close to Celius in the past few days, was in his arms during the walk. Of course, Celius didn't mind, rather he liked Luna quite a lot. She was also a very cute kid, plus she was smaller than Rislia so he couldn't help but adore her.

The walk back was quiet. Celius continued to play with Luna, while Ennie and Aunt Vena talked amongst themselves, occasionally shooting glances at Celius.

After walking for a while, they finally reached their house. After thanking Celius and taking Luna, all three of them entered the house, while Celius rushed back to his field. He still needed to make the fence.

Arriving at his field, Celius quickly pulled all the trees he cut together. He then began to scrape the bark off from the trunks. After completing that, which took him over four hours to do, he began to cut the tree into many rectangles. This took him about two hours to complete and he was completely soaking in sweat.

"That is way too hard, hah." He stretched his back as he began to think. "All that is left is putting all of this together." The first thing he did was to take all of the mid-sized wooden logs and began to outline the border. He stood them vertically, with about one-fourth of each log being underground. Then taking the longer planks, he began to horizontally place them in between the mid-sized ones. He did this until they stacked on top of one another. Using the smaller pieces, which had sharp tips, he began to place them outside of the wall like a fence, randomly.

"Five hours of work, but luckily it's finished." The sky was turning dark so he quickly went to the nearest pond and began to bathe, this time he completely stripped since it was dark, and no one would be around.

He got out after twenty minutes and then headed back home. Of course, he wore all of his clothes first. He didn't get fish this time since there were still some leftovers left at home.

When he got home, he found that Elrith and the three were already fast asleep. "Grandpa, why did they sleep so early?" He found his grandpa in the kitchen, reading some old book.

"Oh, hey Celius. Well, I took them out for a walk in the market and also went to a pond to swim for a bit. They got tired after that and fell asleep." Celius smiled when he heard that.

"Alright then. Do you want to spend another night here then?" He didn't mind, plus he could just sleep with Alura and Rislia again and let his grandpa sleep with Elrith.

"Not this time. The festival is coming up, so I have to do some work for that tonight." His face then became a little serious and showed annoyance. "Since the festival is coming up, the old bastards are making me work all day, so I won't be able to look after these three for a while."

"Hmm. This would have been fine if you had to work after a few days, at least until aunty Esadora got here, but right now…" A frown appeared on his face. He couldn't stop working at the field since weeds grew very quickly, plus animals would soon begin to smell the flowers. His grandfather also couldn't just decline since that would put him in an even worse situation. "Maybe I'll just take the three to the field or something." That was his thought process then it suddenly struck him. "Wait, do you think that Aunty Vena will be able to care for them during these few days?"

"Vena? She probably wouldn't mind, but…" Although he stopped, Celius knew what he meant.

"I know, it would be rude to just show up and intrude on their privacy like that. We can't do that." Grandpa Amlenor nodded his head and also sighed. "Well, I'll just take them to the field with me then. Nothing major should happen for now since the flowers are still in their early stages. Luckily, Elrith and Alura will be at their classes for a good three hours, so the only problem will be Rislia." Celius sighed a little as he sat down in front of his grandfather. "Also, can you cut my hair later? It's coming in the way of my work so it would be better if it was shorter."

Nodding his head, Grandpa Amlenor smiled. "Sure, but I don't do amazing haircuts, so don't have high expectations. Haha."

"That's fine, I just need them short enough to not bother me." Celius didn't mind. He never really took his appearance into account since he worked in the forest. "I'm going to get some rest, I had way too much to do today." He got up from his seat and began to massage his traps as he walked into his room. Grandpa Amlenor nodded his head as he got up and left the house. His house was a bit away, but it was nothing for him.

Celius laid down beside Rislia and closed his eyes. It took him a bit, but he was eventually able to fall asleep.

Once again, Celius had a dream. The pattern repeated with the various clouds and the large one. When he entered the large cloud this time, he found himself on top of a white fluffy cloud, but the scenery was different. Below him was a large town. Fire was rampant everywhere and a purple fog traversed the whole town. Everything the purple fog touched soon died.

Watching many people die, Celius had no major reaction. His gaze was set on the purple fog. He waved his hand and the purple fog suddenly shot towards him. He waited patiently as the fog approached him. Soon, the fog turned into a large, fluffy, purple cloud. It gave off a very poisonous air, but Celius ignored all of that and stretched out his hand to touch it. The cloud shook slightly and moved a little back, as if a little scared of Celius' hand, however, Celius pushed his hand forward with more aggression. His hand touched the cloud and he began to stroke it.

Just like what happened to the lightning cloud in the previous dream, the purple cloud turned into a large whirlwind that continued to spin. Soon it turned into a large tornado, with purple liquid shooting out of it randomly. Celius reached out his hand and the tornado aimed for his hand once again.

Slowly, the tornado began to vanish and what appeared was another blade. Unlike the lightning sword from last time, this whole blade was purple. It's hilt, handle, and blade. All of it was purple. It was dripping with purple liquid, and the hilt which was made from purple clouds rained with the purple liquid, almost like purple rain.

Celius pointed the sword forward and a purple smoke began to blast forward, turning the blue-sky purple. The town below began to corrode as the buildings disappeared slowly and the skeletons vanished. He watched the scene with a calm gaze and as he was distracted by the blade that had entered his chest, but Celius for some reason showed no reaction. It was as if he didn't even know it happened.

The scene changed once again. He continued sitting on the white cloud, but everything below turned white as well. It was another town filled with snow. A large whitish-blue cloud was causing snow, hail, and rain to fall all together on the small town. Buildings broke under the onslaught of the hail, the pieces floated around because of the rain that caused a river to form, and then everything was covered by a layer of white snow. Not a single person was present, resulting in the town giving a very eerie feeling.

Celius raised his hand and the cloud came towards him. Everything repeated. A tornado appeared and then disappeared in his hand, slowly showing a sword. The sword this time was blue and white. The hilt and handle were made from white clouds, while the blade from sapphire ice. It gave off a cold yet sharp glint. Celius' gaze averted from the sword once again and then the sword divided into his chest.

In the distance, a fast-moving grey cloud came into sight. Its speed was so fast, that even the blue sky had spaces that seemed… cut. Reaching out his hand, the cloud swiftly landed on his hand. Unlike last time, a tornado wasn't formed, rather the cloud swiftly transformed, and a grey clouded hilt and handle appeared, but there was no blade. Rather than saying there was no blade, the best description was that the blade was invisible. A sharp cry came from the sword and the sound only got louder when Celius approached the area where the blade should have been. It was a sword which was sharp because of its speed.

Just like before, the blade slipped into Celius' chest. Laying back onto the white cloud. Celius closed his eyes and fell into a deep slumber.

As he lay quietly on the cloud, a sudden shriek echoed in the air. All the blades that were previously inside of his chest, began to appear one by one. The sword with the dark clouds and lightning, the poison cloud sword, the ice and water cloud sword, and finally the wind cloud blade. All four blades began to spin around him and slowly transformed back into their cloud forms. Then they all combined to form the large cloud with many variants filled within. Surprisingly, the large cloud began to shrink until it became a small bead. It entered Celius' chest slowly, while the white cloud under Celius began to wrap all over his body until he was within the cloud. The blue sky became silent once more.