
Cloud Arise

In a world of declining spiritual powers, young Lin Yun accidentally acquired a piece of jade with powerful spiritual powers. The jade pepe not only accelerated his cultivation by leaps and bounds, but also revealed an ancient power that was about to revive. With the revival of psychic powers, secret places around the world begin to reappear. In the process of exploring these secret areas, Lin Yun met many like-minded partners, but also encountered many enemies who coveted power. In the encounter with the enemy, Lin Yun gradually understands that only by mastering the true power of Jade Pei can he be invincible in the coming battle of spiritual recovery. However, when all the clues point to an ancient prophecy, Lin Yun is faced with a difficult choice: Will he continue his quest for power, or give it all up to protect the balance of the world?

DaoistMiwXI8 · ファンタジー
24 Chs

The Unknown Power

Lin Yun felt the growing power within him, filled with awe. This power resonated with his wasted veins, making him feel stronger than ever. However, he hadn't yet fully mastered this power, and the beast's roars grew closer.

The beast lunged at Lin Yun again, faster and stronger this time. Lin Yun knew he had to fight back. Focusing his attention, he tried to channel the power within him to his hands. As the beast lunged, Lin Yun unleashed a burst of light, striking the beast and making it roar in pain.

Lin Yun was delighted by this newfound strength but knew he needed more training and understanding to fully control it. Taking advantage of the beast's injury, he quickly ran towards the cave's exit. The beast's angry roars echoed behind him, but Lin Yun didn't dare look back, knowing he couldn't fall here.

Bursting out of the cave, Lin Yun was momentarily blinded by the sunlight. Panting heavily, he glanced back at the cave, where the beast's shadow had vanished into the darkness. Despite the danger averted, the sense of peril lingered. Lin Yun knew this adventure was just the beginning, and more challenges awaited.

He decided to tell Elder Ling Feng about this experience, hoping to receive guidance and help. After all, the power had come so suddenly, and Lin Yun needed time to understand and master it.

Returning to the village, Lin Yun found villagers gathered at the entrance, discussing something intensely. Approaching them, he saw Chen Hao and some young men talking about something they found outside the village.

"Lin Yun, where have you been? We found strange tracks outside the village, like a large beast passed through," Chen Hao said, worried.

Lin Yun's heart tightened, but he knew he couldn't reveal his experience, so he calmly said, "I just went to the cave, didn't see any beast."

Villagers were surprised to hear he had been to the cave. The cave was the village's most mysterious place, rarely approached, let alone entered.

"You went to the cave? That's a dangerous place, are you okay?" an elderly villager asked, concerned.

"I'm fine, just curious and took a look," Lin Yun tried to stay calm, not wanting the villagers to know too much about the power's secret.

Night fell, and Lin Yun went to Elder Ling Feng's residence. Ling Feng was already waiting, seemingly expecting his visit.

"Lin Yun, you went to the cave today?" Ling Feng's voice was deep and authoritative.

"Yes, Master. I found some strange things there and encountered a beast," Lin Yun detailed his experience, hoping for answers.

Ling Feng listened silently, then slowly said, "It seems your fate has begun to change. That power is not ordinary. You need to train hard to master it."

"Master, what is this power?" Lin Yun asked urgently.

"It is an ancient legacy power, accessible only to the chosen. This power will be with you for life, bringing endless challenges and dangers," Ling Feng's eyes gleamed with complexity. "You must be prepared for what's to come."

Lin Yun nodded, filled with resolve. He knew his fate was no longer ordinary, and the future held unknown challenges. But he wasn't afraid because he now had power and a goal.

"Master, what should I do?" Lin Yun asked.

Ling Feng smiled slightly, "Starting tomorrow, I'll teach you some training methods to help you control this power better. But remember, the path of cultivation is long and arduous. You must remain steadfast."

Grateful, Lin Yun nodded, knowing he had found his path forward. The night deepened, the village silent, but Lin Yun's heart burned with determination.

As he prepared to leave, Ling Feng suddenly said, "There's one more thing. Recently, there have been unusual activities outside the village. Be careful and protect yourself."

Lin Yun was startled, becoming vigilant. It seemed the village's peace was about to be disrupted, with more storms ahead.

Returning to his small house, Lin Yun lay on his bed, lost in thought. He knew his path of cultivation had just begun, and the legacy power would lead him to an unknown future. But no matter how difficult the journey, he wouldn't back down because he had power, a goal, and hope.

As he pondered, a low roar suddenly came from outside, seemingly from the distant mountains, carrying a sense of unease and threat.

Lin Yun sat up abruptly, heart pounding. He had heard this sound in the cave. Could the beast still be nearby?