
Cloud Arise

In a world of declining spiritual powers, young Lin Yun accidentally acquired a piece of jade with powerful spiritual powers. The jade pepe not only accelerated his cultivation by leaps and bounds, but also revealed an ancient power that was about to revive. With the revival of psychic powers, secret places around the world begin to reappear. In the process of exploring these secret areas, Lin Yun met many like-minded partners, but also encountered many enemies who coveted power. In the encounter with the enemy, Lin Yun gradually understands that only by mastering the true power of Jade Pei can he be invincible in the coming battle of spiritual recovery. However, when all the clues point to an ancient prophecy, Lin Yun is faced with a difficult choice: Will he continue his quest for power, or give it all up to protect the balance of the world?

DaoistMiwXI8 · ファンタジー
24 Chs

Searching Through the Mist

The morning sun filtered through the thinning mist, illuminating the dewdrop-covered leaves and fragrant soil. Lin Yun and Elder Ling Feng wandered through the woods, the ground beneath them slippery and occasionally crackling with dry branches. The echo of last night's growl lingered in their minds.

As they followed a narrow path, Lin Yun suddenly halted, his gaze sharpening. "Master, there's a cave ahead."

Ling Feng followed Lin Yun's gaze to a dark cave entrance partially hidden by foliage, seemingly forcefully excavated. They exchanged a glance and cautiously approached the cave. A cold draft emanated from the entrance, an eerie chill from the earth's depths. Lin Yun picked up a stone and tossed it inside, listening to the sound as it tumbled down, indicating the cave's depth.

Ling Feng nodded and stepped into the cave first, with Lin Yun close behind. The air inside was damp, carrying a musty odor. They lit torches, the flickering flames revealing strange runes on the cave walls, resembling ancient sacrificial markings.

"These runes... seem to possess some kind of power," Ling Feng observed, his gaze thoughtful. Lin Yun touched the runes, feeling a faint ripple of spiritual energy, conveying some kind of message.

Suddenly, a faint noise ahead made them halt, holding their breath. Moments later, a shadow detached itself from the wall and quickly darted further into the cave.

Ling Feng shouted and sped after the shadow. Lin Yun followed, pursuing the shadow through the cave's twisting tunnels. The torches flickered, casting eerie shadows on the cave walls.

They eventually arrived at a spacious stone chamber. In the center stood a massive stone platform, covered in intricate runes. The shadowy figure stood beside the platform, shrouded in a black cloak, with only a pair of glowing red eyes visible.

"Who are you?" Ling Feng demanded sharply.

The figure remained silent, muttering under its breath. The runes on the platform suddenly glowed, enveloping the chamber in powerful spiritual energy. Lin Yun felt a crushing pressure on his chest as if his spiritual energy was being drained.

Ling Feng shouted, unleashing a beam of spiritual light at the figure. The figure dodged, the light missing by a hair. It let out a low, sinister laugh, a sound from the depths of hell. "You've come just in time to become sacrifices."

The runes on the platform spread out, forming a massive spiritual array that trapped Lin Yun and Ling Feng. The array's power intensified, threatening to consume them entirely. Lin Yun gritted his teeth, focusing all his spiritual energy to break free.

At that moment, Ling Feng shouted, forming complex hand seals. A golden light burst from his palms, shooting skyward. The light collided with the array, causing a violent tremor that shook the entire chamber.

"Lin Yun, retreat!" Ling Feng commanded, holding off the array's power. Lin Yun burst from the array like a beast freed from a cage. He turned to see his master pale and exhausted.

"Go... quickly..." Ling Feng whispered, his voice barely audible. Lin Yun nodded, helping Ling Feng out of the chamber. Behind them, the shadowy figure let out an enraged howl, unwilling to let them escape. They ran through the tunnels, finally emerging into the sunlight.

Breathless, they stopped, Ling Feng leaning against a tree, his gaze intense as he looked back at the cave. An uneasy atmosphere lingered in the air.