
Cloud Arise

In a world of declining spiritual powers, young Lin Yun accidentally acquired a piece of jade with powerful spiritual powers. The jade pepe not only accelerated his cultivation by leaps and bounds, but also revealed an ancient power that was about to revive. With the revival of psychic powers, secret places around the world begin to reappear. In the process of exploring these secret areas, Lin Yun met many like-minded partners, but also encountered many enemies who coveted power. In the encounter with the enemy, Lin Yun gradually understands that only by mastering the true power of Jade Pei can he be invincible in the coming battle of spiritual recovery. However, when all the clues point to an ancient prophecy, Lin Yun is faced with a difficult choice: Will he continue his quest for power, or give it all up to protect the balance of the world?

DaoistMiwXI8 · ファンタジー
24 Chs

Rising Storm

Nightfall gradually blanketed the land, the forest alive with the calls of insects and birds, as if recounting the day's events. Lin Yun and Chen Hao walked side by side on the path, their steps crunching softly on the fallen leaves. The air was thick with the scent of earth and trees, bringing a sense of peace to their minds.

"This amulet feels like a key to some greater secret," Chen Hao murmured, his eyes fixed on the amulet in Lin Yun's hand.

Lin Yun nodded, his gaze deep and contemplative. His fingertips gently caressed the amulet's surface, the runes emitting a faint glow under his touch, as if they were alive. The amulet was cold and hard, exuding an aura of ancient power that commanded respect.

Back in the village, Lin Yun headed straight for Elder Ling Feng's house. In the courtyard, the bamboo leaves rustled softly in the night breeze, producing a calming sound. The warm yellow glow of the lamplight inside cast a serene light on the stone bench in the courtyard.

"Master, I'm back," Lin Yun said quietly as he pushed the door open.

Ling Feng, who was reading an ancient book, looked up. His eyes showed a hint of fatigue, but also concern. Lin Yun handed the amulet to Ling Feng, waiting silently for his response.

Ling Feng examined the amulet carefully, his brows furrowing slightly. "This amulet... where did you find it?"

"In the depths of the cave, along with a giant rune," Lin Yun replied, describing their experiences in the cave.

After listening, Ling Feng pondered for a moment before speaking slowly, "The rune and this amulet seem to be connected to an ancient legend. According to the legend, the amulet is the key to unlocking a forbidden land that holds immense power and secrets."

A flicker of curiosity and anticipation crossed Lin Yun's eyes. "Master, where is this forbidden land?"

Ling Feng shook his head. "The exact location of the forbidden land is unknown. But it is said that only those who possess the amulet can find its entrance."

Lin Yun gazed down at the amulet in his hand, feeling a deep sense of destiny. He knew that this discovery might change his life forever.

The night deepened, and Lin Yun sat alone in the courtyard, reflecting on the day's events. The wind played with his robes, bringing a chill. He looked up at the star-studded sky, his mind awash with endless thoughts.

Suddenly, a meteor streaked across the sky, leaving a long trail of light, as if conveying a message. Lin Yun's thoughts raced with the meteor, envisioning countless possibilities for the future.

A few days later, Lin Yun decided to return to the cave, this time with more tools and preparations. Chen Hao remained by his side, his eyes filled with determination. The two of them shared a silent understanding, focused solely on their goal – finding the forbidden land and uncovering the amulet's secrets.

At the cave entrance, the wind whispered as if welcoming them back. Lin Yun took a deep breath, raised his torch, and led Chen Hao once again into the darkness. The runes on the cave walls still glowed faintly, guiding their way forward.

As they ventured deeper, the air grew colder, and an invisible pressure seemed to weigh down on them. Lin Yun felt his heart beat faster, each step heavier than the last. He knew that what lay ahead would be a greater challenge than they had ever faced.

Suddenly, a low sound echoed from ahead, as if something was watching them from the shadows. Lin Yun raised his torch, the light flickering, casting eerie shadows on the cave walls.

"Lin Yun, look over there," Chen Hao whispered, his voice tense.

Following Chen Hao's gaze, Lin Yun saw a stone door not far ahead, intricately carved with runes and symbols. These runes closely resembled those on the amulet, as if forming an ancient spell.

Lin Yun approached the door, carefully studying the runes. He felt a familiar power emanating from them. Taking out the amulet, he aligned it with a small indentation in the door. The amulet vibrated slightly, resonating with the door.

"This is the entrance," Lin Yun said quietly, his eyes resolute. He knew that behind this door lay the answers they had been seeking.

Just then, hurried footsteps echoed from deeper within the cave. Lin Yun and Chen Hao turned to see several shadowy figures rapidly approaching. Their movements were agile and precise, clearly not ordinary people.

"Someone's coming, quick, get inside!" Lin Yun ordered, pushing against the stone door. The door slowly opened under the amulet's influence, revealing a dark passage. Lin Yun and Chen Hao swiftly entered, the door closing heavily behind them.

Inside the passage, the light was dim, and the air was thick with dampness. Lin Yun held up the torch, leading Chen Hao forward. Their footsteps echoed, each step a beat in the tense silence.

At the end of the passage, they found themselves in a vast underground chamber. In the center stood a massive altar, and atop it, an ancient stone chest. The chest was covered in intricate runes, glowing faintly.

Approaching the altar, Lin Yun felt a powerful force emanating from the chest. He touched the chest's surface, feeling a slight vibration. He knew that something important was hidden within.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Yun opened the chest. A surge of spiritual energy exploded out, enveloping the chamber in brilliant light. Lin Yun felt his spiritual energy soar, almost overwhelming him.

"Lin Yun, watch out!" Chen Hao's shout broke through the energy surge.

Lin Yun turned to see the shadowy figures had found their way into the passage, their eyes gleaming with menace. The air was thick with tension, and the promise of a fierce battle loomed.

Gripping the amulet tightly, Lin Yun's eyes hardened. He knew this fight would determine their survival and reveal a fragment of the ancient secret they sought.