


An alarm blaring on top of his bedside drawer woke him up. With his arm stretched out, he reached for the clock to stop its waking noise.

"Good morning, handsome," Xiao Zhi purred beside him.

The nakedness between them reminds him of their sex last night or what she called "baby-making". For him, it didn't feel at all like it. The woman was rough in bed. Bouncing her body against him wildly and scratching his back like a cat in need. The woman did not stop asking for more until he reached the third. After he finished off, he laid on his back and slept leaving the woman awake.

"You did great last night…," the woman whispered into his ear.

Rather than be glad for the compliment, he felt irritated. The woman pushed him to his limits that his body ached in every corner. Even his shaft felt chaffed after last night's sex with the woman.

"I've never had an orgasm like that before…," Xiao Zhi continued to amuse him.