
Cloning system in another world

Xzson's life in the human world had always been an uphill battle. Tormented and bullied by his classmates, he endured each day with silent resilience. But his life was about to take a dramatic turn. One fateful day, after a particularly brutal attack, Xzson lost consciousness, only to awaken in a realm beyond his wildest imagination. In this new world, an enigmatic system offered him a choice that would redefine his existence - the power to create and control clones of anyone. With newfound abilities at his fingertips, Xzson embarks on an extraordinary journey, seeking justice for the torment he endured in his previous life. He'll discover that, in this world of limitless possibilities, the line between hero and villain is often blurred, and the choices he makes will shape the destiny of not only himself but entire civilizations. As Xzson harnesses the power of the cloning system, he'll face challenges that test the limits of his newfound abilities, and confront the darkness within himself. The path he chooses to tread will determine his ultimate fate and the fate of the worlds he encounters. Hello everyone this is my first time writing a novel, if I made any spelling mistakes please there ignore those, and I will try to do better in future chapters.

Uphar · ファンタジー
257 Chs

Xzson and Epquen part 2

 "You can't run away now you lowly human." Epquen instantly reappeared behind me and tried to stab his sword on my back. "Not So fast! 'flight'" I used my skill in flights and immediately blocked his attack but his other dagger was successfully able to give me a scratch on my bally. 

(Warning! Host clone Janifer is poisoned by Frost Serpent's Bite)

(Description: Forged by the Ice Goddess, this dagger harnesses the power of frost and venom. It freezes the heart of its victim with a chilling touch and delivers a deadly paralysis-inducing venom, leaving them helpless in the cold grasp of death. The blade glows with an eerie, icy blue light, and its wielder gains control over ice and cold, making it a formidable weapon.)

"Huh? This poison is a creation of Sendra. Why would she create something like this? System, how long will it take for Janifer's heart to freeze?"

(Host, considering the speed at which the poison is moving toward the clone's heart, I can accurately estimate that it will take approximately 2 minutes.)

"Two minutes! I have to defeat him in two minutes," I thought, and I focused on Epquen, who was smirking with pleasure.

"Do you have any last wishes, you wretched human? Speak now, for your time is running out. I must admit, I feel some regret that my daughter is bound to perish alongside you. But, I no longer require her. Her primary purpose was to provide an heir to our family and continue our bloodline," he laughed malevolently, his eyes fixed on my wounded belly, where the poison-dripping daggers froze the area.

"System, I'm more powerful than this old fatass, so why can't I fight against him?"

(Host, you are indeed powerful, but the 'Qi Devouring Venom' is suppressing most of your strength. Additionally, facing a fighter with centuries of experience is no easy feat.)

"I understand. I'm weak and inexperienced, even though I'm technically stronger. I need to find a way to gain more experience and rid my body of this devouring venom," I pondered. Suddenly, an idea struck me.

"System, how much mana would it consume to use my flight speed at full potential?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

(Let me check... Host, using your flight speed at full power will consume between 250 to 300 mana, and possibly more. Note: Continuous usage will escalate the consumption. I advise against using it more than three times in succession, as it might leave you with insufficient mana for further movement.)

"I know how much I have to use. I just need to injure him badly and take out that Frostgate Amulet to leave this realm. But it won't be easy. I have to do it at lightning-fast speed before he can react," I mused, locking eyes with Epquen.

"Why are you silent? Are you afraid that you're going to die? It's too late. You lost your life because of your ego and arrogance. You deserve this, you lowly human. Now face your end, bastard! Hahahaha!" Epquen's laughter echoed with pleasure as he witnessed me slowly succumbing to the venom. Eventually, I opened my mouth and looked at him with a sly smile.

"Yes, I have my last wish," I declared, meeting his gaze.

Epquen was taken aback, his curiosity piqued. "What is your wish?"

"I'm going to beat you up so badly now. 'Flight'!" I exclaimed, vanishing from his sight in an instant. Epquen's surprise was evident as he tried to react, but before he could, I materialized in front of him, a lava-covered fist connecting with his face.

"Ahaaaa!" he screamed and was thrown several feet away, struggling to get up. But I didn't give him an inch. "No, I won't let you even move an inch," I declared, relentlessly pounding him with fiery fists to his belly and face.

"You bastard... how can you move like that after... being poisoned with my daggers... ahaaaa," Epquen attempted to speak, bloodied and in agony.

Despite his resistance, I continued to deliver punishing blows. Epquen's muscles began to burn from the relentless assault, and he gasped for breath. However, my stamina was waning. I realized that I couldn't maintain this for much longer.

"He's still resisting, and my mana is running low. Greeta!" I thought, calling for the assistance of Greeta's clone. I had almost forgotten about her. Epquen's body was already suffering from the relentless assault, but my mana was running dangerously low.

(Host, your mana capacity is almost depleted. You can't keep this up any longer. Please finish him now.)

"Okay!" I responded, and with a final push, I sent Epquen hurtling toward Greeta. He seemed to think my attack had ceased, but Greeta had other plans. With a powerful kick, she launched Epquen high into the air, and he disappeared into the clouds.

I followed suit, ascending into the air to deliver the decisive blow. However, just as I was about to strike, a warning from the system jolted me.

(Warning! Host, your body is in danger. Someone is attempting to kill you!)

"What? Who's trying to kill me now? This is the worst possible timing! I can't leave the Janifer clone here in the middle of all this. I have to finish him off right now, or I won't be able to escape this realm. System, can you do anything to stop the attacker?" I asked, frustration evident in my voice.

(Yes, host, I can take humanoid form and attempt to delay the attacker, but my mana efficiency is limited. I can only buy you some time.)

I made some adjustments to the text for clarity and grammar:

"Wait, you can also take human form... I remember seeing that notification, but it was mixed with several others. Okay, do anything to prevent the attacker from hurting me; I'll finish him now," I said as I focused on Epquen.

(Okay, I'm going then!)

When the system left my mind, I felt like a part of my soul was missing. "No, focus on him." I flew through the air and quickly closed the distance. As I came to a halt, I declared, "Take this, you old fatass!" and delivered a powerful kick to his stomach.

"Áaaaaaaaa!" He sputtered saliva and vomited as his screams resonated, echoing as loudly as Siran's. I was certain that everyone in the Ice Realm could hear his cries. Epquen plummeted towards the ground at incredible speed.

"Boom!" The entire mansion quaked from the impact as the earth quickly emerged. Furniture and precious items in the room were reduced to dust and waste. I frantically looked for Greeta, fearing she was hurt. Soon, I found her; she was a bit injured, her clothing damaged, and her body exposed.

"She's fine—" Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my heart. "My heart is frozen... No, I can't die here. I have to get the Frostgate Amulets... Wait, Greeta is fine. I can take over her body," I mused and shifted my consciousness to Greeta's clone.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself in Greeta's body and saw Janifer's body frozen like an ice crystal.