

Lady strives through the hardships of life, finding her path through the frequent storms and gradually finding her feet again, turning no leaf unturned to provide an assuring and beautiful future for herself and her priceless possession that she had no intention of letting go, her children.

Gee_efh · ファンタジー
39 Chs


"Isn't it wrong for a lady to be brooding whiles a feast is going on?" A deep timbre tone startled Lady out of her grim thoughts.

She lifted her head and saw a young man, probably around her age dressed in brown. And surprisingly he made Lady feel as if it was the man who had saw her when she was caught in the trap. He was in the same earthy hues, his eyes which were almost dark held the same domineering but mature look the man from before had. Lady cursed inwardly for not committing the man before's appearance to her memory but she couldn't really blame herself as the pain she was going through at that time was more than enough to put her mind at a panicky rest.

"Ahem" the man standing over her cleared his throat after Lady had stared so intently at him for a long time that he was getting uncomfortable.

" Forgive my rudeness" Lady started apologising " but I didn't want to stare at you for so long, it's just that you remind me of someone"

The man smiled at her and sat down beside her" Apology accepted, so now would tell me why you are sitting here alone?"

" I could ask the same about you" Lady chuckled a little subtle.

"I stand by the logic that I asked you first" The man now turned to Lady with an amusing glint in his eyes.

"Okay, fine" Lady exhaled " I'm not really feeling well and my mood is rather sour so I came here for fear of ruining the festivities with my sour mood"

The man laughed a hearty laugh" You are truly noble, as for me I came here to escape from someone"

"Is that so?" Lady asked with genuine curiosity " A lady I presume?"

The man laughed again " Of course"

Lady couldn't help but join in the laughter of the man. Lady still had that

curiosity about the man being who she had met a year ago when she was in that dire situation. But being a proper lady like they all like to put it, it would be utter rudeness and unladylike to ask as it would be much prying.

Nevertheless, she fell into a perfect conversation with the similar man as they talked about their town and she was surprised to find out that the young man also shared her views about those silly rules that had been laid down as the proper code of conduct for the young mature men and women.

She found out that they had so much in common and she wanted their conversation to keep on till forever. The young man made her laugh without restraints, her ethics flying out the window as they chatted on like two robins that had found a perfect place for nesting.

Soon after Lady realised the people in their compound were thinnning out, the darkness heavily induced and the air heavily cold.She realised it must have been a little over midnight and sighed heavily.

"I think I'm supposed to go now" The young man stood up, brushing the dirt from his brown clothes, a wonderful smile adorning his facial features.

"It's such a pity, I hope I see you again" Lady pouted a little but managed to achieve an alluring but hopeful smile on her face.

"Maybe, maybe not " The young man said playfully " I'm Vesi"

"Call me-"


"Yes and how did you know my name?" Lady asked confused but not shocked.

"I thought you were going to ask something else but nevermind it will be for another time" the man taunted her playfully but left with a smile, disappearing into the crowd without waiting for a word from Lady.

Lady who was now shocked and surprised opened her mouth like a gaping fish but couldn't utter a word. Finally she gained her composure and stood up with a grateful smile adorning her face as she brushed the dirt from her dress, hiding the ground cloth in the low branches of the huge tree. Suddenly having a lifted up mood, she walked hurriedly into the crowded area of the festivities. She noticed the song players scraping out a soft melodious tune out of their instruments into the open air eluding pure grace and peace.

With a smirk on her face, she moved closer to the head instrumentalist, muttering into his ear to pick up a rythm for her to dance to. If anything, Lady was known throughout the town as the dancing beauty enigma. Her family from her mother's side were all dancers and dancing spirit flowed through their veins as well as their unearthly beauty and also her family from her father's side were mixed of handsome instrumentalists and singers so naturally she was just born to be a genius.

With an evil but beautiful smirk on her face, she dashed into the middle of the compound just in front of the bonfire with the flute whirling a majestic tune of her entrance enthralling every eye present to her frame as her stood in the Queen's stance, her hands intertwined high above her head, her left leg slightly bowed to the earth, her narrow waist jerked out slightly and her dress clinging to her frame. Lady looked like a dancing goddess with Queen's stance with the yellow glow of the bonfire illuminating her frame and giving her an outerworldly look. She hummed the the tune of her song an indication to the crowd and the instrumentalists that she was now ready. Then the hollow drums striked their first chord asking for an assurance that she was indeed ready.

Lady responded by twirling her hands and making a wild but smoothly coordinated twirl ending with a bowed head and a slightly swaying waist that she was more than ready. Then the hollow drums striked again followed by the rest of the instruments as they began to accompany the dancing goddess. Lady jerked her waist and her body with the tune that was playing, all and sundry had taken seats or were still standing as silently as they could watching the alluring beauty's dance.

Lady was now in her own world, her body moving smoothly and painstakingly beautiful that the females were envious and the males were more than thrilled and willing to lay down their lives for her.

Lady twirled and twirled, her legs coordinating with her hands and body as she would pick up another stance followed by it's movements after a twirl. The instrumentalists found new and raw energy seeping into their bones the more they played the fine tune of Lady's family original dance song. A dance song personally made and coordinated by Lady's ancestors, a symbol of the dancing spirit in their blood, the Queen's stance was the first move, a move only the females from Lady's mother's side of the family knew, it was simple but yet complex and difficult to learn if you don't know the basics of the original dance family of the town. So getting to accompany such a talented girl with their tune was more than worth it.

Finally the tune ended and Lady grinded to a stop with the snake's embrace, a stance the required pure agility and balance. Lady stood in the stance with her left leg lifted up, her right hand cocked about her torso and her left hand coiled to signify a snake and her body tilted towards the ground on her right side, with her right leg balancing her with on the tip of it's toes, again one of the peculiar stances of Lady's family.

The crowd went silent then they uproared with thunderous claps and stomping of feet's along with the wolf whistles. Lady relaxed from her stance and now stood on both legs panting heavily, her heart beating rapidly and harshly against her ribcage. She was sure she was gonna get a seizure anytime soon from how frantic and exhausted her heart was.

It had been so long since she danced like this, ever since the incident she hadn't been able to even practice simple moves because the slight movement of her leg meant hours of painful agony. But now her leg was all healed up and good except for the shallow wound she got from the stubborn thorn which was now pulsing with pain but was not enough to stop her from dancing her heart out during her brother's congratulatory feast. She searched for her brother's face amongst the crowd and found him with a proud smile beside their father who was also sporting a proud smile. She smiled back and bowed gently thanking the crowd for their appreciation.

She took deep breaths, raising her head up and looking in the crowd again searching for a particular young man but much to her dismay found no one of that sort. Not dwelling on her disappointment further, she moved form where she was towards her brother and her father to finally congratulate him. She had wanted to skip it but now it seemed she had to be brave enough and let it all go, besides she wasn't going to get her brother around her all the time. He was bound to leave her some point in her life and it was better this way, at least she would know that he was leaving with good intent and was leaving in perfect health.