
Maid and Smith

I used the river surrounding me to clean my wounds and wrapped my arm stumps in my ripped shirt.

The blood loss from my open wounds had made me hungry. The only surrounding foods is a bunch of ants and fallen tree bark.

I swallowed my tongue and started to crawl towards the ants. I started to eat the ants and bark. My tongue was numb and dry.

My eyes fell heavy and I started to drift asleep. My mind was repeating the moment of fright over and over again it felt like I was gonna die due to tremendous mental pain.


I awoke to a cold cloth on my forehead and an ointment on all my wounds. A loud bang hit the floor towards the rooms doorway it was a young lady and a buff elderly man. Their professions were as clear as day, the old man a blacksmith and the lady a maid.

They started to feed me like a baby with a wooden carved spoon. They both left without saying a word. The only thing I could do at the moment was breath and move only a couple of my toes.

2 months later


The faint clangs and bangs of metal echoes through the whole cottage. I was finally able to stand with the assistance of the maid.

She helped me walk to the shed the old man was working in.

He was make armour for the local knights so he must be well known. I spaced out for 5 minutes just thinking about how cool it would be to be a blacksmith, the next thing I know the old man was in my face.

I shuffled back in shock, he started examining the stumps of my arms. He started to shuffle in the back of his workshop and pulled out a pair of wooden prosthetic arms. He said "Ask Nancy ( Maid ) how to control your mana and then come see me once you've mastered it". End....