
Classroom of the Elite - The Apocalypse

The end of the world. Just as Kiyotaka came back to White Room after graduating from ANHS, strangeness befall to the whole world. Out of nowhere, the 'thing' they called Infected spread among humans at incredibly speed. They wandered aimlessly, and once they see living creatures, they'll chase them forever. No one knows what the main cause of this strangeness, but those who bitten by 'em will undoubtedly became their kinds. Every country, no exception, just barely hold themselves by these 'things'. White Room can show such a fierce fights, but only for a while. Every living creatures could be Infected by these 'things', that include animals. And I, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, escaped again from that place since I know it won't hold long. Even so, the outside world was no better than the future of that place. Lone in the mountain, I ventured for search of settlements with Infecteds loitering around the forest.

YvisEV · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Chapter 7 - Peaceful Time

As the elder Horikita and I done giving Takahasi, which is turned out to be what I expected to be the Owner, a proper burial, I couldn't help but be drawn to the tantalizing aroma wafting from the small kitchen area. Horikita was already hard at work, chopping vegetables and preparing ingredients with the skill of a seasoned chef.

I watched with interest as she expertly seasoned a small cut of meat, carefully placing it on a hot skillet with a sizzle. Her movements were precise and deliberate, as if each step had been rehearsed countless times before.

Before long, Horikita had prepared a simple but delicious meal for the four of us to share. The perfectly cooked meat was accompanied by a variety of fresh vegetables and a savory sauce that complemented the flavors perfectly. As we dug in, I couldn't help but feel grateful for her cooking skills, which had elevated our simple rations into a true feast.

"You really are a great cooker, Horikita." I give my honest compliment.

She only gave me a snort as a response, to which turns into a messy blush the moment the elder Horkita spoke up. "Yes, she'll be a perfect wife material. How about a wedding after all the riot calmed down?"

"N-Nii-san?!" Horikita cried out in embarrassment.

"Oho?" Adriel let out.

'What's that 'Oho' supposed to be?' I thought in exasperation.

"Well, I'll consider it," I answered despite myself.


Adriel has been rubbing her eyes, probably for the same reason as me. We look at Horikita's head which is emitting hot steam.

"Very well."

On the other hand, the elder Horikita just nodded with a satisfied smile, not paying attention to Horikita at all.

I noticed a pinch on my side, so I cast a quick glance in that direction and found Adriel who had apparently just tugged on my shirt. She brought her mouth to my ear, whispering. "What's your relationship with her?"

"Best friend." I answered simply.

"That's it?" Adriel said that in a tone that was somehow disappointed.

"Anyway, where do you intend to go?" the elder Horikita promptly changed the subject.

"Niekawa Scarecrow Village."

"Niekawa Village, huh...?" The elder Horikita parotted, then turned to look me in the eye. "Mind if we came, as well?"

"That's no problem. But why, though? From what I see, the area around here has abundant water sources, and rich wildlife to proceed life. The fact that this is a remote location also held an advantage in our current situation."

"...I think I understand why," Horikita spoke up, her face was stern as usual. "Niekawa Scarecrow Village is better fortified, in terrain advantages, and has better access to resources like food and water. It's also possible that there are other survivors in Niekawa Scarecrow Village who could provide help or information for us."

The elder Horikita merely shrugged his shoulders, saying. "Well, I actually just don't want the two of you to be separated."

"N-Nii-san! This is no time for jokes!" Horikita shouted indignantly with a flushed face.

"Hm? But I'm not joking, you see?" The elder Horikita apparently couldn't comprehend what Horikita was trying to say at all.

"Nghhh..." Horikita huffed cutely.

"Are there any other survivors around this block?" Adriel inquired.

"No, not at all. There are no other people but us." The elder Horikita immediately answered.

Adriel and I exchanged glances.

"I think it's okay?" Adriel answered on my behalf. "Besides, the more people the merrier, right? Nee-san's cooking there is also delicious, so it'll boost our spirits even more if you guys come along."

"That's decided, then." I declared so.


As we set out from Minpaku Kambashi Budokan, we followed a winding road that led us towards Suginoyama Pass. The scenery around us was breathtaking, with towering mountains and sprawling forests stretching out in every direction.

"So, Ayanokouji, do you have any idea how much longer it'll take to reach the pass?" The elder Horikita asked, breaking the silence.

"I'm not sure, but I think we're about halfway there," I replied, scanning the terrain ahead for any signs of danger.

We've already spend one days to get to Suginoyama Pass as our next checkpoint, but we are fortunate enough that no incidents happened around the time.

As we approached a particularly narrow section of the road, we heard a sound that couldn't be ignore. It was a low growling noise, coming from the other side of the hill.

'A horde?' I pondered.

"Be cautious," I whispered, my voice barely audible. We tightened our grips on our weapons, ready to face whatever was coming.

Suddenly, they appeared - a mass of Infected, of probably around 20s, tumbling down the hill towards us.

Adriel was the first to spot them, using her keen eyesight to locate the source of the noise. "Looks like we've got company, huh?" she said, drawing her bow.

The elder Horikita took out his machete, while Horikita grabbed a wooden bat from the side of the road. I unsheathed my axe and pulled out a few throwing knives, ready for the attack.

The horde of Infected came into view, their limbs twisted and bodies contorted into grotesque shapes. They were fast and relentless, sprinting towards us with the speed and agility of a predator. We stood our ground, bracing ourselves for the impact.

As the Infected got closer, Adriel released a volley of arrows, taking down a few of them. I threw a knife at a Infected's head. The elder Horikita swung his machete, slicing through a Infected's neck and sending its head flying. Horikita swung her bat, hitting a Infected in the chest and knocking it to the ground.

The Infected closed in on us, but we fought back with everything we had. I swung my axe, cutting through a Infected's arm and causing it to stumble. Adriel fired another arrow, hitting a Infected in the eye and dropping it to the ground. The elder Horikita hacked away at a Infected's torso, cutting it in half. Horikita hit a Infected over the head with her stick, knocking it out cold.

Despite our efforts, the Infected kept coming. They were relentless, and we were beginning to tire. I swung my axe again, but this time an Infected caught it with its hand, stopping the blade mid-swing.

"Ayanokouji-kun!" Horikita yelled, hitting the Infected with her stick and knocking it off balance. I pulled my axe free and swung it again, this time decapitating the Infected with ease.

The horde was thinning out now, but we were all bruised and battered. We breathed heavily, sweat pouring down our faces as we surveyed the damage. We had survived, but barely.

We caught our breath for a few minutes before continuing on our way. It was a sobering reminder of just how dangerous this world had become, and how we could never let our guard down.

We continued our journey towards Suginoyama Pass soon after, and then came across a small village that seemed to be abandoned. A group of survivors huddled together there, trying to fend off a horde of Infected that had surrounded the house. We managed to hold them off with our melee weapons, and the survivors seemed grateful for our help as they got away.

We had been making good progress through the mountains on the third day, despite the occasional Infected encounter. Adriel was proving to be a skilled archer, while The elder Horikita was swift and precise with his machete. Horikita's weapon choice was still a mystery to me, but she held her own against the undead nonetheless.

But then, the weather took a turn for the worse. The air grew colder, and the clouds gathered overhead. We knew we had to find shelter before the storm hit us. As we searched for a place to wait it out, the rain began to pour down in sheets.

Finally, we found a cave that would provide us with some shelter. It was cramped and damp, but it was better than being out in the open.

The elder Horikita and Adriel were gathering dry twigs and branches, while Horikita was looking for rocks to surround the fire pit.

I took out my axe and started cutting up some of the larger branches. "We'll need some thicker wood to keep the fire going," I said.

Once we had a decent pile of dry wood, The elder Horikita used his machete to make kindling and arranged the wood in a teepee shape. Adriel used a flint to create sparks and soon enough, the kindling caught fire.

Horikita helped by adding rocks around the pit, creating a natural windbreak that protected the fire from the gusts of wind that blew into the cave.

As we sat huddled together in the cave, I couldn't help but notice how quiet it had become. The sound of rain pounding on the rocks outside had become a dull roar, and the only noises we made were the occasional shiver or rustle as we adjusted our positions.

Well, we were a passive person to begin with, so I think it was no wonder.

"Man, this is boring," Adriel said, breaking the silence. "We need to play a game or something."

"What kind of game?" Horikita asked skeptically.

"I don't know," Adriel said, "how about truth or dare?"

"I don't really feel like sharing any truths or doing any dares in this situation," The elder Horikita said dryly.

Adriel pouted. "Fine, how about we play a guessing game? I'll think of something, and you guys have to guess what it is."

"Alright," I said, humoring her. "What's the category?"

"Animals," Adriel said excitedly. "Okay, I'm thinking of something that's furry, has big ears, and hops around a lot."

"A rabbit," Horikita said immediately.

"That's kinda not fair, isn't it?" The elder Horikita grumbled.

Adriel giggled. "Okay, okay, how about this one? It's black and white, and it lives in the Arctic."

"A penguin?" I guessed.

Adriel made a face. "No, silly, it's a polar bear!"

We all groaned, but Adriel just laughed.

Eventually, the rain began to ease up, and we knew we had to make a move if we were going to reach Suginoyama Pass before nightfall. We emerged from the cave, damp and shivering, and set out once again into the cold, wet mountains.

The delay set us back a few hours, but we didn't let it dampen our spirits. We were too determined to make it to our destination, anyway.

As we neared the pass, the terrain became increasingly rugged, with steep cliffs and narrow paths that tested our footing. The wind picked up, and I pulled my jacket tighter around me, shivering slightly.

"This place gives me the creeps," Adriel whispered, clinging to my arm.

"Don't worry, we'll be through it soon," I said, trying to sound reassuring.

At last, we reached the top of the pass, as I let out a breath. The view from the top was simply stunning, with a clear view of the surrounding mountains and valleys.

"We made it," The elder Horikita said, smiling faintly. "Good work, everyone."

Horikita nodded in agreement. "Let's rest for today. We still have a long way to go."

We finally reached Suginoyama Pass after a long and grueling journey. It takes three days for us to arrive. Even so, I could feel the exhaustion seeping into my bones, and the others must have felt the same. It was a relief to see the place we were looking for.

As we arrived, we found a good spot to rest. We looked around to see if there were any signs of danger. There were some ruins of old buildings, but they seemed empty. It looked like a quiet place, and we hoped to spend the night without any disturbances.

Adriel and Horikita went to gather some firewood, while The elder Horikita set up some traps around our campsite. I took out my axe and started clearing the area of any obstructions, making sure we had enough space to set up our tents.

After the preparations were done, we gathered around the fire and shared the food we had brought with us. Adriel had prepared some rabbit stew, which tasted heavenly after days of eating canned food. Horikita also contributed by adding some seasoning and herbs to the stew.

As we ate, we talked about our journey so far and what we hoped to find in Niekawa Scarecrow Village. We were all tired and wary, but the sense of camaraderie we shared was comforting. It felt good to have people to rely on in this world.

As the night fell, we all retired to our tents, tired but grateful for the chance to rest. I closed my eyes, feeling the warmth of the fire and the soft rustling of the wind through the trees, and drifted off to sleep.