
Crazy Battle Planning!

In the center of the room, a 3D hologram showed Metropolis-H in all its splendor.  Around it sat the elites of Draconic: teams 1, 2, and 7. They were all solemnly staring at a man wearing a cheap suit in the middle. 

"Alright, everyone! Because of the sloth problem, we will be moving the rescue ahead of schedule. The MTA shows signs of wanting to send us all to Metropolis-D, and we obviously need to save Josh before that happens." Tallis explained. 

"How are we proceeding? I'm ready to go! Let's hurry this up!" Kasha could be seen rocking back and forth on her chair. Some gave a knowing smile.

There were two moods in the room. Some members were extremely relaxed: This included team 7, Ronan, Liam, and Lucas. The others were worried. This made for a very peculiar atmosphere. 

Some could be seen playing games casually or even surfing the Net while others treated this as a life and death situation. 
