
Clash of CEOs: Miss, I Like You!

They say that opposite attracts because the other seems new and exciting. Yes, someone can attest to that. It is actually what Selene Hoffman feels when she met that always serious, complicated, and meanie CEO of Coanco Companies, Evie Coanco, in the training of future and aspiring CEOs. Selene is a new and aspiring trainee, an inexperienced but determined and skilled trainee who is driven by her desire to lead a business. While Evie Coanco excelled in all that she does. A secure, and future heiress of her company, and a minion of her father. What would happen if one day... Evie's peaceful life just drastically changed when this irritating person named Selene just confessed to her out of nowhere. "Miss Evie, I like you!"

HeartHearth · LGBT+
5 Chs


"Welcome to the newest program of Produce Company, Clash of CEOs!"

Claps were heard all over the room, and I couldn't help but clap the loudest. If I could shout without feeling embarrassed, I would have done so. But looking at these people I was with right now in the same room, they all looked classy and children of well-off families. The girl sitting beside me even sat with poise like her back never slouch all her life, and her face looked very formal. Only people from rich families acted like that nowadays.

I was seated at the very back, having been informed as the last person to be accepted into the program.

I looked around the room. We were seated in a circular arrangement. The speaker was in the middle like we were really having a meeting of CEOs and board members. So, this was how it feels...

Hah. I really thought my dreams had already shattered. Thanks to all my luck!

My eyes landed on this certain woman since my eyes landed on her the first time, I couldn't take my eyes off her now. She was seated at the very front, her arms and legs were crossed as always and her back was straightly perched on the chair. She looked ethereal just listening attentively to the speaker.

I sighed dreamily and stared at her face even when she was on the other side. It wasn't tiring to stare at her face. I feel like I could look at it all day if I would be allowed to. I've never found a woman so beautiful before, I always put them below me. I support my beauty more than anyone else, but if it was her? I would willingly be on my knees.

Evie Coanco... I think I like you.

Probably because she felt like someone was staring at her, or it was just that I had been staring for too long because when she turned her head, she met my eyes. I was stunned for a moment, my heart beat wildly as I sat properly like a deer caught in the headlight. She just raised her brow at me and looked away.

So cold. Tch.

"The official date COCs will start is next week, Monday. You are provided with hotel rooms beside our building. There will be programs, inspirational talks, competitions, and other activities prepared for you. This will go on for two months every day without fail. You also have to get to know each other because you have to work together. No company can work with one-man staff. Companionship is one of the traits a CEO should possess."

I listened carefully and took note of everything. If companionship was one, then I could check it on the list of CEO traits that I had. I was friendly and some others said that I was also persuasive. I believe I could work with anyone in the company.

There were a lot of things discussed today, from how everything would run to the goal of this program. They also discussed all the benefits and the rewards after the program for the person with the most potential CEO traits. And of course, those who participated and showed exemplary performance would be offered work in the Produce Company and their business could merge with theirs.

It was a great opportunity for me. I would aim for the top stop because I did not need to be an employee there, I would be the CEO myself, and I would have all the time for myself while earning money.

Also, every once in a while, my eyes drifted to Evie Coanco. For someone who looked like a rich CEO already, she didn't look any bit bored, she listened carefully like me. She processed everything that the speaker was saying. I wonder what her reason for joining here is.

When I looked around, these rich-looking young adults were the ones who looked bored. Their faces screamed 'I know that already!' 'Can I go now?' 'When will this end?' 'I'm so bored!'

I don't know what kind of products they had and what they presented, but I was sure they were already successful. Though, I was still curious about who they were.

"I hope everyone can learn a lot from this program. We will expect a lot from you, especially since we can see a lot of potential just by how you presented yourself and your products. That is all for our orientation today. We hope to see you on Monday, future CEOs!"

I heaved a sigh of relief when it finally ended. I think the orientation was three hours long. There were short bathroom breaks and snacks delivered, but it was still tiring.

I let these people stand up and go out first. I don't want to go along with the surge of these people excited about going home. Who knows if my nose would bump again into another's back?

Now that I think of it, I looked around to look for that person, and I saw her immediately in the same place as she was earlier. But only this time, she wasn't alone.

"You are Evie Coanco, right? From the Coanco Companies, the biggest company owning broadcasting channels, billboards, malls, restaurants, and many more. Is that you?"

I blinked and my eyes widened at what I heard. What the hell!? Coanco... Coanco Companies. Coanco Malls. Coanco Food Park. Coanco Clo., Channel 33...

How come I didn't realize that just upon hearing that big surname on someone who was in this industry?

Evie Coanco was the next heiress of all of these big companies. She would be the next most influential and richest in the country. Woah! I didn't know I would meet a huge person immediately as soon as come to this place. A Coanco at that.

I should brag about this to Isabel!

"It's her! I saw her in one of Mister Emiliano's interviews, and their family cover in Bizz Magazine. I can clearly remember her face," the other one replied to the guy earlier.

"Do you have any business with me?"

Brr. Her tone was as cold as ice! And her eyes? Gosh. If I was the receiving end of those stares, I would have died... And I don't care about dying if that's the reason.

The five people looked surprised at the harshness and coldness of her voice. If I had expected something from someone and they turned out to be the opposite, I would have been shocked, too.

"Oof. I know she's strict and cold, but I didn't know it's this intense," the other different guy said, stifling his amused laugh while looking at Evie with interest. Tch.

My phone vibrated in my pocket so I took it. It was Isabel, asking if I need a ride back home since she was just around the corner. I told her that I do so I fixed my things now and readied myself to go out. There shouldn't be any crowded elevators by now.

I glanced at Miss Evie and those five. Miss Evie was already looking at her wristwatch, letting them know that they were taking her precious time. But these five couldn't get the hint.

"How were you accepted? What's your product?"

"Come on, Shan. Of course, she didn't have that. She's rich. She just paid them and she got instant access."

I frowned and glanced at Miss Evie. If that's the case then that was unfair. I was almost eliminated and a lot was eliminated even when they thought their products were already good, but because they were advantageous of money, they were able to pass without breaking a sweat.

One thing I don't like about rich people was their abuse of power and money. It's like they got things so easily while some had to struggle and fail multiple times before getting the success they wanted. If they were really talented, then they should prove it without the use of anything.

I only glanced at them for a while as I started walking. I should stay away from issues as far as I could to keep myself going without much problem. These people were already starting a war even before the main program started.

"You have already listed out the things that I would be inheriting in the future. Are you sure about coming against me?"

I stopped by the door and looked back again. The way Miss Evie was looking at those people was dark and like sending a warning. She was powerful, and she was someone, of all people, to be avoided in a conflict. If anything, they should get on her right side.

"But of course, if you're crying about your jealousy on how I got here, I didn't come here presenting that legacy. I presented my own product, but..." She looked at them from head to toe. "It's not worth explaining to you, so if you may excuse me."

She's so cool, I might cry!

She slung her bag on her shoulder and walked passed them with sass. However, she stopped after a few steps and looked over her shoulder again.

"Also, be careful about who you gang up with. You might suddenly never make it here."

Goosebumps. Chills ran down my spine just hearing that even when it wasn't for me. It was clearly a threat, and Miss Evie was definitely someone who they shouldn't mess with. She was dangerous.

And interesting.

I stood straight when her eyes met mine. Since I was by the door and she was heading out, she was meant to see me. She knew that I was listening.

She rolled her eyes at me as she walked past me without saying a word. Her perfume and the smell of her shampoo lingered and left me dumbfounded for a while. Gosh! She smelled expensive even after so long.

Price really had to do with the quality of a product. Those perfumes that I bought were just imitations so they don't last long as the original. But still, it had almost the same smell. I just had to spray another when the smell was gone.

I followed her to the elevator. Thankfully, we were the only ones inside unlike earlier. I stood side by side with her, but at enough distance.

Her expression was stable in being serious. She had her arms crossed and her eyes were just straightly looking at her reflection, though her mind was probably all over the room. I don't know if she was not in the mood because of the interaction with those five or if she was just always like this.

Her eyes moved to the side toward me and then she sighed. I was only looking at her, and I wasn't even being subtle at staring. I mean, she was so beautiful like a goddess!

"What do you want?" she asked first, probably couldn't stand me just staring at her. "Creep."

"You're like a goddess. Has anyone told you that?"

She looked at me with those sharp eyes. "Always so I don't need to hear it from you, too."


"What do you mean why!? You're making me uncomfortable!"

"Oh am I? I have that effect on you?"

"That's not a good thing!"

I scooted closer to her with a mischievous smile. She moved farther in turn like she didn't want to have any contact with me.

She looked cute with that panicked face.

"What are you doing? Don't go near me, you creep!"

I was also weirded out by myself. I wasn't very forward like this, and I wasn't also the type to tease. Not even to a woman. But I couldn't stop myself from this beautiful woman. She just looked... vulnerable and different from the way she faced other people, and I kind of like that.

I stopped when my face was so close to hers that the only stopped me from moving further was her hands on my shoulders. Her back was already on the wall, and her face was beet red.

So cute!

"I like you, Miss Evie."