
Chapter 62

If Sloane was being honest, she'd always been a little intimidated by women like Alyssa Berry - beautiful women who never seemed to have a hair out of place or a wrinkle in their clothes. Women who knew how to command men with the flash of a smile or a practiced giggle. It was some sort of sorcery that Sloane had never understood, and there was a time in her life she would have given anything to know its secrets. Women like Alyssa felt like an entirely different species.

Which is why, when Alyssa declared that she was tired of waiting and marched toward the doors of the hotel - not even wobbling the slightest bit on her tall heels - Sloane had no idea what to do.

Toshi had tried to stop her. But Alyssa had simply batted him away. So Sloane had gone after her, catching her right as the woman had managed to hail a taxi.

"You can't go," Sloane said.