
Chapter 97.

Lucas realized his hands were still in the same position after the kiss. How is that even possible? He dropped his hands to Laurel's disappointment.

"I guess we can never stop arguing?" Laurel whispered.

"We can, only if you respect me." Lucas started. He was the Boss for goodness sake! Little did he know that Laurel had him wrapped under her fingers. It was the same for Laurel. She wasn't aware.

"I don't need to explain why I called out your name-"

"For all I care, her name could be Laurel right?" Laurel asked.

Lucas nodded in agreement, even though he knew that wasn't the case. He was glad she was trying to understand. "Yeah, I am pretty sure."

Then Laurel smiled evilly. "Should I go into details how you called my name that night? Did you forget every single groan and moan you made?"

She was teasing him and Lucas was well aware of what she was doing. He turned away.

"Don't you dare walk away like a coward." Laurel called mischievously.