
Chapter 95.

"Has Matteo ever given you the benefit of a doubt that he isn't who he is?" Silas asked.

Laurel shook her head. This was t the playful man she had encountered this morning. This was someone above Matteo in rank, she was sure.

"Did he ever put your life in danger?" Silas asked again.

Laurel snapped her head up. "Yes, he did."

Lucas closed his eyes. His patience was gradually thinning out.

Silas sighed. "I know he did but that was a mistake. I know he is the cause of the problem…you have to forgive him and accept his new name, Luis."

Is she a child or was he instructing a toddler? Laurel laughed like a maniac. She didn't care the looks she was given as they even made her laugh the more.

It was official, the woman, the boss brought is crazy.

Oh, they haven't seen crazy yet, Laurel thought as the laughter dried from her lips. "Listen all of you!" She screamed, gaining their attention.