
Chapter 74.

Even Antonia was curious as she wanted to know who was calling him. Is it information about her sister? She wondered, careful not to raise her hopes too high.

"Hello?" Dr Nathan greeted looking at Antonia with hopeful eyes.

"You can come in if you want. I don't mind," Antonia mouthed. There was no time to be uncomfortable with him. Not if he was the one bringing good news about her sister's silence.

"Her last location?" Dr. Nathan had a resigned look on his face. "Are you sure? Thank you." He pressed the hang-up button.

"Who's that?" Antonia asked with her toes raised. She offered him a sit. "Let me get you water."

Dr. Nathan was surprised. Where was the woman who didn't care? She must really love her sister for her to have a transformation in character. It was beautiful to see her this relaxed and even offering him water.