
Chapter 6.

Laurel trembled at the thought of that. She turned to look at the guard but couldn't find him there. She looked around and was a bit surprised to see that nobody was there.

Does it mean I am free?

Laurel shook her head at the thought. Who knew what lurked outside? Boss Lucas had mentioned something about having guards. What if he instructed them to shoot her if she tried to go outside? But it wouldn't hurt to take a tour outside right?

Surely I can do that right?

"Well, whatever! He can't stop me from inspecting where I will be living from now on..." She concluded in her mind.

Laurel didn't cross the door. She felt it was safe to wander around the house first. Its furnishings were modest and of exquisite taste.

"So… he has taste…" Laurel clicked the roof of her mouth with her tongue. She was impressed at the beautiful designs that screamed rich but modest. The dull colors and high ceilings gave Laurel the impression that Lucas didn't appreciate intruders or visitors.