
Chapter 154.

I am not going to watch you push Lucas away like I did to everyone around me. At the end, I became lonely."

"I won't become lonely because in have you now." Laurel stubbornly replied.

"You see that's where you are wrong." Antonia cupped her sister's cheeks, raising it up so that she could meet her eyes. "You cannot have me forever because I have my life and you have yours. I don't want to know whatever transpired between the both you."

Laurel wasn't planning on telling her sister about how she came to be in Lucas' house. It would be her secret until she died. Besides, there was no need telling her sister about such an awful memory. Although, she doubted her sister's mind would remain firm about her going back to Lucas.

She didn't need to know all these anyway.

"I want you to look past that and focus on the present. How do you feel around him?" Antonia urged.

"I feel happy, free and mostly comfortable." Laurel spluttered.