
Chapter 150.

Antonia's blood turned cold. Although she heard when Laurel said it the first time and she had planned to ignore her but not when it involved her father. Nathan came close to me not because he likes me but because- "how do you know these things? How?!" Antonia screamed holding her sister's shoulders and shaking them.

"Like I said earlier, Nathan works for my boyfriend." Laurel didn't know when she confirmed what Lucas said earlier which left Lucas to wonder if she just said it out of the heat of the moment or she truly meant it.

He too was confused and with the way she talked to her siater about mafia matters, she has probably heard too much. Where was she getting the news anyway? From eaves dropping no doubt.

'Nathan would never use me. he took care of me when I was sick. Why does he have to connect to you!" Antonia spat with venom. Her days with Nathan had been a lie.

'Not me. Him." Laurel pointed to Lucas who still had an amused look on his face.