
Chapter 134.

Remember my terms and we won't have a problem. don't bother me or anyone around me again!"

Isabella bit down on her tongue. "It's not what you think Lucas."

Lucas walked off, not glancing back the second time. His mother wasn't worth his gaze.

He didn't see Laurel creeping by the side of the cars parked outside. She couldn't bear to see him catch her eavesdropping. It wouldn't end well.

Few minutes later, she walked into the hall. The coolness of the hall seeped into her skin, drying the sweat immediately. Laurel sighed in sweet relief as she proceeded to take out her oil perfume. She didn't want to smell after long minutes directly under the scorching sun.

"Laurel!" Someone called and she turned.

She was met with a hard chest and familiar perfume of line and strawberries. Lucas.