
Chapter 113.

It was one of those times lucas loved hearing his name roll out of her mouth.

'I gave you a chance to walk out of it."

'You said you were going to give me a chance one day-'

'Fine, do you want to walk away?"

Laurel bit her lower lips. She could test her luck and see if the offer is real. There was no harm in trying again right? 'I want to."

Of course he declined vehemently with a shake of his head. Laurel slumped her shoulders in defeat. 'You say it's all a misunderstanding and I wasn't supposed to be there. Since I am on my way to becoming this permanent, you can try me."

Lucas inhaled and exhaled. He didn't know why he found it hard to explain to her. Because he has never had to explain himself before. This would be his first; he couldn't even meet her eyes.

'what is this I sense? Bashfulness?" Laurel teased mercilessly. 'You've got to learn how to go not all bosses on me."