
Chapter 11:


  I opened my eyes, and to my surprise, there was a strange guy leaning in to kiss me. Shock and fear took over, and without thinking, I pushed him away.

  "You pervert!" I shouted, quickly wrapping myself in a white blanket that lay on my bed. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  "Why? What's wrong?" he asked, looking genuinely puzzled, as if he couldn't comprehend what he had done. I rolled my eyes at the scene. The nerve of this man to pretend he didn’t do anything wrong.

  "You tried to kiss me, you creep!!" I fired back. “I am no Sleeping Beauty and I don’t need a man to wake me up. Got that?”

  But as I said those words, I noticed a glimmer of innocence in his eyes. “Sleeping Beauty? Who’s that?”

  He looked really confused as if he had no idea what I was referring to. Then, I remembered what happened. I almost forgot that I was inside a werewolf lair. Obviously, they didn’t have television here.