
Episode 72:Haku city

Magas:It doesn't take a genius to realize Aelius gave you what I was looking for!

Sune falls to the ground Magas then puts his foot on Sunes head

Magas:Well this was fun but again you're not the one who can beat me, how you are now that is so...(Let's extract it from you shall we?)

Devil magas uses dwarf blade and stabs Sune in the gut

Foxxy:*Freaking* Oh my Odin, oh my Odin!

Magas looks at Foxxy then stomps on Sunes stomach, Sune passed out already doesn't move

Magas:Oiii how are you apart of the new generation big three but you're this weak? You were just gonna watch me kill and drain your leaders power?

Foxxy:*Begging* Stop it please!

Magas:Again no plunder crew begs a gargoyle to "Stop it please". Do something about it if you don't like what I'm doing?

Foxxy wiping her tears starts to get up and gets ready to charge at Magas, then suddenly Magas gets grabbed by something from under ground

Harmon:(Of course underground that's where it was.) Everyone group up quickly it's he-

Cyrus:"Cordan blue".

Cyrus foot turns blue then he heel kicks the temple of Harmons head, Harmon falls down not knowing what happened

Shadow Kid:Harmon!

Magas flies back up to where everyone is, Harmon slowly gets back up

Harmon:*Holding the temple of his head*Confused*In pain* Magas I told you, argh who was that?

Magas:I know, I know Quilas get up now we gotta go.

Magas flies to Quilas but gets punched in the chest from something underground

Magas:Cgh *Spits blood*.

Harmon:What was that?

Scared Kid:I'll check from the shadows.

Kid checking under ground he sees what it is and is shocked, the weird figure grabs Kid even though he's in the shadows, It then smashes Kid through the gravel all the way to the surface


It jumps to the surface with Kid still in it's hand

Figure:*Roar* Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Quilas hearing the roar quickly jolts up

Quilas:*Frightened* It-It-It's the Yaoi guai!

Magas holding his chest starts to get back up

Magas:Small guy, Tall guy! It's all the same SHIT!!! *Pissed* PUT KID DOWN!!!!!

Magas flies at the Yaoi guai, the Yaoi guai throws Kid at Magas, Magas twirls in the air to dodge unknowingly falling into the Yaoi guais trap, it grabs his head then runs to where Quilas is and smashes Magas' face into Quilas' body

Quilas:*In pain* My stomach!!


The Yaoi guai punches Magas face, because Magas is still on Quilas the Yaoi guai also injures Quilas, Cyrus now next to Aelius

Cyrus:*Sigh* I'm sorry I was too late Kana.

Cyrus sees Sune who's passed out

Cyrus:Sune night? Aelius night?

Cyrus realizes that Sune and Aelius are brothers

Harmon:"Impact horn"!!

Harmon charges at the Yaoi guai sticking his horns into its chest he lifts it off the ground, waving his head around he runs wildly with the Yaoi guai on his horn into a building

Cyrus:(No time to think about it.)

Cyrus runs over but Shadow Kid traps him in shadow god revaluation

Kid:*Panting*Ha ha you'll be our escape plan....

Cyrus:(Don't use mana, don't use mana.)

Shadow Kid:*Pissed* [He isn't releasing any mana?]

Harmon comes flying out of the building but lands on one knee

Harmon:Brothers get ready to retreat.

Shadow Kid:*Out of breath* I ha have a hah hostage to.

Harmon:Magas! Quilas! Get up!

Magas and Quilas are unresponsive

Cyrus:(*Calm* Everything can be broken.) "Colbalt blue"!!

Cyrus foot turns blue again he then kicks right through Kids move

Shadow Kid:*Profound* How...? How did you break out?

Harmon:He's got the special kind!!

Cyrus:It worked!! "All blue stamp"!

Cyrus all blue stamps Kid into the ground

Shadow Kid:Damn human *Spits up blood*.

Harmon:"Dark mana banzai".

Cyrus quickly uses banzai but is overpower, the Yaoi guai back up begins running at the two remaining gargoyles

Harmon:*Tense* Kid are you with me?

Shadow Kid:Yea I'm ready to transform with you brother..

Shadow Kids horns start to grow bigger along with his teeth and claws he gains wings

Harmon:We have to kill this thing now I'll trans.....

Man:Allow me "Hell flire"!!

Someone comes out of the air surrounded in a neon color of fire and cuts the Yaoi guai in half, Harmon turns around

Harmon:*Smiling*Happy* Beelzebub!!

Beelzebub:Pick up those weaklings and let's get going.

Cyrus:*Amazed*Scared* (A real life arch devil??)

Shadow Kid:What about that human? (I hate him.)

Beelzebub looks at Cyrus

Beelzebub:Leave him, let's go.

The gargoyles and the arch devil leave, Cyrus watching them fly off notices his pocket vibrating


Cyrus:Three casualties. (Jeez they called quick.)


Cyrus:He was apart of Martha's plunder a lieutenant I'm....

Random:Your rank idiot.

Cyrus:Hai I'm a Cyrus Blue ranked plunder hunter tier 3.

Random 2:Who is it?

Random:Situation. (It's that loser idiot Cyrus Blue.)

Cyrus:A..A archdevil showed up in Haku city and defeated a Yaoi guai.

Random 2:*Spits coffee* A Yaoi guai!??

In the background Cyrus hears people yelling It's the end of days, Cyrus putting the tab down looks around he notices Aelius' body has gone missing


The ranting on Cyrus' tab stops

Random:Ok sorry sir other casualties names.

Cyrus:There has been a change of casualties only two now, Plint tier 2 plunder hunter and Maxxa tier 2 plunder hunter.

Random:*Shocked yelling* Two tier 2 PLUNDER HUNTER!!???


Cyrus:*Ear hurting* Ahh yea, G4 was here after all we should expect nothing less when those four get together *Scowl*.

Background:G4….G4 did all of this? Why is it always the spectres.

Cyrus:As far as I know right now G4 acted alone the spectres were not with them our focus should just be G4.

Random:What about the arch devil?

Cyrus:Showed up later, defeated the Yaoi guai in one hit that's all there is to him.

Random in the background:*Shocked* ONE HIT!!!!!???

Random:Get out of the tab bum!


Random:Nothing idiot, wait there we are calling available devil hunters.

Cyrus:Wait don't call-

The tab ends

Cyrus:....Kana (Jerk.)


Bazel seems agitated



Bazel:An archdevil destroyed my Yaoi guai in one hit!! (That was my 6th strongest.)

Kana:Losing your touch?

Bazel:You wouldn't do any better.

Kana:Never know till I try, I have to go now Bazel.


Kana:I got a call to go to Haku city, my team is there plus I think my fiancé's there…

Bazel:F-Fiancé!? But that's where all this is going down!

Kana:*Blushing* Yea, I guess I'll also get to kill an arch devil (Lookie.)

Kana flaunts a ring with a green gem on it

Bazel:[I thought she was single crap.] Oh well you should get going, don't die please!

Hunter:*Hesitant* U-Um isn't that the stolen green gem from-

Kana leaves the hunter who was talking notices his hair caught on fire

Bazel:*Shocked* Huh wonder how that happened?

Bazel watches the hunter run around freaking out because he can't put the fire out

-To be continued