
Episode 58:Orina cave

Sanansi stares at the two

Crab:Let's see it then!

Sanansi:With pleasure.

Sanansi's mana begins to leak out of his body, Sune begins to feel weird

Sune:*Uncomfortable*What's this feeling?

Crab:His mana leaking out of his body he may use an ability you're not ready for…

Sune:*Pumped*We'll see.

Sanansi has webs coming out of his hands rapidly, they began gathering in the air

Sune:*Confused*What the?

Sanansi:"The Web Sphere".

Crab:Now Sune this is why I have this here enchanted blade called*Bragging*Proud*The King Stinger.

Sune:Is it gonna be able to defend against that?

Crab:*Rubbing nose*It's not called The King Stinger for nothing.

Sanansi:*Feeling ignored*Excuse me, charging my deadly attack here.

Sune:As long as we have that then we are unstoppable!

Crab:Of course. But It has a drawback…[Every swing drains mana.]

Crab wanting to make the sword seem cool to Sune refuses to tell him the draw back

Sanansi:Don't much like being ignore.

As Sanansi's web sphere gets closer Crab cuts right through it

Sune:"Tiger flame crush".

Sanansi blocks Sunes tiger flame crush, Sune looks at Crab who seems winded

Sune:Are you ok? Is this the drawback?

-King hamlet

A young boy and an adult male are seen talking on the balcony of castle Hamlet

Young man:Bazel the gargoyles have left the state father said to send it.

Bazel:I already have, Ryu is making sure it goes well to.

Young man:Good I'll tell my father then.

The young man begins to walk away

Bazel:*Uneasy*Prince Hamlet please start traveling with your protection squad!

Ham jr.:But you're protecting me right now right? (Call me Ham jr. remember.)

Bazel:Yes but I can't always be around…

Ham jr.:Bazel since I look up to you I'll keep my protection squad around more I'm sorry.[Technically I ditched them for you.]

-The Heros of war

Perina:Wukong, Cory Cory her worshippers are gaining in number.(They will make a move soon.)

Wukong:*Doesn't care*This is why you wanted to meet?

Cory Cory:I can help.

Perina:If Medusa rises again she could destroy us especially if she has her Roman allies.

Wukong:Are you assuming she already has them as her allies?

Perina:It's the most logical assumption.

Cory Cory:I can help!

Perina:*Annoyed*Cory not right now ok.

Cory Cory looks at the ground saddened

Wukong:Me and my states could start a war I have plenty of prisoners ready to kill people. (Plus I'm pretty strong feel my muscles.)

Perina:That sounds incredibly wrong, no I say we slowly attack I already have a spy in lockdown states mits.

Wukong:*Confused*Then why am I here?

Perina:I need a favor from you.

Cory:*Sad*I can help…


Magas:I can feel It's mana, It's closing in Harmon what should we do?

Harmon:Can't stay here long. Quilas and Kid we need to leave.

Quilas:*Pissed*Don't boss me around.

Harmon:Shut up and follow or die to whatever's chasing us.

Kid comes out from a shadow behind Harmon

Kid:*Pissed*It's Shadow Kid not kid!

Quilas:*In a rush*Let's just go please.

They all fly away

Quilas:[Hopefully Harmon dies to it.]

-Blackbands and Clutch crew

Kyber:Looks like your stupid leader is as stupid as I thought.

Lucas:Shut up you're just mad that he is stronger then you.

Kyber:*Perverted*[I gave up willingly.] However I don't mind feeling up the girl right now*Slobbering*.

Foxxy looks in disgust as Kyber closes in on her with his hands oozing sweat, Mask puts his blade to Kybers neck who decides to give up on his escapade

Sigfred:Lez's focus on zhe zask az hand huh?

Foxxy:*Confused*What he say?


Robo from behind them says

Robo:It is hard to keep up with your speed.

Lucas:*Laughing*Hahaha look at the bolts struggle.

-Ivan vs Arachne

Ara:"Solid gatling punches".

Arachne's solid web wraps around her arm, she uses her gatling punches in succession to defeat Ivan by pummeling him into the ground

Ivan:*Struggling*I can still uhhhhh…

Ivan tries to get back up but inevitably passes out

Arachne:Stay there will you? [I can eat you later.]

-Blackbands and Clutch crew

Kyber:Jeez this tunnels long.

Foxxy:Stop your complaining I smell blood up ahead.

Lucas:Can you tell who's it is?

Foxxy:Not really but we should assume It's Ivans.

Mask speeds himself up with maximum power

Kyber:*Surprised*My Odin that guy is fast.

Sigfred:Hope he is ready for whazever's up ahead.

Mask is the first to see Ivan strung up on the wall bleeding out


Foxxy:Who was that?

Robo:Voice sounds familiar but not in data bank.

Lucas:Weird. [Maybe it was Mask.]

The Blackbands and Clutch crew begin to reach the exit

Arachne:Oh another contestant?

Mask looks every where but can't find her

Ara:Human after human you're all the same, well I guess some of you have different views, but the death just justifies the meaning of your life no matter how horrible you are I suppose.


Mask still confused can't looks around still unable to see her

Ara:You see Human…

Ara appears behind Mask

Ara:I've defeated your delusional friend who thought he was the strongest, why don't you just give up?


Mask tries to swipe at Arachne and misses almost hitting Kyber

Kyber:Woah there buddy!

Foxxy:Mask did you hear a yell?

Lucas:A yell what type of question is that? See this is why your not my type.

Foxxy slaps Lucas upside his head


Mask turns around and swipes his blade not hitting anything

Kyber:Is your Mask friend always that paranoid looking?

Foxxy:No he seems focused right now.

Robo:Ivan must be located.

Lucas suddenly falls on the floor full of injuries

Lucas:Robo I...I...*Smiling*Hate you…

Ara:(I'll thin the numbers first.)"Weaver cleaver".

Arachne begins swiping at the air

Kyber:Sigfred what is she doing.

Sigfred:I don'z know some sorz of uh ugh.

Sigfred is suddenly sliced and starts bleeding

Lucas:*Aghast*Whoa guys be careful.

Foxxy and Kyber are both sliced up too

Ara:That should do it.

Lucas on the floor thinks to himself

Lucas:[Just like that left with a speechless shit and a useless piece of shit bucket of bolts great where's Sune when you need him?]

-Sune and Crab vs Sanansi

Sanansi:I Sanansi will be the one to kill you today Sune of the tiger flame.

Sune:I Sune night, don't care"Prince claw".

Sanansi:So that is your full name? "Ballistic brush".

Sunes prince claw easily defends him

Sune:(I'm definitely getting faster and stronger my body feels lighter.)

Crab:I'll end it now"Pollen sting".

Crab drives straight toward Sanansi, Sanansi blocks, tons of smoke rises and when it clears Sanansi has no arms

Sanansi:Dammit. *Stinging pain*Gch. (I'm bleeding out now.)


Sune zais Sanansi into the ground

Sanansi:Can't mo....

Sune:"Tiger flame crush"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Sune practically breaks Sanansi's body in half

Sanansi:(He left me barely alive, too bad I'll bleed before I can escape.)

Sune:Ha ha we beat him.

Crab:Move Sune!


Crab:You didn't finish him..

Sune:What do you mean I beat him didn't I?

Crab:"Royal secrete sting".

Crab stabs Sanansi through the chest

Sune:Did you just kill him?

Crab:Yea his insides will dissolve but It will take a while….

Sune:W-Why? We had already-

Crab:*Yelling*They are here to get info on the Bee queen, the situation changes when you're in the middle of a war, It becomes man up and kill or die.


Crab:Let's go catch up with your crew. [This enchanted blade drains a lot of mana.]

Sune seems bothered as they run off

-In Sunes head

Darkness begins to swell up in Sunes mind not being caused by Tiger lee

-To be continued