
City of hearts

Alex Lavaigne is the second prince with a thirst for adventure but his social life is a little bit…dry. One day coming back from his (forced) engagement party he encounters a handsome bunny “cosplayer” with a few tricks up his sleeves. Will he follow the handsome bunny or will he be forced to participate in his never ending game?

lexi14 · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Tea Party


I started my day getting ready for a tea party my parents had set up for my upcoming engagement. I picked out my best suit, hoping to make a good impression.

   people would come up to me just to let me know how lucky I was to marry someone so amazing and even though I didn't feel so lucky it was something only I could afford to do. I didn't deserve this opportunity and honestly, I can see where they got the idea that I would feel like the happiest man alive. The compliments felt hollow, echoing my own uncertainties. 

  Cecilia Russo was the second most sought after lady in our community. Brilliant, compassionate, stunning—everything one could hope for in a life partner. With her long blonde hair and blue eyes of a crystal ocean, she could easily captivate any room she walked into. Sadly for her though, I was not interested and neither was she. In any case, the only reason I'm marrying her is because it brings great opportunities to the royal family and both of us agreed it was for the best for this engagement to move forward.

I was acquaintance's with many ladies but nothing past friendly gestures which prevented any chances of becoming emotionally involved with any of the women. It wasn't as if I had no friends at all in fact my sister was my best Friend and to me that counted more than gold. We shared everything, from our deepest secrets to our simplest joys. 

   In any case, I certainly wasn't suited for balls or Parties of any kind, really. This made finding friends difficult. I spent most of my time studying or reading. Things like math and science bore me and in my opinion were unnecessary. You would soon find me eating a raw onion then sitting in front of a 'complex math for dummies' textbook, which my tutor had graciously provided despite my many threats of cutting his pay.

   I would rather read about new tales and adventures while curled up by a fire in my family's abundant library but as the second prince I had a duty to fulfill and couldn't just whisk away to my own fairy tales. This didn't stop me from doing it though. I still snuck out of lessons to sneak into the library with a tray of cookies I stole from the kitchen.

    I was currently sitting in the drawing room laid back on the red velvet loveseat when there was a knock at the door. 

    "Come in."  I spoke loud enough for the person on the other side of the door to hear me. 

   I closed the book and set it on my lap right as the person entered the room. 


   "Alex, the carriage awaits!" Missy exclaimed "What are you still doing with your nose stuck in a book? I do hope you're ready to go. It's been hours. It takes the maids less time to get ready." 

    "Just lost track of time," I replied, glancing up at her with a faint smile.

  I found from an early age that Her nose tends to twitch when she's annoyed or angry. I would never tell her that though because it's amusing to watch. Despite her stern expressions, that innocent little tell is something I cherish immensely—it reveals more than words ever could.

    All this to say, While lady Russo is the second most eligible bachelorette, my sister is the first. It's both a blessing and a curse, really. Men fought for her, as her beauty is said to be because she is blessed by the heavens. She also had to have the mannerisms of an ideal lady, at least outside of closed doors.This was all true, Missy is the perfect princess to everyone but I'm her older brother so I just find her annoying and irritating. She can also be nosy but that was a family trait. We all tend to be nosy. Except for my older brother who's stuck in another country for a couple years handling the kingdom's diplomatic issues with the neighboring kingdoms. He was always the more smart and mature one but he had his fun brotherly moments. He's five years older than me, she is two years younger than me, and I am eighteen so me and her got along better than I did with him. We both had the same idiotic mentality at that age and for some reason we just clicked.


   "Yes Missy, I am ready when you are." I called for a maid to take away the tea that was set on the table beside me and headed out to the carriage.


  My sister hooked her arm around mine and talked to me about the do's and don'ts of a tea party like I hadn't heard them before. She does this before every social event. Despite being shorter than her by three inches, I had to hold her hand as she hauled herself into the carriage. The weight of the dress made getting in and out of the carriage harder or that's what I assume anyway. I followed her in and closed the door behind me. I heard the whip of leather and the carriage started forward. I looked at the window as we went through town. The townspeople waved at the carriage as we passed. The town has always been prosperous and has hid most of the darker parts of reality. Children have been missing lately and apparently some other nation's spies were captured but that's only what I've heard in passing. I don't directly deal with anything that has to do with the kingdom's security, that's mostly the king. Mainly, I try my best to learn more so I can one day provide some type of comfort or support to the kingdom. The day had reached midafternoon but we still had an early arrival. 

     It was about twenty minutes until we got to Duke Russos manor. The carriage stopped in front of the garden entrance where the orchestra could be heard. I helped my sister out of the carriage and the coachmen led the carriage away. The farther he moved away the more I wanted to shout at him to come back. My black velvet neck tie seemed to choke me as I got closer to the entrance which served to make me more anxious. I would do anything to be back in my chair next to the fire reading a book about other worlds and different lands. 

    It wasn't my first time meeting my fiancé but she tended to intimidate me by the way she held herself at other social events. She was confident and strong, I admired that and I didn't mind marrying her for the sake of the family. She was friendly and easy to get along with. We would learn to be great friends in the future. Of course the thought of children still scared me, but it was for the family and children were necessary.  That said, I would never come to love her and my affection could only ever be shown through friendship. I feel marrying her is a wise decision and that's as far as my judgment goes. 

     The music got louder and so did the murmuring of noble men and jealous women as my sister passed. She is used to the attention and ignores their advances. I, on the other hand, will never be used to it. I was the quiet and secluded one in society's circle and I was known for not being quite down to earth. It was true though. I had a tendency to be a little imaginative and I daydream often. I found myself staring at a wall with my head in the clouds 30% of my days. It was almost part of my daily routine.  

    While nobles kissed my sister's feet and praised her, I was ignored. It wasn't as if I was ugly, I've been told I'm quite the pretty boy. I got my mothers dainty looks and black hair, while my father gave me his bright blue eyes which were a family trait but I was also weak looking and the knights used to make fun of me for looking pretty. At some point I just stopped going to sword practice. 

    I was also awkward and dreadfully clumsy when I was anxious. But I also didn't mind because I wasn't interested in acting like a peacock for these pigeons. My parents don't seem to agree with my ideals. My siblings were the only ones who bothered to talk to me and my parents wanted me to be married off as soon as possible. My father only paid attention to Ezra—my older brother—and my mother only paid attention to Missy, my younger sister. I was ignored for the most part but I didn't mind because I didn't need their praise, besides I also had my personal maid Lizzie. She's like a mother to me. She raised me since I was young and she has good humor. Lizzie is also a spy for my father to keep an eye on me but I'm not supposed to know. I found out through another maid—who I paid with missys jewelry— to tell me. Missy doesn't know I paid the maid using her things but when's a princess going to miss a couple gems. I acted completely oblivious to the fact that I knew Lizzie was a spy which is why no one's found out I knew. 

     If my father wanted to know about me he could have just asked but he was never a family person so this is his way of telling me he still loves me…or that he just wants me alive but I'll believe what I want. 

    I sat down on the table sitting next to the edge of the rose garden and waited for my fiancé to arrive. It was now approaching sunset and the garden was being lit up by decorated torches on each corner of the garden. Blue iridescent glow stones hung from the pillars to meet in the middle of the garden. They lit up using the moon's light and glowed a pleasant blue. Around me were flowers of all kinds with a detailed sculpture of an angel playing the harp in the center of the garden. It was being lit up by the glow stones and people gathered around it to marvel at its beauty. 

   A waiter at the other side of the garden came and offered me some tea but I politely declined and requested wine instead. Of course at this time my fiancé decided it was the best opportunity to be fashionably late. She was the bell of this ball so I guess it was for the preparation of some type of grand entrance.

   I waited almost ten minutes sipping on a glass of red wine the waiter brought me until she arrived. I needed it if I was going to survive through the night.

   The doors opened and Cecilia Russo stepped out. With her satin, emerald colored ball gown, and jewels that blinded my eyes, she was certainly a sight to see. It made me feel under dressed so I sank into my chair with one arm in my lap fiddling with my family's ring and my other arm holding my glass to my lips. I avoided her gaze like the plague and continued to look at the roses next to me. I was praying to any god that she hadn't noticed me. My prayers were dismissed and she walked elegantly towards my table. Her two maids followed behind her. One of them held a box and the other held a cup of tea on a coaster which I supposed was lady Cecilia's. She stopped in front of me and I abandoned my glass of wine to greet her. Hopefully with enough glasses I could get out of here with the excuse of being sick or I could just impale myself with a knife.  


  She offered her hand and I grasped it, bringing it to my lips giving a light kiss on the back. 

"Lady Cecilia! It's lovely to see you. How has your evening been?" She looked me up and down with a smile that seemed to be satisfied. 

   I'll have to thank Lizzie for picking my outfit. The gods knew that I could never look this good without help. 


   "It has been well sir Alex. Thank you for coming. It has been quite some time. I do hope you're not avoiding me, we're to be married soon, some would say it's bad luck." There was a pause and she sighed with fake distress. "Ah, Marriage. It's quite exciting is it not?" She said dreamily. 

   There was another awkward pause before She held out her hand and her maid handed her the cup of tea. I nodded and acted like I was taking a sip out of my glass, but it was actually to hide the oncoming sigh which fogged up the glass slightly. 


 "Yes, quite exciting and no, I'm sorry if you felt I was avoiding you. I've just been cooped up in the study. I've been busy helping with my fathers work. We've just bought some land and we're planning on building a new settlement to expand on a little bit." I told her, relieved that I actually had an excuse for not being at many social events lately. 

   Besides, it wasn't a total lie. There is a new settlement being prepared but Father doesn't let me help him with it.. Instead he gave me tutors and a schedule for every second of the day so he didn't have to see me. I have no idea what he's going to do with the land but my guess is he's going to use it as farming land to grow things and sell to other nations. It was smart but took a lot of work. It was a good investment though, and despite my father not liking me very much I did trust his judgment. It's not like the kingdom is in shambles so he's doing something right. 

    She nodded as if she understood but there was no understanding in her expression. Suddenly she snapped her fingers and her maid handed her the box which she then handed to me with a bored expression. While she took another sip of her tea, I opened the box making sure to not break the fragile glass on the lid. Inside was an old, antique pocket watch. I held it up to my ear to hear the clear ticking noise and slightly smiled. It had a pretty design but I wasn't one to carry around a watch. I guess there's no time like the present. I pulled my best smile and thanked her for the gift. Her attention pulled away from me and over to a group of ladies sitting down around a table drinking tea and eating the snacks displayed on the center of the table. 

    The men, as usual, were standing around talking about the upcoming hunting competition being held by my father the king and of course politics. 

    I was good with a sword—despite me ditching lessons—but not as good as I was with a bow. Target practice was my favorite time of day besides reading. I loved the feeling of the sun and breeze on my body and the sound of rustling leaves and snapping twigs as I snuck up on my target. Of course recently all I've been able to do is practice on wooden targets to stay in shape. It hadn't been hunting season yet and I didn't want to kill needlessly but it's coming up soon and I'll be participating in this year's royal hunting match. I wouldn't have been able to catch anything good anyways so It would just go to waste. 

    I hadn't noticed I was daydreaming again until a hand was waving in my face. It was one of the men from the group. A noble. I recognized him but I wasn't sure where.


  "Hello Alex. I don't suppose you remember me. I'm Adrian Castiel from the Azalyn kingdom." He said with a smile that brightens the sun. His golden hair beamed along with his eyes. He seemed like he was in every lady's dreams. 

   After a few seconds my brain finally recognized him. I quickly stood up and held out my hand for him to shake. 


  "Ah yes prince Castiel, it's so wonderful to have you here. My fiancé is currently busy. I hope you don't mind me instead." I said with a smile. 

   My face hurts from smiling so much but I bear with it for the sake of my head still being attached to my body. He probably couldn't hurt me that much but I still wouldn't appreciate a bruise. 


  "Of course, I don't mind at all and to you as well it is so nice to see you again. By the way, how are your siblings doing? Last I heard prince Ezra was in Rosannia and Missy was still trying to find a suitor." He looked down into the tea cup he was holding and I suddenly felt shy that I was the only one holding alcohol while everyone else had tea.


   "Ezra is doing well and yes, Missy is still looking for a husband. If you were interested I could put in a good word. You would certainly be in the top 3 of choices." That sounded awful in my head and putrid coming out of my mouth, but as reluctant as I was to flatter the prince I had to keep up with his mindless facade until I saw an exit. 


  Speaking of exit my fiancé sees me standing with the prince and immediately excuses herself from the ladies and walks over with a long stride. She politely nods with a bow and claps her hands in front of her. Her maids followed behind her still holding the tea and coaster. 


   "Prince Castiel! How lovely to see you here. I had sent an invitation but I had no idea if you would show up or not. I would have prepared something for you." She spoke. 


  Why would she invite him and not prepare something in case of an emergency? That's a little incompetent in my opinion. Then again nobody asked what I thought. I excused myself and walked over to my sister. 


  "Excuse me ladies." I said to the women who were sitting at the table sipping tea around my sister.  

"Missy, I think it's time for me to depart. I'm not feeling well and a nap would certainly help." I looked at her with pleading eyes. I would have gotten on my hands and knees if I wasn't trying to look presentable. 


  "Yes brother, you do look a little pale." Thank you sister! I knew she would understand. 


   "Yes, as I said I do not feel well. I shall head home. I suppose one of these fine women could escort you back to the estate when you're done?" There were several volunteers but one lady seemed to claim the spot. 

[edited 9/2/23]