
City's Alchemy

What If somebody told you that the history of the city your ansestors has lived for generations is nothing like what you've been taught at school? History is going to take a completely different turn when a teenage brunette shifts to the city of Willowspell.

Kashfa_Arman · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter 4

I stood there, glued to the ground. Not even blinking, gawking at the woman in front of me: she is all naked, covered in blood and being raped by a couple of men, her scream pierced through my soul but I'm not helping her at all. It's like someone sewed my mouth and nailed my feet, i can't scream or move, just witnessed her getting harassed. I tried to release the slightest squeak or muffled voice but nothing came out. It's painful. I don't understand who's that women but I know even death could be better than this. It hurts, to see her and not help.

My eyes snapped open, it's past midnight and I was sweating like fuck. I had been plagued by this particular nightmare since past 3 days, everytime I tried to sleep I'm back in that place and it's frightening. The first day, i thought it's just a nightmare. The second day, I thought that I've probably gone crazy due reading too much of dark romance. But now, I'm sure something's wrong. I should tell somebody about it. I recited every prayer I knew and went back to sleep with the plan of talking this out with my friends.

Next Morning, I was late for school and had to run to the classroom, I entred just few seconds before the teacher and rushed faster to my seat.

"Overslept?" Maddy questioned eyeing me. I was too breathless to respond, so i just slightly nodded.

"Which subject?" I enquired still heavy breathing.


I gasped, I bought every other book today, expect that one.

"It's okay, we can share." She added judging by my reaction that i must not have one.

"Everybody pay attention! Today we'll learn about the Great War of Willowspell, which occurred some 18 years ago." The teacher declared. When everyone turned their heads to the teacher who continued,

"Our city Willowspell formerly known as 'Velvetpeak' , was the capital of the kingdom of Earthwalkers i.e, the witches. People might think by their name that they must be generous and kind but God! Wicked were the people, each and every wizard was filled with so much of hate and greed that we can never imagine. Behind their smiling faces were their dark soul and ambitions, they did everything to keep themselves in power, defeating them by a fight was impossible for even the God himself. The army of Satan. When the people understood that they can not handle the oppression anymore, all the creatures revolted, but died tragically. Then one night, when the witches were celebrating their ' Great Annual Festival ' the whole kingdom was burnt down to ashes by deceiving them."

Some of the students gasped where as the others cheered or remained unfazed. The teacher went further,

"By God's grace, Each and every witch was ablazed that day, now you might think ' then how are we living in Willowspell if it was burnt?' My dear children, have you seen the Willow forest? it was actually the place where the castle was located and the annual festival was held, months after the victory, with scientific methods, the area spanning almost 20 sq. Kilometres was turned into a forest, several trees were planted but only the willow trees survived and that's were our city got its name 'Willowspell'."

By massacring large scale of people, they are calling it a victory of the greatest battle. Are You Kidding Me?

"Fun Fact, The Master Mind behind it was the great human warrior who was the General of Earthwalkers' army, 'Stanford Achilles'. Today his son runs the largest academy of our state which teaches fighting skills and strategies of battlefield, 'The Dragon Warriors'. That's all for today, Thankyou Class." The teacher emphasized before walking out of the class.

The next 3 lectures were quick and before one could even know it was lunch time. We walked to our usual spot for lunch as we all sat down, I took a deep breath and started, "I wanna tell you guys something..."

"Go on" Haylen asserted.

"I've been having this nightmare since past 3 days, where a woman gets raped and I'm forced to witness it but not help." I sighed.

"Is it supposed to mean something?" Madyln said lowly.

"I don't know. That's why I'm asking you guys. But it's so scary. I can barely sleep anymore."

"Have you done anything stupid 3days before that you have never ever done?" Noella queried like a detective.

"Umm.. yeah... I um. Licked Blood ." My voice was almost inaudible.

"What.The.Fuck." they all gasped at the same time and I explained them the whole situation.

"Do you think that that Tessa did some black magic?" Madyln said humorously.

"Why would she do stuff in her own drink?" The Little Sherlock uttered.

"Good point." I agreed.

"Lick more of blood to see what happens next, simple." Haylen said as if licking blood was my job.

"Gross" Noella srunched her nose in disgust.

"Do you have a better idea?" Haylen asked clearly annoyed. Noella didn't replied to that. Oh God! Foolish of me to ask these clowns for advice.

"We could just know about it by fortune telling , like seeing past and future incidents to predict the reasons." Haylen commented nonchalantly.

"You know, the Witches had these powers, they can change into different forms, turn invisible, see future or past, and stuff like telekenisis" Noella mentioned, she reads alot of history and technology related stuff, so no doubt she knows everything.

"Don't you think"

"It was injustice"

"With the witches?"

Three of us said, one after another and Noella just nodded.

"They said the king was an ass but what about the citizens, wasn't there a single good soul? I can't accept it." Madyln ranted.

"Exactly my point!" Haylen exclaimed . "It was a massacre and not a battle, Imagine how many innocent children and infants were killed."

We all turned silent for a moment, maybe silently mourning the loss of lives in the great war.

"Is the Visit To Dragon Warriors still on?" Noella asked unexpectedly.

"I guess." Madyln glanced at me.

"I don't see any harm in visiting, we can't Judge ... Him." I mentioned reluctantly.

"Skyler. His name is Skyler Achilles." Haylen informed.

I saw Tryson walking past me, I blushed as my heart started pounding fast, He looked gorgeous as usual.

"You!" Madyln slapped my head.

"Pay attention to me and not to that fang digger".

"Look, if his ancestor was the sole master mind behind a great massacre then he must be intelligent in that field, so i Guess, Skyler may not be anything, but good in warrior stuff. We should visit him." I rambled whatever I could.

"Period!" Noella agreed.