
cinta monyet berujung pelaminan

作者: Thyybtr
Romansa Historis
連載中 · 1.5K ビュー
  • 5 章
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What is cinta monyet berujung pelaminan

WebNovel で公開されている、Thyybtr の作者が書いた cinta monyet berujung pelaminan の小説を読んでください。Novel ini menceritakan kehidupan seorang perempuan bernama bila,yang merelakan keinginannya untuk kuliah terpaksa dikubur dan kemudian menikah dengan seorang pemuda bernama salman.Novel ini menceritak...


Novel ini menceritakan kehidupan seorang perempuan bernama bila,yang merelakan keinginannya untuk kuliah terpaksa dikubur dan kemudian menikah dengan seorang pemuda bernama salman. Novel ini menceritakan kisah percintaan pemuda yang sangat rumit, cinta yang merubah segalanya merubah yang awalnya ada menjadi tiada atau bahkan merubah yang sudah ada menjadi hilang. bila dan salman yang awalnya tidak saling suka menjadi saling mencintai hingga akhirnya mereka menikah, namun setelah menikah mereka justru semakin banyak masalah, apa pilihan mereka untuk menikah muda itu salah? selain kisah cinta dari bila dan salman terdapat juga bagaimana kuatnya pengorbanan mereka meski telah dihantam badai yang bisa saja meruntuhkan pernikahannya kapan saja. Kekurangan kurang memperhatikan gaya bahasa


Search of Worth

Author's note: Uploading it once more, but as nobody has read it, it won't matter right? I have nothing more to say, whether you are new here or have come from my other novel, I really appreciate it if you at least try it once, I am not an expert yet, so it might not be up to your standards, but I will just say one thing... This kind of story, you won't find anything like this anywhere. So be a part of it when it's in its beginning phase. I may sound narcissistic but that's the truth. And if you are reading till now, then do read the synopsis. This will be the only time I will be showing the POV of the main character. You can think of it as a chapter that will never be uploaded. Topic: The end of everything, the beginning of an end. *** On a night, an eerily feeling lingered in the surroundings. The night sky filled with thunderous lighting, screaming as if sensing an inevitable doom. At the center of different carcasses of the monsters that attacked our planet, I was holding a piece of cloth, that belonged to a woman who disappeared right in front of my eyes and I couldn't do anything. "Please bring her back... I beg you..." Looking at the sky, I begged it. A figure emerged in the sky, a figure which only I have been able to see. "You can ask for anything, I will even give up my life... Just bring her back..." I begged again, kneeling in front of him, I slammed my head on the ground, but he didn't say anything. "Please... help me... I know you can do this... please..." I kept on begging and screaming, but he didn't do anything just moving his hands. No look of remorse was in his eyes, no feeling for us. All of the lifeforms were just a plaything for him, just a means of his enjoyment. Even after knowing all this, I couldn't do anything, "She is everything to me... I will die in her stead... I beg you... bring her back... please..." No matter what I did, nothing happened. It was at this moment I realized, to him we are nothing more than a means of enjoyment. The more sad and despair we felt the more he enjoys. The more we break, the more fun it is for him. I couldn't control my anger at that moment, I was furious, furious at my puny strength, my helplessness, and his cruelty. "I will kill you..." It was then I decided... "I will end your everything..." To end all... "I will make you feel the same thing that I have been through..." To make him feel the same burden... "I will erase your existence from this world..." To free this world... "I will make you regret ever laying your eyes on this world... I will make sure of that..." But nothing went as planned, suddenly out of nowhere, I felt my body hollowing out and I fell on the ground without being able to move at all... But the flames of revenge still lingered in my eyes... *** Discord link: https://discord.com/invite/y3bHWXZvqt

Worthless_Wanderer · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Rummage Through The Past

"To study the past is to study the future" (An Archaeology qoutes of N. A. Gutierrez A. ) They say you can never change the past so all you can do is change your future. But what if you were given the chance to change the past. Would you change it or will you let the course of life in the past be repeated? Celestine Zuria Haward, half Pilipino, half Italian. Is a fresh graduate archaeologist. She's just new to this field yet familiar. Ever since she was 12, she was engrossed studying about the past, the medieval times. Normal teens enjoy their time but she doesn't. She never stops studying the Holy Roman Empire, she wants more than what she knows. After graduation she began her journey to Rome to increase her knowledge of the medieval period. She sets her time to search for the truth in the past but she never knows that her going to that place is the time when she can be brought back to the time she has long forgotten. Can she find true love in a time where love is only for chaste and marriage is without love because it is only for the position and power to benefit the kingdom? "Normal women fall for architects, doctors, engineers and other professional great men. But I, I fell for the emperor of the past. Will we meet again?" -Celestine Zuria Haward "Across the time and space we will meet again." -Emperor Charlemagne Let me take you back to the past and feel true love in a time when there is no real love and marriage is only for power. "Let the fate bring us together for the second time around"

01king_aurella · 歴史

Arranged Marriage Promise to love me

Xena Li "Miss Lu? the meeting is ready!"Her trusted sidekick Cai Siyu said "Lets go catch some money launderer!"Lu Fangning said as she got up wearing a flashy business suit with her tied in pony tail with a business look on her face,She confidentially walked to the conference room Fangning POV I am Lu Fangning, First young lady of the Lu family currently the owner Of Lu fashion which was willed to me by my father before he died ........ In the conference room, "There's no way I am letting a woman rule this company! that has been in existence since the third world war!"A shareholder said as Fangning gracefully walked into the conference room and smiled "If you dont mind then let's start the meeting ,as you all know before my dad's death I was readily put as the chairman and the highest shareholder in the company with a total share of 45% "Fangning stopped as the shareholder face turns red in anger and some even murmured loudly making her even smirk In the conference room consisted of Mr Shao,the fourth highest of the Lu fashion share followed by Mr William an English stylist and you might wanna remember this evil one,Mr Shaung the cause of the company unimaginable share drop! "To continue what I said,I was legally put as the shareholder because of you incompetent old fools right here except from Mr Williams "She said making the people who grumbled hear her well She had never cared about the people who despised, besides if she was even despised by her step mother,what could life do to her? "You! dont insult us just because you're the new chairman!"Mr Shao said as he banged the table loudly making Fangning to cover her ears "Mt Shao? should I remind you that table cost more than you? and beside what I said was right and since I've been elected as the new chairman, I hereby fire you,Mr Shao,from now on you're not a shareholder in the Lu Fashion !"Fangning sneered back at him and he opened his mouth "Miss Lu?how could you fire Mr Shao?you know he has been a good contribution to our company "Mr Shaung said trying to defend his little partner in crime buddy "Our?you make it seem that you own my Father's company,for the heaven sake it's the Lu not the Shaung nor Shao,Soo never call it OUR company! and turning to the reason why I fired him,Siyu,bring me the reports "She said and Siyu brings the reports ."Mr Shao you're here by sued for money laundering and other crimes I'd not like to say anything for now!,if there's no objections, meeting Adjourned! "Fangning said as she throes the copy of his report to the front of the long conference table and walks out with Siyu to leave the other sensible shareholder if there's one! https://m.facebook.com/groups/581837403077378/?ref=group_browse

JessicaE777 · 都市
40 Chs


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