
Cindy: An Unending Crush

Having been through a serious tragedy in which her life fell apart, Cindy meets Jake while working the streets. He is surprisingly nice to her and invites her into a bubble which is burst by the boisterous Elizabeth. Later she realizes Jake is from a life before. With Elizabeth seeking to wreck their union and facing obstacle after obstacle, will she remain strong and preserve her newfound romance?

EddyTakaz · 都市
125 Chs

Hundred and Nine: Turtle on its back.

"To hell with Stockholm syndrome. I am taking back my life. I married a man, not a monster."

Linda sat next to Herman across a small living room table where a smiling Angela sat legs crossed as she plotted her next strategic set of moves.

"He has treated me as an object for way too long, but not anymore."

"We will help you with anything you need. We need to see that he is put away for good. He deserves prison," Herman spoke.

He then cast a glance at Angela and saw her eyes fixed on Linda. There and then, he got validation that he had delivered, according to his promise.