
Cindy: An Unending Crush

Having been through a serious tragedy in which her life fell apart, Cindy meets Jake while working the streets. He is surprisingly nice to her and invites her into a bubble which is burst by the boisterous Elizabeth. Later she realizes Jake is from a life before. With Elizabeth seeking to wreck their union and facing obstacle after obstacle, will she remain strong and preserve her newfound romance?

EddyTakaz · 都市
125 Chs

Chapter Sixty-Seven: Berretta

Finally, Theodore Greenfield had returned to where he came from. From dust art thou formed and to dust shalt thou return. Those that remained would one day taste of the cruel treatment of the Grim Reaper. But in the meantime, they would engage in their portion of politics and family feuds.

Nelson had declared that he was meant to lead and his being there was not by accident. He felt he belonged, even if some of his siblings felt otherwise. He was going to set up an entity which would further enhance the reach of their dynasty. The world would know and revere the Greenfield name.

As he made his declarations, the rest that had envied the vacant throne could only cross their fingers and hope that the will which was to be read in a couple of days would stipulate otherwise. But his declaration and the manner in which they came suggested that he had inside information on what the will proposed. They could only cross their fingers and hope for the best.