
Cindy: An Unending Crush

Having been through a serious tragedy in which her life fell apart, Cindy meets Jake while working the streets. He is surprisingly nice to her and invites her into a bubble which is burst by the boisterous Elizabeth. Later she realizes Jake is from a life before. With Elizabeth seeking to wreck their union and facing obstacle after obstacle, will she remain strong and preserve her newfound romance?

EddyTakaz · 都市
125 Chs

Chapter Fourteen: Your wife is super hot!

"Forever dove huh?" Cindy inquired as she closed the door and turned arms folded to look at Jake. He was so focused on the piece of jewelry Elizabeth had left, his mind delving deep into the richness of memories it brought with it, that he completely missed Cindy's question. As he returned to the land called Now, he saw her eyes penetrating into his, trying to pull a truth that was going to leave him exposed and partially naked. He had assured himself he wanted nothing less than to give Cindy his everything. But now, he doubted whether if he revealed this side of himself to her, his past self, if she would be standing on the other side, hand stretched ready to go with him the full length of the journey. A part of him questioned whether he wanted to even go further. He thought about quitting, and sulking. Elizabeth's stunt had plunged him into a sea of questions, questions he had had answers for before. But now no more. They were fresh, like thorns pricking through his heart and sending waves of blood gushing out. "No answer?" probed a curious Cindy.

"Come on mate, cheer up. You're getting the deal of a lifetime here" Lenny shouted as he shaped to throw a dart at a dartboard. "Damn it!" he snapped as it missed his intended target. Then followed the short walk of shame back onto the couch where Jake sat pondering. "She is a flame from old ago man, disappeared into the system. You probably might never see her again and here you are comparing her to an actual beauty that is within your reach" Lenny added. "It's just that…you know…" Jake responded but his friend was having none of it. "Know what? Jake. Here I am trying to help you from what is commonly known as cold feet and you were supposed to have told me about the hot assistant at work or the young intern who dresses skimpily showing off her majestic, shiny thighs but you are telling me you are having second thoughts because of a girl you once knew? Because she fell victim to a tragedy? Come on man…" Lenny said as he got up to take another shot at the dartboard. "Look man, I am in love with Elizabeth but I can't lie, I think of that other girl and a part of me feels guilty". "Listen bro, there was nothing you could have done" Lenny said as he adjusted himself, shrugging his shoulders to position himself for the shot. "Wasn't there though? You know that's the kind of thing we tell ourselves so we can sleep at night. Well guess what, I don't sleep that comfortably". He sank deep into the couch as Lenny once again missed his shot.

Graceful, poised, elegant, shining. She gleamed as the rays of the sun that peered in through the church's windows gratefully bounced off of her. As she came into the congregants view, their exclamation said it all. A sumptuous, handsome man stood ahead waiting for her while a very rich one offered his arm for her to tuck hers into. Everything was going according to plan. As Mr. Greenfield surrendered his daughter into the hands of the prodigy he hoped would one day inherit a part of his kingdom, he smiled proudly. He was in every instance happy for his daughter and his soon to be son. The lovebirds took each other's hands and when the minister asked them to recite their vows, their mouths transformed mere words into more than poetry. "I will always put you first and remember that even before the kids come, our family is you and me. I will bear with you and see the real you beyond your mistakes. And if get a chance to lodge a complaint to Him who sits up on high, I will complain that eternity is not long enough. You will forever be my forever dove" Jake spoke as he looked straight into the eyes of his bride.

The minister admonished the pair to remember these promises and to remind each other if one of them would forget. The ceremony and reception were colorful, the best that Mr. Greenfield's money could buy. Everything was perfect, up until the best man took to the stage to deliver his best man's speech. He wasn't usually a heavy drinker but he seemed as if he had taken too much Dutch courage. Perhaps he was feeling overwhelmed by the occasion, love feelings and all. Or maybe the thought that Jake was about to detach from him and attach to her was weighing heavily on him. They had come a long way and their friendship went beyond even bonds forged by flesh. They were almost one. Which made it awkward when he would feel a slight inkling towards his friend's beautiful brand new wife. At times he found his mind navigating roads which led to places of a sensuous nature. But Jake was his brother, how could he? He staggered to the stage, collected the microphone and for half a minute looked at his audience. Then he focused on the couple, cleared his throat and uttered, "Jake my brother, your wife is super-hot".

The rest of the guests blamed the liquor in order to move on, avoiding drama. It was later when they had taken to the dance floor to waltz away the summer evening that drunk Lenny swooped in to steal a dance with his best friend's new wife, his hand dared be adventurous beyond the modest regions of her back. It ventured south towards forbidden areas causing the bride to flinch and push him away. Then a tumult. Lenny was out of order and Jake had to be responsible. He had for years on end advised his friend against drinking on occasions such as this given he was losing every bout his decency went against the bottle. Jake had to make a difficult decision, Lenny had to leave.

As the newly wedded pair moved into their honeymoon suite, their collective sexual beast was unleashed. With much disregard for their expensive clothing, they endeavored to get rid of the obstacles which prevented skin from meeting skin. He cradled her head to the side and followed in, cleansing her lips from the lipstick that added ambience to her already plush lips. He tasted the salty sweat off her neck, a savory appetizer for the feast that lay ahead. In lightning speed, the clothes had found a home on the floor and Jake was ferrying his wife to the bed. He gently placed the feast on a spot that would make devouring easy. Her eyes were seductive, inviting him to indulge to the full extent of his longing desire. She wanted him to want her. All of her. "You ready?" the gentleman inquired. A mild nod gave him all the permission he needed. The land was ready for occupation. He ran his hand across her silky skin, her eyes looking straight into his. Hers were brimming with satisfaction. As the hand ran down her back she let out a light cackle "I'm sorry Lenny handled your package before you. But it is all yours. I am all yours".

Cindy watched as Jake disappeared down memory lane. She knew just how fond of her he was, but that assertion was being tested today. Elizabeth was reaching back for her crown. "Jake, will you please talk to me?" Cindy was now on edge. "I love you" she added as she came and knelt in front of her. "I love you with all my heart and I need you to be here with me". Jake looked away. "Will you at least look at me?" Cindy begged. Paradise was on leave and in its place, hell. Her knight was turning into the devil. Slowly, Jake's head turned to face her. Conflict had pitched tents inside of his eyes. He was drawing close to tears. "What is happening?" she wondered. "I love you Jake. Please say it back". He shrugged, adjusting his position on the wheelchair. "Say it back" she demanded. He gently shook his head. "I said it to her. To Elizabeth. Look where she is now".