
Cindy: An Unending Crush

Having been through a serious tragedy in which her life fell apart, Cindy meets Jake while working the streets. He is surprisingly nice to her and invites her into a bubble which is burst by the boisterous Elizabeth. Later she realizes Jake is from a life before. With Elizabeth seeking to wreck their union and facing obstacle after obstacle, will she remain strong and preserve her newfound romance?

EddyTakaz · 都市
125 Chs

Chapter Eighty-One: Hell and all the other places that suck.

"Are you ready?" Angela asked Herman as her hand went onto the car door handle. She was raring to go.

"As ready as I will ever be," Herman replied as he got out of the car ahead of her.


After Angela had stopped Herman on the side of the road, she had remarked about his trip to Zenith which had shocked him given it had been a tight-kept secret. It had been, but Angela had been admitted into the circle.

She had let go of part of her devotion to the code. It was coming in the way and affecting her doing her job. By so doing, it was going against that which it was supposed to foster and as a result was not serving a purpose. She then sought Elizabeth and informed her of her new position, then came the torrent of information. A lot had happened in her absence and she did not want to lose out on any more.