


---The matter of the sword-01

Ever since Midnight started meeting his cute Ry, he had found something to look forward to every day. He would count the hours and minutes, waiting impatiently just so he could grasp that bit of happiness that Ryder’s presence gave him.

Then something miraculous happened, and the two of them eventually got closer and closer, more and more familiar with each other, creating an atmosphere around themselves in which Midnight wished to drown. It was a new kind of feeling that was more than happiness and he was addicted to it.

It was probably because he got too accustomed to it, that after being deprived from it for two weeks, he felt like a parched man dying for a drop of water and once he found it, he couldn’t have enough of it. His heart had taken control of all this body and reason had flown out of the window since he jumped into the room.