


---How to be sick 101-04

Midnight looked down at her with a frown. Her voice sounded a bit hoarse as she whispered but only now that she started to cough was he convinced that Ryder was sick.

Without saying anything he squatted near her and touched her forehead. Sure enough it was warm and she was shivering. She has a fever and still sits on the floor, Midnight helplessly shook his head. /"Don’t sit down there. You already have a fever./"

Maybe it was because this night was bewitched, fated to break all the unsaid rules between them that Midnight took Ryder in his arms in a princess carry, one arm under her knees and the other supporting her back as he walked her to the bed. Ryder, on the other hand, was too busy coughing her lungs out to pay any attention to this. As soon as he sat her down on the bed, Midnight pulled the blanket around her shoulders, wrapped her in a burrito then sat by her side.