
Ciel Cultivation History

This is the history of Ciel, and her path to become the greatest cultivator ever seen before. Follow her in her adventures and misfortunes. I hope you to fall in love with her and keep reading until the end. Power Stone Goals! 200 PS for 2 extra Chapters.

gladieweb · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Unexpected Events

Ciel begins to dig with her hands.

Using the chain of her hands as an aid to remove the earth under her feet, trying to dig a hole and get out of the cage.

The bandits are asleep, and she is wiping away tears, her only motivation is that her family depends on her. the family situation is dire and they depends on her. She doesn't want to end up like this, she wants to get to Blue Port City and enter the school of scholars and be able to return to her house with pride.

Scholars have a lot of prestige for their knowledge, aristocrats fight to win the favor of renowned scholars, money and power is something that is served to them on a silver plate.

She continues to dig, her nails bleeding, and her hands showing signs of fatigue. Ciel stops, but not because of fatigue, nor because she wants to give up.

In the place where she was digging there is a hand, the remains of someone who lost her right hand ended up buried in this place, Ciel doesn't know how long that hand has been there. but what most attracts her attention is not the bones, but the ring that it wears on the finger of the dead hand.

A bright ring, it seems that the earth, humidity and time had no effect on that ring. this one has a bronze color with greenish tones with a spiral fold holding a grass-green pearl.

She turns to see Yunior who is sleeping next to the rest looking to tell someone about what she just had found but when she sees him she decides not to wake him up.

They are all about to be slaves and to be sold, what is the importance of a ring at this moment? If any of the bandits find out, that ring will end up in the hands of the bandits.

Ciel grabs the ring, but as she is about to hide it in her clothes, a drop of blood slips from her hands and falls on the pearl of the ring.

It starts to turn red and the ring starts to glow, an incandescent red light! and automatically the ring flies to her right ring finger, adjusting to her size.

From that moment she feels a special connection to the ring, strangely comfortable on her finger. she suddenly feels exhausted, and a stabbing and excruciating pain through her body that makes her lose consciousness.

Meanwhile, in one of the tents among the bandits, a woman wakes up, a beautiful woman, with a body shaped and marked by her musculature, next to her two good-looking men. She is Camila, the head of the bandits. lying with her two of the band members. the gang members cannot refuse Camila's orders or they will suffer the consequences of her disobedience with her whip. She is well known in Blue Port City as Crimson Flower Camila. Because of her merciless technique with her whip that leaves the flesh open. as if it were the blooming of a red flower in spring.

Camila takes her whip, and leaves the tent almost naked with only her underwear. She is a Foundation Establishment cultivator and she is talented. few people can beat her in the same stage and she is not afraid or ashamed of being seen naked because everything in the camp belongs to her and her whip. With smooth movements she cracks her whip. and many of the bandits begin to awaken.

-Bring them!! – Camilla yells.