
Chuunibyou SAGA

Rikka Takanashi is an 18 year old 3rd year in highschool but unlike other students, Rikka, used to have chunibyo. 6 months ago Rikka gave up her chunibyo for a stonger relationship with Yuuta, but when Rikka is suddenly transported to a new world she must figure out if staying out of chunibyo is a smart option or will becoming Wicked Lord Shingan once again bring her back home? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After returning from Remnant, Rikka & Yuuta, decide to finally take a break from any type of powers, real or fake. When a strange girl with chunibyo shows up at Rikka's door she has to decide whether to help this girl return home or just let her delusions consume her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With Rikka now stuck in another world she must find her way home with the help of Aqua, Darkness, team RWBY and an unexpected surprise. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rikka and Yuuta have been living a peaceful life with thier newborn daughter, but peace doesn't last forever. When Ruby is almost killed Rikka tries to find her assassin only to be found by a group of spies who are ready to spyce up her life. Rikka Takanashi, Momochi Minamoto, and the rest of Tsukikage are out to find Ruby's assassin, and put an end to the bloodshed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rikka and Yuuta have been putting there lives on the line for the past 7 years, but now it's finally time to get back to what they planned. Getting married. Join Rikka Takanashi and Yuuta Togashi on their long journey of planning a wedding.

KisuraKasuda · アニメ·コミックス
32 Chs

Eye of the Wicked Rose

As the Grimm started surrounding us, Dekomori, started to loose the confidence she had built for herself. Before I could say anything Ruby slammed Crescent Rose into the ground.

"Right now is no time for us to doubt ourselves." She said confidently, "we've come to far and been through to much to give up now. Today we will defeat Salem. You can bet on that!"

Dekomori looked up at Ruby in a starstruck sort of manner as she quickly gained her pride back.

"The wielder of the Mjolnir Hammer will lend a hand, yes" Dekomori stated. I gripped my weapon tight and looked at Yuuta. Today we will come out on top, because we have one thing Salem doesn't. Hope.

As the Grimm charge us, I create a type of barricade out of the dark energy flowing  through the air. The barricade stands long enough for everyone to ready their weapons. The Grimm start slashing at the barricade starting to leave small cracks in it. Ruby throws Crescent Rose behind her and blasts at the ground propelling herself forward. I lower the barricade quickly, directly after Ruby flings Crescent Rose around slashing through one Grimm. Once she lands, Ruby smirks and swings Crescent Rose around spinning herself cutting through multiple Grimm. Every Grimm that gets near her is killed almost instantly. Before she kills another it freezes before her and she stops in her tracks.

"C'mon Ruby I can't let you have all the fun." Weiss smiles. Blake throws her ribbon sword around like a boomerang wrapping around all the Grimm in the area. After they are all together Yang slammed her fist into the ground killing all of the ones Blake captured.

"It feels good to be back!" Yang exclaimed happily.

"It's really good to have you back." Blake said shyly.

"Now that we're are all here," Ruby started, "Let's show Salem what team RWBY can do!"

As team RWBY fought off the Grimm I looked at Yuuta. Before I could say anything Grimm started to surround us. It looked like we were outnumbered.

"I shall hold them off master, yes" Dekomori said.

"Lend your power to team RWBY." I said softly. She pounded a few Grimm back with her hammer, running to Ruby and the others. The Grimm started to form around us more numerous than before. Yuuta grabbed my hand, I grabbed his back tighter.

"What should we do Yuuta." I looked at him scared.

"We fight!" He exclaimed. Yuuta formed a blade slashing it at the surrounding Grimm killing them instantly. I tighten my grip looking at the remaining Grimm. I let go over Yuuta's hand and start walking forward.

"Rikka what are you doing?" He questioned.

My eye started to glow faintly.

"Reality rejected." My body started to form a barrier of darkness around it.

"And synapsis shattered." My eye started glowing brighter. The Grimm that rushed at me burned into nothing before they could lay a claw on me. Yuuta looked at me in fear.

"Banishment!" I looked up seeing all the Grimm starting to overpower Ruby, Blake, Weiss, Dekomori, and Yang. As I got closer my dark aura got stronger.

"From this!" Yuuta walked up beside be and grabbed my hand. The aura grew stronger as we put out conjoined hands in front of us. Yuuta looked at me and nodded then forward.

"World" the aura around Yuuta and I went straight to our hands. A blast of darkness shot directly at Salem.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" She screamed.

"Showing you why you should never trifle with the Eye of the Wicked Lord." My weapon formed behind me as I propelled myself at her and slashed her chest open. She screamed bloody murder as her body started to turn to dust.

"I will return Ms. Takanashi!" She exclaimed.

"I won't let you." Ruby walked up behind me. Her eyes started to glow. I looked at Ruby then back at Salem grabbing her hand.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Let's do it." Ruby nodded. We put our hands infront of us as a dark rose started to form.

"Fear the power of the Eye of the Wicked Rose!" Ruby and I exclaimed as the power blasted into Salem. Salem was sucked into a a strange type of black hole sucked what remained of her into it. As Salem was reduced to nothing the remaining Grimm started to disappear. We had finally won.

"Wait hold on a second." Said Nibutani, "that's what happened?"

I looked at her and sighed.

"I don't really wanna get in much detail." I said. Nibutani stood up and looked at Yuuta and I.

"Well that's a terrible way to end a story and Togashi hardly did anything at all!" She exclaimed.

"That's not true Nibutani!" Yuuta defended himself.

"I'm kinda shocked you didn't say 'Rikka I love you I'll protect you with my dark flames, kiss me.' or something." She said jokingly.

"That's embarrassing!" Yuuta exclaimed. I stood up quickly and pointed at Nibutani.

"The Eye of the Wicked Lord commands you to sit down!" I ordered. After I said this Nibutani sat down and looked at me.

"Now to tell you how we got home." I started.

As Salem's body was reducing to ash a, ball of dark power lay in the remains. I reached out my hand and picked up the ball observing it thoroughly. The ball started to glow a bright purple.

"Rikka!" Yuuta ran up, "what the hell?"

He stopped, looking at the weird ball.

"Yuuta this is it." I said.

"Huh? What is it?" He asked.

"The way to get home." I smiled. Ruby looked at the ball concerned. I looked at Ruby.

"Trust me we'll be okay." I smiled softly. She nods.

"Then this is goodbye?" She asked.

"Not for good, I promise." Ruby hugged me tight one last time.

"Till we meet again Rikka Takanashi." Ruby smiled.

"Till next time Ruby Rose." I used the rest of the power I had to axtivate the ball as it started to turn into a portal. As Yuuta, Dekomori and I walked through the portal the scenery changed from the mountains of Remnant to the blue skies of Japan. It was truly good to be home. After about an hour of walking, Yuuta and I finally reach home.

"And that's about what happened." I said softly.

"I hope we can meet Ruby some time," Kumin smiles, "she sounds nice."

"From the time I knew her she was very nice, yes" Dekomori said. I was about to agree with her until there was a knock at the door. We had all stopped. I stood up walking to the door and turning the knob to pull it open. Behind the door was a guy in a green track suit. Standing next to him was a girl wearing a strange hat with a face on it.

"Um who are you?" I questioned.

"My name is Kazuma Sato and I'm looking for Yuuta Togashi."