
Chrono Unbound

Naturally we are all told to chase our dreams, plan for our futures and all those prep talk But what if the reverse was the case, instead of chasing your dreams, you dreams came chasing you Instead of planning for the future, the future made its plan for you, forcing you to either follow that plan or follow nothing at all. This is the tale of a young man, Alex Dominic In a futuristic world on the brink of Annihilation. In a desperate need for survival, the future made a move that roped Alex into unknowingly becoming a key player in the fight against time for the future. As Alex and the other fortunate youngster like him awaken to their unique responsibility own to the future, they must navigate a world of chaos and destruction, uncovering hidden truths and facing challenges that will test their limits. However, Alex's actions inadvertently accelerate the annihilation process, plunging Earth into an apocalypse, leaving him with just the option to adapt and evolve in a bid to survive or die.

umukoro_prosper · SF
3 Chs


First chapter: Dream

As the crimson sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the desolate cityscape of Nova Terra, a world laid in ruins.

The twinkling stars above provided a stark contrast to the chaos unfolding below

The once vibrant cities now a somber reflection of the devastation. The eerie stillness was only punctuated by the occasional sound of crumbling buildings and the distant hum of the extraterrestrial ships overhead.

Smoke billowed from the skeletal remains of skyscrapers, their shattered windows reflecting the fiery glow of destruction. The hollow echoes of sirens and gunfire reverberated through the smog-choked streets, a symphony of chaos and despair.

Amidst the eerie chaos of the night, a lone figure found himself standing on a precipice, a sense of foreboding tugging at his gut.

The city around him a tapestry of destruction, its once bustling streets now littered with debris and shadows cast by the crimson glow of a space ship.

Standing in the heart of the once-thriving metropolis, this lone figure navigated the rubble-strewn alleyways, his footsteps silent against the backdrop of devastation.

Alex, a young man with haunted eyes and strange markings etched into his skin, moved with purposeful determination, his mind a whirlwind of fragmented memories and foreboding visions.

Alien invaders, towering behemoths clad in metallic armor and wielding advanced weaponry, stalked through the decimated city with ruthless efficiency.

Their cold, unfeeling gaze swept over the remaining pockets of humanity, rounding up survivors with brutal precision and dragging them towards their looming transport ships.

Amidst the chaos and destruction, a sense of futility and desperation hung heavy in the air. Families torn apart, buildings reduced to rubble, and the deafening roar of explosions punctuating the night sky painted a grim portrait of a world on the brink of extinction.

As Alex reached the edge of a desolate plaza, he gazed up at the ominous silhouette of the alien mothership looming overhead, its shadow casting a pall over the broken city below. With a deep breath, he clenched his fists, a glimmer of defiant resolve flickering in his eyes.

The cold wind brushed against his face, carrying whispers of a looming threat that lingered in the air.

He lifted his eyes to the inky blackness of space above, the distant stars shimmering with an ethereal light. The city below may have fallen, but the spirit of resistance lived on in his heart—a flickering flame of defiance in the face of overwhelming darkness.

"This is the ends" Alex whispered to himself, his voice tinged with a mix of horror and dread. With the echoes of his words fading into the night

His consciousness faded into the night too, along with his voice as an indistant buzzing sound attack his hearing

Buzzing so loudly it he felt like his head wants to blow up, which important forced his consciousness back as he jolt up like an escaping doe

The scene of freshly cut lavender and rose wafting through the air into his nostril as his eyes fluttered open.

His vision blurry and unfocused as he try to sit up hut felt an odd heaviness in his limbs and a strange tingling sensation across his body

As his vision slowly clear out, becoming aware of his surrounding, he slumped back into his soft and luxurious bed, exhaling heavily

"This damn dream again" Alex curse as he relaxed his arching heart

"Good morning master Alex" a mechanical soft voice greet, her feminine voice reverbing in the luxurious room Alex lay

"Morning to you too Alice" Alex greeted as he tries to get out off bed for the second time, "what hour of the day it is Alice" he asked tiredly as he make his way to his desk at the side of his room

A modern energy like system is currently active depicting the project he was working on before he went to bed and a fee cups of caffeine lay around the desk

"Its 04:00 Alex, you barely slept two hours"

The soft light of the holographic screen cast a warm glow across Alex's face as he sat down at his desk, a million thoughts racing through his mind.

His eyes way heavy to the point you could see the amount of tiredness in face

He couldn't shake the feeling that his dream was more than just a dream, that there was something important about it that he couldn't quite put his finger on.

He's been having series of this dream since he could remember, every since he was five or so

He pulled up his work-in-progress on the holographic display, trying to focus on the task at hand.

The words on the screen blurred and swam before his eyes, and he had to blink a few times to bring them into focus.

"You do know your body need a lot of rest right?" The mechanical soft voice which is Alice asked in a monotone

"Come on Alice, I've been through worse and I'm still fine

More importantly, I got the result every time, or aren't you one of those timeless strive I undertook"

Alice remained silent, giving him the no comment attitude

"You don't have to be like that, once I'm able to upgrade your source codes and upgrade your overall feature for the upcoming exam

I'll be taking a very long break, just me an you"

"Ha, I'm glad to hear that, but I'm just an ai, you'll need to spend that quality time with your love ones" replied Alice

"You are such a bore" Alex let out a long sigh as he began to focus on his work, his fingers typing away at a rapid pace.

Despite his fatigue, his brain was racing with ideas and theories, piecing together the complex puzzle of his project.

The deadline was fast approaching, and he knew he had to get this right. As he got deeper into his work, he could feel himself getting lost in the zone, his mind completely immersed in the task at hand when another buzzing sound distracted his focus

Pulling his mind back only to receive the notification Alice wanted to pass to him

"Spacing out again I see" Alex rolled his eyes, he didn't know how to express his thought of been disturb to Alice as she might probably not understand

"What is it" he question in a monotone, obviously unhappy with Alice disturb

"Today is 27th of Feb Alex"

"And?" Alex asked back unable to grasp what that meant or why its important when all of a sudden it done on him

"Damn, its my birthday and I'm still here

Aunt going to kill me if I don't get over by 08:00"

Alex jumped off his desk as he made head way to hit the shower

"She had left you 25 missed calls and 45 voicemails, 15 text messages to add"

Alex that had almost disappeared into the bath room prop his head out to look at the holographic device hung at the center of the room

Alice hardware main frame, "and you couldn't remind me earlier?"

He asked as if he was talking to an actual person but soon realised he is making a scene to himself and could only resign to the obvious.

As Alex showered, he tried to quickly replay the day's events in his head, trying to piece together what could have possibly distracted him from keeping track of time.

He realized that his intense focus on his project, as well as a few unexpected interruptions, had caused him to lose track of the time.

With a sigh, he turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel and head back into the room

"Alice give me the current information of world statics" he demanded as he went on to grab a few clothes


World political statues:

Avron had won their war against Ultaron, giving them claim to the mining right of the new planet found

The ruler of Ultaron gave a statement, alluring their lost to the underhand dealing of their Mecha riders Derrick with the country of Avron, still he would accept the result just for peace...."

She continued with a few more important on political statues before moving on to technological and science aspects

Alex had barely finished drying off when Alice's statics began to roll in. He was surprised by the amount of news that had happened while he was engrossed in his work.

And while most of it was interesting, one piece of information stood out above the rest.

The news of another new planet being discovered had piqued his interest. His mind raced with possibilities, thinking of the endless opportunities such a discovery could bring.

Could it be habitable? Could it be rich in resources? Could it be the key to solving some of the world most pressing problems? The questions swirled around in his mind as he quickly dressed up

"I really need to learn how to socialize before this word ends with me ignorant of it, all locked up within the confinement i set for myself" he mutters to himself playfully