
Chapter no.3

When there was war (which was always the case in any corner of the world), the Uchiha dismantled their tents and moved to the regions of the world where they were needed. The world was divided into at least thirty different small states. The more orders they received, the better they were, but the more attacks they received from clans that were jealous, the better they were. Because of their Kekkei Genkais, the Uchiha had already established a strong reputation and were frequently sought after for employment. In addition, it was not necessary for there to be any casualties in a war between two such small countries if the opposing side had even considered the possibility of recruiting ninja for themselves.

Therefore, constant movement was a defining characteristic of the Uchiha way of life. They fought their way to fame and honor by traveling the world and engaging in battle. A proud clan that was acutely aware of its significance and took great care to maintain its reputation as one that is powerful, effective, and honorable on all fronts Their ability to copy foreign jutsus and develop powerful genjutsu was largely attributable to the eyejutsu they had inherited, known as the "Sharingan." This was the primary source of their power. Because of this, the tribal tree, in addition to one's strength and ambition, was the most important factor for determining one's social position within the clan.

A very high level of priority was given to Noriko within the clan as a result of the fact that she not only was able to train the Sharingan on her own but also gave birth to a daughter who was also able to train it. But Noriko also had two other children: their sons Madara and Izuna, who were ages three and five, respectively. Noriko had the occasional worry that their children might become emotionally damaged as a result of the high expectations placed on her husband and her partner. It would be an understatement to say that the rest of the clan would be keeping an eye on how the brothers were doing.

However, on this particular day, Madara and Izuna were nothing more than two orphaned little children who played captive between the tents. Unfortunately for Noriko, she had to miss the solemn speeches that were given in honor of her daughter; however, a large buffet had been prepared, and a space had been cleared for dancing. At this very moment, the atmosphere was just right: several of the more experienced ninjas were playing a variety of musical instruments, and the Uchiha women were dancing in the traditional dances that were especially cherished in their clan. Shinoi himself performed a dance in the middle of the area; it was an artistic dance that incorporated aspects of taijutsu. Perhaps it was a little too easy to forget, but Shinoi was only ten years old at the time. Noriko was relieved that the ninja's routine life hadn't yet turned her into a cynical person. This wonderful phase of childhood would end all too soon.

Now Shinoi had learned of their existence. She let out a resounding cackle of delight, stopped the dance, and ran in her direction immediately.

When Shinoi gave Noriko a vigorous hug and came close to actually embracing her, Noriko instinctively took a few steps backward.

"Okay San!"  She was irradiated by Shinoi. "It's wonderful that you were able to make it!"

Inside, Noriko let out a snort and then grabbed the girl affectionately by the hair. Naturally, they have black hair, just like almost everyone else in their clan, and they are also very pale. The elders of the village did not always approve of the way Shinoi wore her hair because they believed that having long, open hair was not only impractical but also dangerous in combat. Shinoi wore her hair long and open. On the other hand, it was considered fashionable to wear the hair long for particularly powerful ninjas, and the reason for this was to demonstrate that one was superior to such insignificant matters. Therefore, a female Uchiha who wore her hair in a long style was either shameless or self-assured. The second interpretation is undeniably accurate with regard to Shinoi.

Noriko lowered herself onto the hook so that she could be at the same eye level as her daughter.

"I am also very happy that I was able to accomplish what I set out to do." How can I miss your big day? I am bursting with pride for you, my sweet little girl.

The young Kunoichi displayed her pride by puffing out her cheeks. "I am no longer your little girl." Be careful, because in a short while I will start dressing up and living in my own tent, which will have the sign of my own clan on it!

"How did you manage to mature so quickly?" Noriko asked with a chuckle. "All right, get back with your buddies." They probably think of you often.

Shinoi turned her head back to glance at the young people who had approached her from behind. She muttered to herself, "These are not my friends." Since I've been able to open my eyes, they've taken an interest in me.

However, this does not mean that you won't be able to locate some genuine friends among them, my dear. After all, you will be embarking on more significant missions together with these young ninjas in the near future. You have no choice but to have faith in them. Shinoi-chan.

She corrected the laughing girl by calling her "Shinoi-sama!" and then hugged her once more. "Well, I'll do it already." "I'm going to be an excellent Kunoichi just like you are!"

It appeared to Shinoi that there was someone hiding behind Noriko, so she turned her head slightly in that direction. Once upon a time, the young Kunoichi shouted out in excitement before taking her mother's recommendation and rushing over to the group of other adolescents. At that precise moment, Noriko didn't need to turn around to determine who was following close behind her.

She uttered the words in a hushed whisper, barely moving her lips. "It is a miracle that you came today at all."

A man's voice could be heard saying, "I've been here all day." And in a hushed voice: "In contrast to you."

Noriko observed that Shinoi had resumed her dancing and commented on it. "I saved our daughter from an assassination attempt not even twenty minutes ago," she muttered through clenched teeth as she grinned at her and nodded in her direction. When was the last time you watched over your children who were not your own? "You are only present in body, Seiko; mentally, you are somewhere else, probably at your workout."

Seiko murmured something as she gently rested her hand on Kunoichi's shoulder. "Noriko, let's not argue about this today," said Noriko.

Noriko turned around, disengaged himself from him, and glared angrily at him with his dark eyes. All pretense of benevolence was dissolving before her like a sheet before the sun. "I just need you to watch out for both of us a little bit more." Is that an unreasonable amount of demand? As she gently took hold of his hand, the slight sternness that had been in her gaze melted away. "Why didn't I pick any of these powerful, accomplished, and worn-out warriors at the time?" Because I wanted someone to sit next to me who doesn't constantly think about violence and weapons.

"Noriko-chan," Seiko murmured to her, and then she gently ran her fingers through Noriko's hair. "I am a Uchiha, and the entirety of our lives is a constant battle. You are aware that I have to put in significantly more effort than anyone else does.

But his wife gave a shrugging response. You spend more time working out by yourself in the woods than you do with the rest of us and on the missions together. This is not the norm any longer. She parted ways with him in a sour manner. "If, by some small chance, it could at least bring something..."

Seiko has arrived once more. A reflexive response to the offensive words that were just said Noriko had no idea. Even though she was his wife, they were unable to communicate with one another as effectively as they had at the beginning of their relationship. Seiko endured a great deal of pain as a result of her achievements as a Kunoichi due to the fact that, despite being a pure Uchiha, he had never been able to activate the Sharingan. He put in long hours of practice in the ninja arts in order to maintain his ability to record the history of the clan alongside the other members. However, the Kekkei Genkai simply presented him with an advantage that was too great for him to be able to overcome. They were able to copy a jutsu that required him to train for weeks in order to master it, but they did it in a matter of seconds. Despite this, Seiko did not show any signs of shame as he returned to his tent. We never stop dreaming that one day we'll be able to bring doujutsu back to life. That was the only quality in this place that he respected, and that was determination.

But as a man, it was not at all difficult for him to support his wife—first with Kami, and now also with his daughter! But what affected him the most was the fact that his own wife considered him to be a loser and had already given up on him. He ought to be the one to stay put at home and look after the kids while she goes out into the world and puts her life in danger.

"Okaa-san," a quiet voice sounded. Izuna has once more been found playing with my shuriken.

They looked out to see their two sons standing in front of them: Madara, who was a little more like his father in his quiet, almost dreamy nature, was holding his younger brother Izuna in his hand. Izuna was two years younger than Madara, and his round face still had clearly childlike traits. Madara was a little more like his father in this way. Naturally, they also possessed the dark hair and eyes in addition to the pale skin and hair that characterize Uchiha. No matter how talented they were, it wouldn't be known until much later that Madara, who was only five years old at the time, had only recently started to handle smaller weapons. Izuna was unable to accomplish that task just yet, and at this moment he stood here with a blatant look on his face, but he bravely stifled his tears while holding his left arm, on which the blood slowly trickled down.

When Noriko saw it for the first time, she let out a terrified shout that began, "To my ancestors!" Almost instantly, she got down on her knees and reached for her child's hand.

When she saw the severe haircut, she became alarmed and demanded to know, "How did you get that?"

The young boy mumbled, "I'm gone," as he left.

Noriko called out to her eldest son, "Madara-chan," telling him to hurry into the tent and bring her something to connect.

He did not utter a single word as he extended his hands, which were crammed with a few mulch bands, disinfectant, and a healing ointment. He had already brought them as a precaution, but he was at a loss as to how to properly apply the bandage.

Noriko flashed a hesitant smile. "A brave boy." Give it, I'll do it..."

After restoring the child's health in a hurry, she picked him up and carried him.

She told the young boy, "Madara-chan, if you're not training, you need to pack your guns out, you hear?" She told his brother, "And you'll be more careful in the future," and he agreed with her. "I'll take you back to the tent," the speaker said.

The young boy voiced his objection, saying, "But I want to see Shinoi-chan dance."

"You really ought to have given that some consideration sooner."

Noriko retracted her gaze while supporting Izuna on one arm. After she went back to the family tent, Seiko followed her there.

She whispered to her husband as softly as possible, "It was your job to pump down the shuriks," as she thought herself out of the hearing of the celebrants. "To pump down the shuriken was your job."

"How is Madara supposed to train with those stupid shuriken?" That's what I told you!

"Even if he throws them with sufficient force, they won't be able to escape the target disc, and that's what really matters!" What if Madara did not find Izuna? Because of us, he might have bled to death!

He muttered, "Don't think you're the only one who cares about the well-being of our children!" as a warning to the other person.

Noriko was planning to give a furious response, and at some point during their conversation, the two of them forgot to lower the volume of their voices.

Izuna slid his arm over his mother's shoulder as she looked off into the distance with a sad expression on her face. His other brother, Madara, stood there, completely alone in the midst of the adults who were celebrating, and each of them told him that he had every reason to be so proud of his mother and his sister. It is expected of him to make the same effort. Shinoi was following a little further behind. When she looked up and saw her parents leave, she paused in her dance, and the look of disappointment on her face told the whole story. The three of them were aware that the volume level inside their tent would likely rise once more tonight.