
Chronicles of the Gu Warlock

In a future fueled by space exploration, Cheng Lin's quest for knowledge takes an unexpected turn. A meteorite strike, an experiment gone wrong, and a soul-swapping twist throw him into a universe where dark forces control destiny. Trapped as a pawn in a magi's sinister game, Cheng must wield advanced technology and his AI companion to escape the clutches of fate or risk becoming an experiment's tragic tale. Embark on a thrilling journey where science meets magic, and a man's will clashes with the unknown.

y4OGHAI · アクション
1 Chs

A demon is born within the right environment.

The room echoed with ear-splitting screams, blending with the nightmarish atmosphere of the long corridor outside the blood-soaked stone chamber. A man, shackled at all four limbs, fought desperately against his restraints, the chains clattering in protest.

Amidst the cacophony, a robotic female voice pierced through the chaos, penetrating his mind with chilling precision.

Carefully apply controlled pressure and precise incisions to key areas such as the fingertips, palms, soles of the feet, and joints. This triggers a cascade of nerve responses that result in excruciating sensations of burning, stabbing, and throbbing pain, without causing significant physical damage or permanent injury.

The one shackled was an elderly figure, while the perpetrator appeared to be a young lad, no more than a teenager.

Suddenly the old man's finger tips, his dirt covered palms, soles of his feet and his joints began glowing with a vivid red hue. 

The kid's expression flickered between anguish and determination, torn between the agony of his conscience and the relentless pressure to obey.

Fear danced in his eyes, a silent plea for escape from the horrors they had unleashed and the ones yet to come. After all, this was supposedly for his own welfare, his survival.

Fortunately the ai chip is here to guide me, else I might have failed such a task.

Thinking of this the words of it subconsciously came into his mind.

"Torment those who stand before you. The better your performance, the greater your likelihood of approval. Remember."

Coercing some random individual to inflict pain on others... What kind of sick joke is this?! What the hell are they even trying to achieve in this facility filled with freaks?

He clenched his teeth tightly as he seized the wrist of the elderly man, firmly securing it in place on the stone altar.

"No, please, for the love of God, stop!" the man pleaded desperately.

Ignoring the cries, the youth remained silent as he lifted the iron hammer, bringing it down with full force onto the man's fingertip. With a sickening thud, the hammer collided mercilessly, shattering bone and flesh alike, while the man emitted a sharp gasp of pain.

A cry of agony erupted from the man as the young assailant swung the rusty hammer at his chin immediately after the blow to his finger.

Next, he grasped a sledgehammer. Despite its weight posing a challenge for his slender frame, he hoisted it aloft with all the strength he could muster, his gaze fixed firmly on the elderly man for a brief moment.

Where have the pristine white quartz chambers of my laboratory vanished to? Collaborating and brainstorming with colleagues on upcoming projects... And now, I find myself "experimenting" on an elderly man. Arrogant and selfish though I may be, this is a line I never thought I'd cross, even if my emotions were to overwhelm me…

His eyes shimmered with a mixture of regret and the urge that propelled his actions forward. In that moment, it dawned upon him that there were no shortcuts or alternatives—it was a simple matter of choosing between him or me.

The paramount concern amidst the chaos was the safeguarding of my own well-being. With a sigh, he released his grip, allowing the sledgehammer to begin its ominous descent towards the old man's feet.

Tears welled in the old man's eyes, his furrowed brows adding more character to his already weathered face. 

With a resounding crack, the sledgehammer collided with its mark, splintering the fragile bones of the old man's feet into a mosaic of agony.


He let out a desperate cry, his anguish echoing through the chamber as the kid's unwavering gaze remained fixed upon him. Gritting his teeth and squinting against the impending onslaught, the kid tightened his grip on the hammer, preparing to strike once more.

As the rusty tip of the hammer loomed ominously overhead, poised for another blow, a familiar voice interrupted the tension.

"Beep! Connection with NORI, Nanobot Operations and Response Interface, has been disabled."

Confusion washed over him. "What's the reason?" he demanded, his voice tinged with apprehension.

"It appears to be interference from an unknown entity. Searching for a probable cause..." The message from the AI chip stirred a sense of unease within him just as the hammer descended once again, delivering another brutal strike.

He was once revered as a brilliant scientist, boasting a track record of unparalleled success in his field. 

Following the devastation brought by the meteorite's impact, researchers stumbled upon a geode inside the meteorite containing a peculiar crystal previously unknown to human history—a potential breakthrough in the realm of elemental discoveries. Could this be a new element?

After exhaustive study, humanity unlocked the enigmatic properties of this crystal: it emitted miniscule particles of dark matter. 

Cheng Lin, the visionary scientist who dared to propose harnessing this newfound resource to craft a teleportation device. With a diverse team at his side, including a biologist skilled in nanobot technology and human body manipulation, a preeminent AI chip engineer, a master physicist, and an astute mathematician, they embarked on the monumental task.

Their collaborative efforts culminated in the creation of the world's first operational portal—an unprecedented achievement in human history. Prior to any human trials, meticulous testing was conducted to assess the impact on biological organisms. The results were reassuring: not a single cell suffered harm, conveying the safety of this revolutionary technology.

Driven by his greedy ambition and inflated ego, Cheng Lin, the primary architect behind the portal's engineering, insisted on being the first human subject for its test run, disregarding the biologist's warnings.

The allure of being the first individual to pioneer the inception, construction, and utilization of an instantaneous teleportation device proved irresistible, further fueling his already stubborn and arrogant demeanor.

Yet, fate had other plans in store. An unforeseen malfunction disrupted the meticulously laid plans, propelling Cheng Lin into an uncharted dimension. Within this enigmatic realm, the AI chip, once a mere tool nestled within his mind, underwent a profound metamorphosis, transcending its physical properties to intertwine with his very essence, melding with his soul.

Bewildered by this inexplicable fusion, Cheng Lin found himself grappling not only with the enigma of the AI chip's transformation but also with the fundamental question: why had he been thrust into this unfamiliar realm in the first place?

Despite the device's straightforward functionality—enter from one portal and exit from the other—Cheng Lin found himself inexplicably stranded in this alien realm, far from the intended outcome.;

Pushing aside his bewilderment for the moment, he forced himself to concentrate on the immediate task at hand: survival. Pondering the mysteries of his predicament in the midst of such uncertainty wasn't ideal for him.

With a resolute determination, he tightened his grip on the hammer once more, banishing distracting thoughts as he focused on the immediate challenge before him.