
Chronicles of Sky Raid

Some say he's the rat's droppings in the cultivation world, disrupting righteousness and order, causing chaos among the Dao sects! Some say he's the biggest scum in Southern Zhanbu Province, colluding with demonic forces, deceiving and committing all sorts of evils! To all the slander, Fang Xing responds: 'That's right, I'm indeed that legendary rat's droppings. Any issues with that?

Vincent_Gu · ファンタジー
40 Chs

Python Desiccated Toad

Hou Qing originally planned to use Fang Xing as bait, but with Liu San's death, this bait became meaningless.

Even with bait, he wouldn't be reckless enough to single-handedly challenge a Four-Rank monster like the Python-Desiccated Toad. After all, it was equivalent to a Cultivator at the Spirit Realm Fourfold. In the original plan, they intended to use Fang Xing as bait to lure the Python-Desiccated Toad into a trap, then, together with Liu San, Qian Tong, and two other Spirit Realm Triple experts, as well as Zhao Zhi, a Spirit Realm Double expert, they would join forces to kill it. However, this plan came with significant risks.

Now, with Liu San and Zhao Zhi dead, Qian Tong poisoned and weakened to only thirty percent of his strength, and having a grudge against him, how could he proceed with the plan?

For Hou Qing, Fang Xing was now useless and he decided to kill him directly. However, Fang Xing's words angered him, leading him to decide to torture Fang Xing first before sending him on his way.

Though acting in anger, he remained vigilant, lifting his Qingfeng Sword and advancing step by step.

Meanwhile, Fang Xing, appearing cheerful on the surface, had already grasped the Heavenhole Ring tied to his ponytail, ready to escape at any moment.

Whether he could escape alive depended on this moment!

As they drew closer, the air grew colder, and the tension thickened...

Unexpectedly, just as both were preparing to strike, a deafening "gwah" suddenly echoed from the forest on the Emperor's Edge. It sounded like a bellowing bull, echoing through the entire forest and shaking its very core.

Following the call, a camel-like black shadow leaped high into the sky from the northwest direction, blocking the moonlight and casting a terrifying shadow over the Monster-Miasma Mountain.

After a moment, this black shadow fell like a shooting star, descending exactly where Hou Qing and Fang Xing were located.

With a loud "boom," a powerful wind swept through, breaking branches and trees.

Both Fang Xing and Hou Qing staggered, using their spiritual energy to protect themselves as they dumbfoundedly looked to their left.

A toad, towering at ten zhang (around 33 meters) high, squatted on the ground, its two eerily blood-red eyes staring at them menacingly.

"Python-Desiccated Toad, a Four-Rank monster, a hybrid of Python and Desiccated Toad bloodlines, capable of spraying venom and protected by a Python shell, impervious to ordinary weapons..."

A series of information flooded Fang Xing's mind, leaving him wide-eyed in shock.

It turned out to be the only Four-Rank monster on the outskirts of Monster-Miasma Mountain, the target Hou Qing and the others had intended to kill!

Who would have thought that this creature would willingly present itself at this moment...

"It's Liu San..."

Hou Qing's eyes also turned cold. He quickly understood what had happened. Damn it, the Python-Desiccated Toad usually hunted at night, and Fang Xing had killed Liu San, stabbing him multiple times and mixing a lot of blood and spiritual energy, attracting the Python-Desiccated Toad like a piece of deliciously fragrant braised pork.

But no one expected this monster to arrive so quickly, just as they were about to kill Fang Xing!

Being confronted by the menacing aura of the Four-Rank monster, even with Hou Qing's peak Spirit Realm Triple cultivation, he dared not act rashly.

Fang Xing, on the other hand, sat dumbfoundedly, his body stiff against a large tree, not daring to move.

In the face of such a powerful creature, no one dared to act rashly...


At this moment, a devilish idea flashed through Fang Xing's mind...

His expression suddenly turned terrifying, his small mouth pouting as if about to cry, appearing to be extremely frightened. He bravely, but cautiously, called out to Hou Qing, "Senior Hou... I beg you... Take me... let's escape together..."

His voice was as soft as a mosquito's buzz, not alerting the Python-Desiccated Toad. It looked like he was genuinely terrified, which was normal for a child in such a situation.

Hou Qing was surprised, noticing Fang Xing's expression. It seemed like a child terrified to the extreme, a reaction only seen when one was genuinely scared. He quickly understood and felt a surge of joy: "This brat is still just a child. Although usually fearless and ruthless, when faced with becoming the Python-Desiccated Toad's food, he's scared out of his wits... Children fear monsters, it's normal!"

At this moment, Hou Qing suddenly noticed that Fang Xing, seemingly having drawn all of the Python-Desiccated Toad's attention, was frantically wiping the bloodstains on his body. This was something Hou Qing hadn't thought of yet. He cursed himself for not reacting as quickly as this brat, realizing that the Python-Desiccated Toad had been attracted by Liu San's blood and was now targeting whoever had a stronger scent of blood. Fang Xing, having been soaked in blood during the battle, was naturally the more tempting target. Fang Xing, quicker to think of this, started wiping the blood off his face...

With a hint of ruthlessness in his eyes, Hou Qing muttered to himself, "Brat, today I'll show you how cruel reality can be..."

As he spoke, he took out a small porcelain bottle from his waist pouch and glanced at Fang Xing, flicking his finger.


The porcelain bottle flew towards Fang Xing's head, immediately diverting the attention of the Python-Desiccated Toad.

Seeing this, Fang Xing was shocked and quickly moved his head to avoid the bottle's strike.

"Snap!" The bottle hit the tree trunk behind him, bursting open.

A strong smell of blood spread out, turning the tree trunk into a bloody mess, splattering over Fang Xing's body.

It turned out to be a Blood Qi Pill, a type of pill used to feed Longma beasts. Whenever Longma beasts are in urgent need of replenishment during long journeys, they are fed this type of pill. These pills are made from the flesh and blood of low-level demonic beasts, containing a large amount of vital energy and blood essence, along with some aromatic spiritual herbs that appeal to demonic beasts. The whole shape of the pill, to put it plainly, resembles a urinating bull's ball.

The Mangu Ha looked like it was attracted by this, its lantern-sized eyes suddenly focused and stared intently at Fang Xing.

At this moment, Hou Qing smiled slightly, gestured to Fang Xing, silently saying, "Farewell..."

Then, he turned around and quietly retreated two steps, immediately flying away.

In such a critical situation, escaping for one's life naturally took precedence. By using the Blood Qi Pill to attract the Mangu Ha's attention, the Mangu Ha would definitely go after the "prey" first, giving Hou Qing the opportunity to escape. Even if the Mangu Ha wasn't fully satiated, it would still come back to chase, but Hou Qing still had five Longma beasts in his pouch. After slaughtering them, he could leave them behind, which would surely buy him some time.

In an instant, Hou Qing had planned out the entire sequence of events, considering himself flawless in his calculations.

However, he never expected what happened next. Just as he was speeding away, seemingly having fully diverted the Mangu Ha's attention to Fang Xing, the Mangu Ha's eyeballs suddenly turned back, and then with a deafening cry, its mouth opened wide, and a blood-red, silk-like tongue shot out like an arrow, sharp and powerful as a blade. Its target was none other than Hou Qing.

Hou Qing was greatly alarmed and hastily rolled his body, gracefully arcing through the air, narrowly avoiding the attack.

Even Fang Xing couldn't help but admire this, Hou Qing's footwork was simply too exquisite.

It could be determined without a doubt that, regardless of whether Hou Qing mentioned his peak Spirit Manifestation cultivation, in the martial world, he would definitely be a formidable opponent.

Whether in swordsmanship or footwork, he was capable of making a name for himself in the mortal realm.

However, as skillful as his footwork was, it couldn't match the speed of the Mangu Ha's tongue. Although the Mangu Ha looked fat and bulky like a small mountain, its tongue was snake-like and arrow-like, extraordinarily agile. After missing its first strike, before Hou Qing could even land, the second strike was already coming out. Unable to change direction mid-air without the skill of "Air Raid," Hou Qing had no choice but to strike with his sword.


The sword struck the tip of the Mangu Ha's tongue, but it felt soft and weak, only leaving a shallow wound. However, it angered the Mangu Ha, which let out a muffled roar, its hostility fully aroused. It kicked with its hind legs, charging directly at Hou Qing, while its thick front legs swept through the air, aiming to strike him.

"What did this little bastard do? Why is the Mangu Ha attacking me?"

Filled with fear as the Mangu Ha locked onto him, Hou Qing couldn't understand. His calculations were flawless, so why did he end up falling for that kid's scheme... Damn it, that kid didn't do anything obvious!

No matter how hard he tried, Hou Qing couldn't figure out what Fang Xing had done to trap him in such a dilemma.

Meanwhile, Fang Xing, at this moment, was smirking with satisfaction. Despite enduring intense pain as he corrected his shattered left arm, he watched as Hou Qing and the Mangu Ha fought desperately. This mixed feeling of pleasure and pain was simply exhilarating!

This was a display of superior knowledge!

Hou Qing probably couldn't imagine that Fang Xing hadn't done anything at all; the only thing he did was suggest that Hou Qing escape...

The Yin Yang Divine Demon Mirror, upon first seeing the Mangu Ha, had already named many of its characteristics, among which Fang Xing immediately noticed one: "While not shedding its beast form, its vision of stillness is blurry..."

In simple terms, the Mangu Ha, like other demonic beasts of its kind, had a visual defect unless it had reached the level of transforming into a human form. Otherwise, its vision of stationary objects was blurred, while it could see moving objects very clearly. Therefore, when it was attracted by the smell of blood from Liu San and jumped into the air, it could see Hou Qing and Fang Xing.

However, when it landed, neither Fang Xing nor Hou Qing dared to move recklessly, and it couldn't see these two.

If not for this, where would there be time for Fang Xing to pretend to be afraid, clean up the blood stains, and for Hou Qing to deflect blame by throwing the pill?

Originally, the Blood Qi Pill thrown by Hou Qing indeed attracted the Mangu Ha's attention, and the strong smell of blood gave the Mangu Ha a sense of direction in terms of vital energy and blood essence. However, what Hou Qing did next was a huge mistake, and it was the mistake Fang Xing had been hoping he would make: using extreme speed to escape...

This one move sealed his fate; the Mangu Ha's target immediately shifted to him.