
Chronicles of Retribution: A Fantasy of Vengeance

In the mystical realm of Eldrathia, where magic flows through every living being, two great empires, the Arcanum Dominion and the Ethereal Empire, clash in a relentless war for power. In the tranquil village of Everdawn, young Alistair dreams of becoming a magical knight like his father, the revered Sir Cedric Stormblade, a master of sword and sorcery.

bendtomywill · ファンタジー
16 Chs

The Darkest Hour

The peaceful days in Everdawn continued, with Alistair's family growing even closer. Alistair continued his training, honing his skills with a wooden sword, and preparing for the day he would receive his Mark of Retribution. His father, Sir Cedric, watched with pride as his son's determination and skills grew.

One fateful day, just hours before Alistair's 14th birthday, war finally reached the borders of their village. It arrived like a dark storm, casting a shadow over the once-tranquil landscape.

Sir Cedric and the other knights of Everdawn donned their armor, their faces etched with determination. They prepared to stand guard and protect their village from the encroaching threat.

Alistair watched in awe as his father and the knights rode off to face the enemy. His father's last words to him echoed in his mind, "Protect your family, Alistair, and remember the lessons we've taught you."

As the battle raged on, Alistair and his family waited anxiously, their hearts heavy with worry. Hours passed, and the sounds of clashing swords and the roar of magic could be heard in the distance.

Then, in a horrifying moment, the enemy forces breached the village's defenses. Chaos erupted as they stormed through the streets, bringing destruction in their wake.

Alistair's mother, Lady Elara, stood bravely by her children's side, her healing magic ready to aid the wounded. Elowen clung to Alistair, her eyes filled with fear, and he whispered reassuringly, "Don't worry, Elowen. I'll protect you, just like I promised."

But as the enemy soldiers closed in, a sense of dread enveloped them. Alistair's voice wavered as he shouted, "Stay back!" He tried to defend his family, but the soldiers overwhelmed him with their brutality.

In a horrifying act, one of the enemy soldiers tore at Lady Elara's clothes, leaving her violated and broken in front of Alistair's eyes. The innocence of the moment when Elowen had spoken of wanting to protect everyone now seemed like a distant memory, shattered by the cruelty of war.

Alistair's heart pounded with anger and helplessness as he watched the unspeakable horrors unfold before him. In a final, devastating act, he was pierced by the sword of one of the enemies, blood staining his clothes as he lost consciousness.

As his vision faded, he saw his beloved sister, Elowen, being dragged away by the enemy soldiers, her tear-filled eyes locked with his. The world went dark, and Alistair's life was forever altered by the horrors of that day.