
Chronicles of Midrealm

Years have passed since the mortal races of the world stood united against the might of the Demons. Although Midrealm was saved, the mortals were weakened. Now that a terrible darkness has returned, will the inhabitants of Midrealm prevail? Hello guys, Author here. I would like to thank you for deciding to read this story of mine, I do really appreciate the gesture from the bottom of my heart. If you liked the story, please do me a good favor and add it to your library for the future and perhaps send some love and donate power stones too?

Grapejuice · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Uhhh, a Druid?

The group went to the houses located at the center of the village. At the middle is a living humanoid tree, standing 15 meters tall; The treant gazed at the new arrival with curious eyes but closed them not long after as it continued its slumber.

The group marveled at the gigantic treant as they passed by it. They eventually arrived on a group of small homes located near the place where the treant resides. "Here we are, these three houses will be the places on where you will stay. I do apologize in advance if they are too small for your liking…" said Thanatos.

"Don't worry about that, We are already thankful enough that you provided us a place to stay, thank you." Said Dobart. "I am glad, if you ever need something, please do find me." Said Thanatos.

The elf left them be as he walked away. Dobart gazed at the three and spoke. "So, who gets to stay in which house?"

"I'll take the one on the left, you guys choose on the rest on your own." Said Miranda as he walked toward a small house located at the left. "Then I guess I'll take the one the middle, you two take the one on the right. I'll be checking out my new house, take a rest you to. I'll come to get you tomorrow morning." Said Dobart.

Anryn and Donna nodded at him and walked toward the house at the right, their new home. They opened the wooden door and entered the small house. The interior had stone floors, a carpet made from an animal's hide, a small table, a cupboard, a bed, two chairs, and a lamp. There's also a wooden part of the house that served as a couch that had two cushions on each side. The home was small and lacking some things but it could accommodate them for now.

"So this is our new home huh? It's quite lacking." Said Anryn. "Well, this kind of house is just right up my alley." Said Donna.

"Look there's another door, what could be behind it?"

"I don't know, why don't you open it up, Donna?" said Anryn. "Eh? Sure." Donna walked toward the wooden door and opened it. Upon opening, they are welcomed by a small pond that had glowing motes of light dancing around it.

"Woah! What's this? Is this the place on where we wash ourselves?" said Donna. "It could very be but I'm quite curious about what those glowing things are." Said Anryn.

"Well, We'll find out soon enough! Let's just unpack our stuff first." Said Donna.

Donna placed her backpack on top of the table and unpacked its contents as she opened it up. Anryn took off her leather vest and sat on top of the bed as she breathed deeply. The two took a rest for the day as they were exhausted from their long journey.

The next day, Dobart came to fetch them as he knocked on the door. Both Donna and Anryn were already suited up and in fresh condition as they anticipate their next adventure.

The three passed by the house of Miranda as she's sitting outside on top of a chair while sipping her tea that an elf prepared for her. The three waved at her and she gave them a small nod as she wished them safe travels.

They walked on a stone path as it leads them toward a house that's bigger than most of the homes that they have seen so far. The house is made of wood and is two stories tall. The group went closer to the house and they knocked on its wooden door. "Wait a second!" said a voice.

After a few moments, the door was pulled open as an elf wearing long green robes appeared, he had long ears and white hair as it's partnered with a set of blue eyes. He eyed the group as he stood there at the entrance. "Hello, to whom do I owe this visit?" said the elf.

"My name is Dobart Enrobees, and this is my granddaughter accompanied by her friend. Priestess Cerile asked us to come to you since we were told that you might require assistance." Said Dobart.

"Ah! You must be the people that I was informed about, my name is Tiriel Nightwind, please come in!" said the Druid as he gestured for them to come inside his home. He led them inside as he talked about the things inside his house and the people who are currently laying on top of multiple beds as some grunted in pain. They eventually arrived at the second floor of the house and sat on a group of wooden chairs.

"Tea everyone?" Asked Tiriel as he picked up a kettle and placed it on top of a table. "No, Thank you." Said Dobart to which Tiriel just shrugged. Tiriel sat on his chair and started talking. "So, let's discuss what kind of help I need, shall we?"

Doo doo daa daaa.

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