
Chronicles of Midrealm

Years have passed since the mortal races of the world stood united against the might of the Demons. Although Midrealm was saved, the mortals were weakened. Now that a terrible darkness has returned, will the inhabitants of Midrealm prevail? Hello guys, Author here. I would like to thank you for deciding to read this story of mine, I do really appreciate the gesture from the bottom of my heart. If you liked the story, please do me a good favor and add it to your library for the future and perhaps send some love and donate power stones too?

Grapejuice · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Chapter Two

Inside a castle, two silhouettes constantly engaged one another as the sound of clashing steel echoed throughout the courtyard. A woman jumped to the side as an approaching slash narrowly missed her shoulder. A man with grey hair lunged toward the woman as he attempted to overpower her with a series of swift strikes.

The woman had a hard time defending against the sword of her assailant, she tried to mitigate some of his attacks as she sent a few strikes of her own. The man saw that her eyes were fixated on his hands, he then guessed her intention and jumped away from her.

The woman dashed toward the evading man and sent a straight thrust toward his chest with great speed. The man was surprised at her sudden move and barely deflected her sword as he used the flat surface of his weapon to redirect it to the side. Despite successfully deflecting the sword, it still managed to hit his shoulder which paralyzed his right arm for a split second.

The woman took advantage of the opening and directly sent a slash to his hand, completely disarming him. The man dropped his sword on the ground as he held his hand with pain. The woman held her sword to the man as the tip was pointed at his neck. The man realized his current predicament and surrendered as he raised his arms with a chuckle. "Haha! Who would've thought that you'd beat me."

The woman lowered her sword and sat on the ground as she stabilized her breathing. "Haah… I know you were going easy on me old man." Said Anryn.

"Hahahaha! What are you talking about?" said the old man. Anryn rolled her eyes at him and thought to herself on how shameless can her teacher be? She stood up from the ground and threw her wooden sword at her teacher. "You going somewhere?" said the man. "I'll be going to the city square, tell my father that I'll be meeting a friend." Said Anryn, "You are? You should bring some guards with you." Said the old man.

Anryn sighed at the words of the old man. "I don't need guards to accompany me everywhere. I'm not a little girl anymore, also I'd just go and chat with a friend then I'll quickly go back."

The old man stared at Anryn for awhile before he eventually relented and sighed. "As you wish, princess… safe travels." Anryn smiled at him before walking away: She then headed toward the castle gate and hollered at the guard located on top of the battlements to make way. The guard told his comrades inside the gate house to open the portcullis. The portcullis slowly lifted up and opened up the path leading to the city square. Anryn exited the castle as she passed through the gate while donning a dark hooded cloak.

She turned left as she took the road that leads to the center district to meet a certain someone. She passed through a formation of houses and buildings made of stone. She then crossed over a man made canal as she walked on top of a bridge; after walking across the bridge she then resumed her way and walked on a wide stone path that lead toward the center of the city.

Anryn passed by a crowd of people wearing tattered rags as they protested against the city guards. She passed by a few more buildings until she stopped in front of a tavern named The Iron Keg. She entered inside the tavern and is welcomed by a lively crowd and a dwarf. "Ah here she is!" said the dwarf. Anryn walked toward the dwarf and sat beside her as she ordered a mug of wine from the barkeep. "So, how is life, your royal majesty?" said the dwarf. Anryn rolled her eyes at the dwarf while she drank her wine. "Oh you know, just the usual boring everyday life." Said Anryn.

"Hahahaha! Who would've thought that a member of royalty would say such a thing." Laughed the dwarf. "Ssshh! Keep your voice down! It'll be troublesome if people recognized me here." Exclaimed Anryn. "Oh, sorry about that…"

"What about you Donna, how is life in Stonetalon?" asked Anryn. The dwarf drank a mouthful of ale before answering. "Ahh, that hits the spot. Huh? Well, the mountains are still the same old snowy huge chunks of rocks. Life is good but my father was asked by the king of Aelen to work here, so here I am!"

"To think that your father brought you with him, he must've gone senile." Joked Anryn. "Hey! You make it sound like I'm a problem child! I still remember the days where you begged your father to visit the dwarven city just so you can play with me though."

"What are you talking about? I have no idea on what you are saying." Said Anryn. "Yeah yeah, sure, whatever you say princess." Replied Donna.

"Say, do you know why your father was asked by my father to come here?" asked Anryn. Donna held her chin as she pondered over her friend's question. "Hmmm, father didn't really gave much details about it. I only know that he'll work on your kingdom's forgery, maybe forging equipment for the military?"

"Huh? So that's why…" muttered Anryn. "What do you mean that's why?" asked Donna. "Ah, it's just that my father had been mobilizing the kingdom's army. He spent most of his resources to the army and now some of the citizens are suffering from the lack of food, mostly those that live in the slums."

"Ohh, well I guess my father is making equipment for the military then… those poor souls." Said Donna. "Huh? What do you mean?" asked Anryn.

"Nothing! I'm just lamenting over the people who are suffering at the moment." Said Donna. Anryn faced her wine and sighed. "I feel the same."

"By the way, how did you recognize it was me?" asked Anryn. "Oh that? I just know. You could say it's my intuition kicking in." Said Donna. "Seriously?" "Yeah!"

Anryn and Donna had a staring contest before Anryn eventually gave up and sighed. "Fine… Let's just say it is your intuition." Said Anryn. "What can I say? It's the perks of being a woman, Hahahaha!" laughed Donna. Anryn stayed with her friend for awhile as she watched her friend continue her antics, when the night arrived she then bade farewell and left the tavern as she headed back inside the castle.

She entered inside the keep as she passed by the guards stationed at the entrance. The guards saw her and bowed as they paid their respects. Anryn walked through the hall of the keep and climbed a flight of stairs as she headed toward her room.

Upon arriving at the door of her quarters, she heard a voice from behind her. "You're late." She turned around as she faced the person who spoke, "Ah, father, good evening." Said Anryn. The man stared at her for awhile before he turned around and gestured at her to follow him. "Come, we need to talk."

Anryn followed her father with a nervous expression as she thought to herself. 'What is it now? I didn't do anything to anger him did I?' They walked through the hallway as they eventually arrived on a balcony that faced the city of Aelen. Her father stopped as he gazed toward the busy city under the evening sky. "What do you want to talk about father?" Asked Anryn. The man did not speak for a few seconds before he looked at the glowing moon. "Do you still remember your mother?" Said her father. "What do you mean?" asked Anryn.

"Do you still remember on how different she was? On how gentle of a woman your mother was and on how she could control the forces of nature?" said the man. "Yes, I still remember the days on where she played with me when I was young, she even called a big elk to play with me back then." Said Anryn as she reminisced the joyful days with her mother.

"Did you ever asked yourself on how she can call the assistance of animals or on how she can control the force of nature itself?" said her father. "I did asked myself about it but I never tried to ask mother. Do you know why mother can do it?" asked Anryn.

"I do know… I know full well." Said her father. "If so, then can you tell me?" asked Anryn.

Her father didn't speak nor move a muscle as he continuously gazed at the beautiful moon. "If you don't want to tell me… That's fine." Said Anryn. "Your mother…" Exclaimed by her father.

"Your mother is a druid." Said the man. "What? M-my mother is a druid? That's not possible! Only the elves can be druids, unless…"

The man turned around and faced his daughter. "Yes, your mother is indeed an elf. Not the elves we know such as the High Elves but a Dark Elf."

"What! That's even more impossible! Dark Elves are known to be seclusive!" Exclaimed Anryn. Her father turned around and looked at her as he spoke once more. "Your mother was different." Said the man.

"What do you mean she was different?" asked Anryn. "Your mother is an exile." Said the man. Anryn looked at her father with wide eyes as she just couldn't believe the words of her father. "Why was she exiled?" Asked Anryn.

"She never told me why she was exiled. I, who is her husband, was never told about her past." Said her father as he mocked himself.

"I have great news for you though." Said her father. "What news?" asked Anryn.

"We have managed to contact the Dark Elves and formed a trade alliance."

"Really? That's great news! But what does it have to do with me?" asked Anryn.

"You will be sent to one of their towns and live their for awhile. Your friend Donna will accompany you." Said her father.

"What? Why?"

"So you can broaden your horizons and learn new things about the world." Said her father.

"I know that, but why there? You could've sent me to Rynwood or Talanor." Said Anryn.

"The High Elves are currently closing their borders, even us from Aelen who have a close relationship with them are barred from entering their Island. Talanor on the other hand… I cannot send you there." Said her father, the king.

"Huh? Why not?" Asked Anryn. "There's something wrong within their kingdom at the moment. I cannot send you there, it might endanger your life." Said her father.

"What? Something wrong? Is there a plague or something?" asked Anryn. "No, it's not like that. If there really was a plague then we would have received information about it beforehand. Don't ask about it anymore." Said her father.

"But… Alright."

"You'll depart to Moonport, a port town of the dark elves within the Eversong Forests. You'll embark via one of the trade ships that will head there. Head toward the docks first thing in the morning and talk to Captain Oswell, I have already informed him about you. You are dismissed."

"I… As you wish. Goodnight… Father." Said Anryn as she headed back to her quarters. The king waited for awhile before he called out at a person hiding within the shadows. "You called for me, my liege?" said the man.

"I want you to join my daughter on her journey, I entrust her safety to you, Dobart." Said the King.

"As you command, my king." Said Dobart before he vanished. The king observed his city once more as the wind carried his long hair. The king turned around as he talked at the air. "I know you're there, Kilic." Suddenly a man wearing dark leather armor appeared in front of the king as he clapped. "Good to know that you didn't lose your edge, Aeric. Here I was thinking that my friend has turned dull." Said Kilic.

Aeric scoffed at Kilic's words. Kilic went beside him as they gazed the beautiful city together. "I'm surprised Dobart didn't notice you." Said Aeric. Kilic scoffed and replied. "Hah! That old wolf is nothing but antique. His days are long gone, I don't know why you still employ him…" said Kilic.

"He served my father well when he was still alive, it's the least that I could do." Said Aeric.

"Who would've thought that the exiled king would be kind to the father who banished him." Joked Kilic.

"If my father didn't exile me before, then I'm sure I wouldn't be the person that I am now. I am forever in debt to him." Said Aeric.

"Hahahaha! It's the only thing that made you come out of your stubborn shell. Well, You're still a little stubborn…" said Kilic.

"Haha! Perhaps you're right. By the way, is there news from your scouts" asked Aeric. Kilic frowned from the mention of his spies and turned to face Aeric. "Most of my spies were killed, Aeric. The ones who survived had large wounds on them, some have even turned disfigured a few days after they arrived. I believe the demons are coming back my friend."

Aeric's face turned serious from the mention of the demons "So they're coming back huh, It's been decades since they were defeated. Now they are back to ravage our world once again." said Aeric. "Are we ready against them?" asked Kilic.

"I do not know, Kilic. We don't know the true might of the demonic army. All the information we have about them is from old legends and those reports that weren't lost from the age of time, though there are imps in our current time but they aren't really related to them." Said Aeric.

"Well, I just hope that when the time comes we are prepared." Said Kilic.

"We already have the allegiance of the Dwarves. All that is left is Rynwood and Talanor." Said Aeric. "That's good then, at least we have an ally even when the others haven't answered us yet. Well, I better go. I still have things to do." Said Kilic as he vanished within the darkness of the night.

Aeric stood alone at the balcony as he enjoyed the calmness of the evening breeze, he closed his eyes for awhile and opened them as they glowed in a blue hue. 'I have to use it again…'

Sorry, a bit late.

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