
Chapter twenty two

Chapter twenty-two

Liya stormed into Riya's room despite the guards warning. She met Chen eating a breakfast of egg vegetable rice and Riya in front of the mirror. Riya turned the instance Liya stormed into the room.

"What is wrong?" She asked, alarmed in her voice.

But instead of replying, liya strides heavily on the floor towards Riya. The moment she got to her front, she pulled Riya up. Not allowing her foot to touch the floor.

Riya found it hard to breathe because of Liya's strong hand around her neck. She fought with her leg endlessly but it was vain.

She had no choice but to retaliate, she had to fight her twin sister. With a strong kick, she was able to let Liya drive her to the floor.

Liya brought out two swords from her back and Riya dashed for her swords too and both engaged in fighting and brutal violence.