
Chapter seven

Chapter seven

Chen stops at the orphanage home. A girl of about seven years of age came to meet him with a stick in her hand.

"Mandy," he called and the girl flicked away the stick in her hand, enveloping him with her embrace. Suddenly she gave him an angry look.

"Am sorry," he apologized.

"Why should you make Daisy so worried? Why are you not at home yesterday?" Amanda asked with curiosity in her eyes.

"Mandy, I got a new place to stay. Daisy and I would soon be moving out of here."

Amanda's face suddenly became clouded with tears.

"You won't be able to come here again," she said.

"Don't worry. I will come here once in a while to visit you. And I will come over to pick you up, we will go to the park and buy you the ice cream I promised you and even take you to Daisy's new place," he said.

"Promise," she said pointing her tiny little finger at him.

"Promise," he replied and both did pinky promise. I promise to stand by my word and give you a treat

He and the little girl continued chatting until it was twilight. He took her to her room and sang a lullaby to her until she fell asleep. He bid the orphanage home goodbye.

He started trekking to the nearest bus stop. A black limousine car pulled over in front of him. The window was winding down and he saw that it was Abigail.

"I thought you might not be able to find our way back home so I decided to pick you up."

Chen only nodded and hopped in the car. Throughout the journey, no one mince a word. The car entered to a compound and pulled to a stop in front of a a mansion. Abigail got out and Chen followed like an obedient child. She walks over to the elevator and presses the button.

"This is your room," Abigail said pointing to Chen's room."And that is my room."

Chen went inside his room, had a shower, and dressed in a khaki shirt and a blue shirt. He headed to the dining room, where he found Abigail sitting down. The butler came and they were served potato Bombay with a white wine.

"After they both finish eating. Both went to their separate room. It was around eleven post midnight when Chen heard someone screaming. He went out of his room, looking for where the sound was coming from. It was not long before he realized that the sound was coming from her room.

He entered her room and walked over to her bed. She was sweating profusely and screaming when he got to her side. He wrapped his arm around her and she slowly opened her eyes. He wrapped his hand around her and all her body became still. Her shivering body that was good and became warm.

Minutes later, Chen had calmed her down and wanted to leave, so she pulled him back.

" Please do not leave me, "She whispered brokenly.,"I feel so - so helpless. So alone, "Her voice broke," and she shut her eyes," please don't leave me."

Chen muttered something under his breath, then turned around and sat down. Abigail cradled in his arms. He adjusted his body to hers, and she found herself huddled in his lap, her breasts crushed against his chest, her knees pressed into his side.

"Here, this will help you," Chen said giving her a wool Afghan.

Abigail felt the soft brush of wool against her bare arms as he pulled a crocheted Afghan over her. It was the pale pink Afghan her mother had specially knitted for her when she was a baby.

Abigail buried her face in the cover and inhaled the familiar scent of licorice and mild soap. A fresh deluge of tears shook her, wetting Chen's bronzed skin above his shirt collar.

He rocked her gently, his calloused finger massaging her temple.

"It okay," he said over and over, his voice a rough stain mantra that gradually drowned out the terrifying echo of her mother's pleading words.

"Why can't I have a peaceful sleep without a nightmare," Abigail whispered through her pain clogged throat.

He kissed her foreheads, calming her, comforting her. His hand rubbed her back in long, soothing strokes that eased the terrible tension gripping her spine.

"I want you," she whispered. "I want to be yours tonight."

"Abi," He called. I don't take advantage of a woman in distress.

The calling of her name also aroused her so that she cradled more on his lap.

"I am not in distress. I want you," She said lifting her face to his face.

Her gaze collided with his, and heat pushed into the faint hallows of her cheeks. She liked the way his brows lifted at the inner corners when he started to smile. He looks gentle.

"It is not so bad to have you," She admitted studying the crooked line of his nose. His face was actually handsome.

"No, not so bad," he echoed almost absently. His smile faded as she pressed her cheeks against the top of his head, and his broad palm cupped her hip, supportive, reassuring.

The warmth from his body cocooned her, giving her strength.


"Hmmm," he lifted his head.

"I truly want you," she said wearing slurred the words, even as she tried to make them forceful and precise.

"I don't want to force you."

The warm hand on her spine stopped moving. Her lips moved closer, and just before they met his, his mouth opened in anticipation.

"Aren't you going to stop me, Abi?"

"I want you to but here, you are..,.."

The other words were swallowed by her kiss.

Her caressing, seeking tongue gently pushed apart his lips. Liquid fire passed from his mouth to hers, sending a searing silver of flame through her, pumping urgently to bathe every cell of her body.

Her breath hissed through her parted lips and into his mouth. With a groan, Chen threw off the Afghan and began stroking her thigh with his right hand, his finger trailing heat through the linen of her slacks.

His left hand cupped the rigid fingers grasping his shirt and folded over them, trapping her small hand against his warm, hard palm. His wrist rested against her breasts.

"I can't seem to see enough of you," she murmured against his lips, his breath hot and sweetly moist.

He offered his lips, answering the thrust of his tongue within. The raspy surface abraded the inner lining of her mouth, raising glorious bumps of pleasure on her skin. Their breath mingled, hot and volatile, fueling the sensation of tingling delight spreading through her.

His lips began exploring the fragile spot beneath, moving upward, his tongue tracing the whorls of her ear.