
Chapter one

Chapter one

"No, no, no", Abigail shouted waking up from sleep. She took a sitting on the bed. She was sweating profusely. Her temperature was very high. She Sat for what seemed like minutes before she became very calm. She shifted a little and her hand touched something. She flips her duvet open and to her surprise she finds herself lying down with a man.

" What am I doing here ", she retorted and continued, "You passed your boundary."

" I did not", he replied and continued, " I always abide by the contract rules. You passed away in the sitting room that is why I brought you here because you won't allow anyone to enter your room for reasons best known to you", he said.

"It's over between u " she shouted standing up from the bed.

" It can not be over. I always abide by the contract rules ", he replied.

" That does not concern me", Abigail said and walked out of the room.

She went straight to her room with great speed. She changed into a simple dress, a long silk gown that reaches the knees, and an expensive gold slip-on, and walked briskly out of her room to the stairs leading to the sitting room where pressed the alarm and the chauffeur walked up to her.

"Get the car ready", "she said to the chauffeur. The chauffeur took the car key and headed to the parking lots. He warmed the car up.

" After a while, She joined the chauffeur and headed to her twins' sisters' house

"I must put an end to this nuisance", she thought to herself.

She picked up her phone and dialed her twin sister's number.

" I will be coming over to your place ", she said and hung up the call without allowing her twin sisters to replied her.

The car soon halted in front of a giant's gates. The door was open after several blaring of horns. The gateman opens the gate bits to know who it is but after seeing a purple limousine car and Abigail's driver peeping out of the car window. He flips the door open.

The car halted on the House veranda. The house was made of front wall was made of glass and the floor was tiled with concrete.

The moment Abigail entered the sitting room her eyes set on a young woman in her early twenties sitting on a chair near the fireplace. The Lady lifted her eyes from the fireplace to the television screen.

" Abigail, what did he do wrong?", The beautiful Lady asked without lifting her eyes from the television screen.

" You are supposed to acknowledge me by welcoming me to your house instead of asking me that stupid question", Abigail replied a little calm to when She Lefts her house.

"You are always welcome here you know, so there is no need in welcoming you", the beautiful Lady said.

" I still insist that My welcoming should be acknowledged ", Abigail insisted.

The beautiful Lady took her eyes off the television and looked at Abigail and sighed.

" We are replicas but with a different attitude. We are born to the same mother and father. We were born in the same months, year, date, and even the same day but we are still different ", the beautiful Lady said still looking at Abigail.

Maybe if I have not been cursed, maybe if Lucian has not died. Maybe If I have chosen a good fate and destiny, maybe we might not have been different", Abigail replied.

"Why do you always blame fate or destiny or any of the things you mentioned? If only you had let go of the past maybe if you have accepted things as they are maybe we might not be different", the beautiful Lady said.

" Can I have a seat? My legs are hitching me", Abigail asked.

"Of course, you can even without my permission", the beautiful Lady replied.

" I know but when you lost your curtsey I thought the only way to make you do it, is to ask ", Abigail said.

" I never lost my curtsey", the beautiful Lady replied.

"Let's go back to the main topic, why do you want to send the man away?", the beautiful Lady asked.

"All that I Abigail knows is that guy must go", was the reply Juana got from her twins

" Why?", Juana asked.

"He broke the rules", Abigail replied.

" This is his first time and the first rule he has ever broken,Can't you just be a little bit patience with him? ",Juana asked a little bit surprised at her twins' sister behavior and decision in sending away the Young guy who signed a contract in order for him to date her.

" In a relationship, we need two people:a wise man and a fool. One has to be a wise and the other a fool for a relationship to strive. We can't have two wise or two fools. You have to exercise patience in order for a relationship to work. Can't you give him one more chance?"Juana asked .

" No, I don't want to. To hell with this stupid relationship. All I wants is to live freely with no rules guiding me. All I wants is to live grieving for the wrongs of my pasts and for the people who I can't protect"Abigail replied.

"Look here, for you to move on you need to accept and forget what happened seven years ago", Juana said patting Abigail'sack.

" Still, I don't want him",Abigail said.

"How are you going to learn how to love if you are not patient with your spouse?", Juana asked .

But Abigail was adamant. Instead of her face looking cooler and friendly it only become colder and unfriendly. When Juana noticed this She stop arguing with her.

" But you have to wait till tomorrow night",Juana said.

"No way. I am not going back to that house until he his gone", Abigail refused.

Juana stood up and headed to the stair's, straight to her room. The house was magnificent. It was a mansion and no other house could compete with it except Abigail own, Juana told one of her staff to tell the chauffeur to get the car ready. She called on the Butler and told him to serve Abigail something before she came back. She picked up her phone and started dialing some numbers after a whi

le she headed to her car and the chauf

feur drove her out of a compound.