
Chapter nineteen

Chapter nineteen

Chen forces himself to stand up, coughing. His throat dry and he felt the scorching sun melting his tender skin. He was thirsty and some how he knew if he could not get water right now, he might die. He frantically searches his surroundings, catching sight of a puddle of water. With a desperate urgency, he sprinted towards it, only to recoil in horror as he cupped the water in his hands, swiftly raising it to his parched lips. As soon as he tainted liquid touched his tongue, he instinctively spat it out, the nauseating stench burning his nostrils. The water was clearly not safe for consumption, it's putrid odour a stark warning of its potential toxicity.

It took him several minutesto realized where he was. He was among dead bodies. Some had decay, remaining only bones,some were as fresh as a tomato just pluck from the farm. His clothes has the and he could feel some bruises on his forearms and body. He stood up trying to find a way out but it was endless.