
Chapter four

Chapter four

Juana wore a black silk slanting suit, designed especially for her by Christina Crowther, classically simple, tailored, and smart, worn with a white silk camisole, dark, sheer stockings, and high-heeled black patent pumps. The jewelry she added was equally simple but effective. A three-strand pearl choker with a diamond clasp at the front encircled her neck, and large mabe pearl studs ringed with diamond glittered on her ears.

Chen was astonished by the way Juana dressed. He wore a stone-colored light gabardine suit that was fashionably cut, and he was perfectly groomed from the collar of his deep blue shirt on top of his dark brown loafers that gleamed like highly polished glass.

"You are ten minutes late," Juana said.

"I am sorry," Chen replied.

"Have your seat," she said pointing at a chair in front of her.

"Thank you".

" You look nice in that dress, "Juana complimented.

"Thanks for the compliment. Out also look good in those dresses," he said.

The waitresses came and asked for their order.

They both order spaghetti bolognese. After some minutes the waitress returned with their order. They both ate in silence. Their plate was clear.

"So what is the contract all about?" He asked impatiently.

She studied his face for some time before she cleared her throat.

"Actually, the contract is about your life," She replies.

"She lives," he said.

"Yeah, it is a dating contract," she said and studied his face for a while before she continued, "There is a sister of mine who is having a problem with dating. Not that she wants to date but because I need someone to stay with her."

"Are you saying that I should spy on your sister?" Chen asked.

"Just date her,"

'Is that why the popular celebrity Paul was kneeling down for you," he asked.

"She got annoyed easily if the contract rule is broken," Juana said.

"So what is the rule and the contract for me to sign," he asked.

"There is no contract for you to sign and no rule to abide by," Juana replied.

"No contract to sign, no rule to abide by. I don't understand," he said.

"I don't want you to live with her by rules," She said.

"So I don't have any rules to be abiding," he asked to be sure.


What about the promise you make about sponsoring my mother's medical bill?" He asked.

"About your mother's medical bill," she said and continued, "I will transfer her to a place very close to the hospital before she is admitted. And we are going to my sister's place after we make a short stop at the boutique," She said looking at Chen's face.

"OK. I hope u keep your promise," he said playing with the tip of the glass cup he was holding.

"Sure," she replied. A goddess always keeps her promises.

"Tell me about your sister and you," he said facing her.

She tilted her head downward as if she was thinking about something. Then slowly, she lifted her face up and faced him.

" My name is Juana and my sister's name is Abigail. She is actually my twin sister. I am the owner of J&A Enterprises. Our mother died when we were very young. My father- uh- I don't know him. Let's get going. We are stopping at a boutique before going home.,"Juana said that what she said about her parents was a lie. She paid the bill and they headed out.

This time the car was not a dark blue limousine car but a Ref Venza car worth millions of dollars. The car came to an abrupt halt in front of a boutique shop. Juana got out of the car and motioned to Chen to follow her. The door was opened by the watch guard.

"What are we doing here?" Chen asked as he entered the boutique.

"To buy a present for you," Juana replied.

The clothes were arranged in rank. He checked for the amount of each other and he realized it cost thousands of dollars. The clothes were very beautiful.

"This is an expensive boutique. The decoration is topnotch," he thought.

Juana motioned to one e the receptionists and asked her to pack all the clothes in the first rank, the shoes and the ties included.

She walks over to the female rack. She picked a golden silk gown with a diamond shoe and necklace. She then proceeded to the CEO's office.

"Hi, Juana," Jill the CEO of Jill's Boutique greeted Juana.

"How are you? It has been a long time, isn't it?"Juana asked.

" Am fine. Not that longrepliedl reply ushering Juana a seat. "What brings you here?"

"To get some stuff and to see your beautiful facerepliedana replied.

"Wait a minute," Jill said as she stood up from her seat. She went to the coffee machine and served two cups of coffee.

"Take," She said pointing the cup to has Juana." It has been a long time. You just disappear and appear like you like," Jill said.

"I thought you said it wasn't that long," Juana said and added quickly, "I was busy. "

"So, I hope you get what you wanted to buy," Jill asked.

"Of course, it has been packed and taken care of. I guess my stay here has come to an end," Juana said as she stood up from the chair she was sitting on.

"I hope you will visit our boutique often from now on," Jill said extending her hand for a handshake.

"I hope so too. So let's hope so," Juana said taking Jill's handshake.

She went out of the office to the receptionist's office and paid for the goods she bought. She headed back to her car and found Chen already in the car. They headed back to her house.