
Chronicles Of Goddess And Regis Crimson Dimensions Desires

The city of Lovecraft County, is the city of the mafia, the mecca of crime and mobsters, for many years, there were countless gang wars and conspiracies, murders, among the fact that the numerous mafia clans were involved in fights for territory, when the whole city was involved in schemes of conspiracy and manipulation through the authorities who were being bought and manipulated, when crime was growing and the city was developing. in the midst of this, there was a series of murders in mafia families, involved in crimes and manipulations, when the countless times there were attacks by politicians, when the trips were long, the nights were dark, in the midst of countless wars. So, for a while, with the coming to town of a new power, someone who was an influential businessman, he declared war on the local mafia, two powerful men, international Russian mafia managers, in which he was extending his power. Meanwhile, he was interested in the last heir of the Delphos family, Andreas Delphos, he was that sexy man, until that moment, he had a reputation only for conquests of women, little did he know with those present, in between embarking on a path of darkness of the desires, where the two men, heirs and twins of two mafia families, were Alexander and Sasha Vassilliev, where they were not only trying to conquer their city and eliminate competition from the business, but from their core, they want to dominate, not just in business, they want to dominate your world and your heart.

Sasina Zariel Emerodo · 東方
28 Chs


Ages ago.

Amidst the coming of Ragnarok.

Nidhogg Nagar , was far from being cute, nor kind, but he was smart, as for his colleague was his counterpart who was a beautiful dragon, Zariel who was traveling through dimensions, he had a certain charm due to the fact that he was the powerful deity and dragon, the counterpart of Nidhogg .

Due to his intrigues and his lies, he freed the dragon, which even though he knew that amidst his lies would only lead to death, he did not care, it seemed that in the midst of fighting with Odin, because of a female from another dragon.

Again, what followed in a conspiracy and the fact that Odin did not take it seriously, were the conspiracies that Loki involved others around him, when the god convinced that Odin, what Loki said, was supposedly flirting. his candidate for wife, at that time, even though he knew for a limited time amid the intrigues, they simply gave in to the desire to show the gods how strong he was, throwing other ice giants among other gods.

So, in the midst of battles, the dragon who boasted putting himself away, he had a wave of followers, at that time, laughing and saying.

It was at that time when the gods, being allied with the giants for the first time, they realized that Loki had played against them, resulting in the war they were in now, the cursed dragon of Ragnarok laughing in the face of Odin, a beautiful white dragon that did everything smart.

- You can't control your own people, nor your god, how much more could you win a fight. - Each of them stopped in the middle of the scream of Odin, the god of gods, looking at the carnage in which they found themselves, stopped with his wolves that ate the flesh of their opponents, the vanquished stretched out on the ground, serving as food.

- I advise a truce. – Zariel came between the two gods, for a while the fight was good, until it gave way. Zariel said. - Even you men with testosterone, you have to realize the manipulation, but a battle in which there is no winner, so, more than 3 years, it is not in my interest. Zariel said.

- Really, what enemies do you have someone like that in your midst? Zariel questioned.

- You're right, but what do we do then? – Odin asked, even with all his wisdom, still, he couldn't prevent it from happening again. - He said. "What do you propose, Lady of Dragons?" – He questioned her.

A potion that includes an aphrodisiac, a love potion and pheromones and a single potion , throw it at him and make him fall in love with me. Zariel said.

- A human like a dragon? – Odin questioned.

- Anyway, when he was arrested using the prison the fact that, we can free him, without him knowing that this is a plan, using a spell of persuasion, making him believe in liquid love.

- How will you do it? – Odin questioned.

- Do you know. Zariel said.

= We will use the punishment given to him. Zariel said.

- Again, how will you do it.

- He does not know that the gods can sleep or die, I will use the moment when his wife changes the basin, he needs to be fed. Zariel said.

- When the gods discover that the giantess was none other than Loki in disguise, they chase him and chain him to three rocks.

- Let's plot. - Odin said.

- I know enough of a potion to be eternal. - Odin said.

- As far as I can tell, a potion that is a great aphrodisiac. - The dragon said.

Once, when they strapped a snake over his head, it dripped venom onto his face.

When Loki's wife Sigyn prevented this from happening by storing the poison in a vessel, but from time to time she was obliged to remove the object to empty it.

It was there that they approached the goddess, Sigyn was surrounded, she was cornered and surrendered, the goddess tried to flee to be slaughtered, they went and took her, that time, she was killed, her body, was taken, molded in human flesh, modified to be the avatar and used as a form in essence for Zariel to inhabit it, the draconian goddess ate his soul and his consciousness taking it for herself, she would enjoy herself a little of their time, they had a time.

So, all that didn't take long, she took a potion with her, towards the cave that was Loki's prison who screamed in pain, in addition to causing earthquakes.

When the toxic liquid, when falling on Loki's face, caused him so much pain that the whole earth shook with his scream, which came to be called an earthquake , this made him scream, she returned accompanied by Odin who saw that Loki was suffering , with the basin to catch the poison.

Then. eventually, Loki manages to break free in time to fight the gods at Ragnarök .

When Odin was walking beside the goddess.

- We made a deal. – His wife Sigyn said.

Even if Odin took the poison out of his head.

- In exchange for what...? - The god of trickery questioned.

- In exchange for my immortality and my life, I must abdicate my life, for the next 2 thousand years, you must expect me to return to live 2 thousand years from now, but if you do not behave, I will be lost forever, then, I will not return to the world of the living. Sigyn said .

- How can you do this? – Loki questioned. – Will she pay for my mistakes? - Loki said.

- She agreed to pay for her crimes in your place. - Odin said.

- The deal is closed with a kiss. - Odin said.

-You must accept it, as long as you find it and wait for it in 2 thousand years. - Odin said.

- How... - But her words were interrupted, by a look, the woman took a pitcher with the potion, then she drank it.

- No... - Loki tried to be kissed then, the woman fell into his arms, so that the prison was undone, she was dead and as if surrounded by light, she disappeared, Loki fell kneeling on the ground screaming and the woman disappeared, stardust was taken.

- Now, you must do justice to your wife's sacrifice.

- Why...? – Loki questioned.

- That's a punishment. - Odin said.

The gods and the giants made a great plan, the magic and the potions took root, for a long time, during the millennia, weeks, months, years and millennia passed.

What he learned was that the order of Um-Mu that was created with his followers and Zariel's priests, were the guardians of his location, who promised to speak if Loki behaved himself.

So they formed a clan in between waiting over 2000 years for their return.

They stopped worrying about Zariel's return, and adopted the name that one day, according to an agreement between Odin and his wife, she would be a vessel and the avatar of a dragon .

One day Loki went to Odin. – How are you going to make her come back? - The god of trickery questioned.