
New Teacher

"Well, that was easy," Loki muttered under his breath as he trudged towards his room, a sense of accomplishment mingling with the exhaustion in his step.

Loki's POV

I hadn't expected to find a solution for my death element so effortlessly. Not that I'm complaining—sometimes, things just fall into place. But now, with one problem solved, I needed to turn my attention to mastering my other elements: darkness and illusion.

Both are popular and widely studied. If I search thoroughly, I should be able to find techniques rated four or even five stars. For context, techniques are graded from one star to six stars in this world, with six being the pinnacle of power and complexity. The higher the stars, the more potent the technique.

It might be wise to consult with my father about the arts for these elements, just as I did with the death element. But for now, I needed rest. The awakening had drained me more than I anticipated.

**The Next Day**

"Status," I commanded, my voice steady as I focused my will.

**Name: Loki Ashborn**

- **Race**: Human

- **Affinities**:

 - Darkness

 - Death

 - Illusion

- **Physique**: Death Unbound Physique

- **Blessing**: God of Darkness

- **Art**: Ashborn Mana Absorption Art

 - **Description**: Enables the user to absorb mana from the surroundings, enhancing their mana reserves and improving their mana breathing efficiency.

- **Skills**:

 - Life After Death: Grants the ability to cheat death once using the special physique. Usage: 0/1.

 - Deathly Gaze: Instills immense fear in anyone under the user's gaze. Those stronger than the user can resist it.

 - Shadow Veil: Allows the user to manipulate darkness freely.

- **Equipment**:

 - Spatial Ring: Provides additional storage space. Current capacity: 100 cubic feet.

 - Deceitful Eye: A cryptic artifact of unknown origin.

 - **Description**: This eye-shaped amulet exudes an aura of enigma. Its true powers are concealed, awaiting discovery. [Status-Bound]

 - **Abilities**:

 - Illusory Veil: Casts illusions to deceive and confuse opponents.

 - Inspect: Enables the user to view others' status.

 - ????

 - ????

- **Status**: Healthy

"Blessing of the God of Darkness, huh..." I mused aloud, staring at my status screen. In this world, blessings are rare and bestowed only upon those with exceptional affinity for their element. I suppose my affinity for darkness surpasses even death and illusion.

I should investigate this further, especially the elemental orb that measures affinity levels. 

My gaze settled on a particular item in my inventory: the Deceitful Eye. The name itself was intriguing, and the abilities it held were potentially powerful. Found in the depths of that cave, its true potential remained shrouded in mystery. I resolved to delve deeper into its secrets soon.

For now, I needed to address my father's offer. Despite my initial hesitation, I couldn't ignore the opportunity to explore the death element. But first, I needed to hone the skills stored within my memory. And I should visit Bella—she's probably eager to celebrate my awakening with me.

There's so much to do, but becoming stronger must take priority. My ultimate goal is to unravel the mystery behind my sudden transmigration to this world. Fifteen minutes later, as I made my way toward the dining room, my mind raced with thoughts on which element to prioritize.

Darkness is my strongest affinity, marked by the divine blessing. Death is supreme, one of the most powerful elements known. And illusion offers its own formidable prowess, especially in manipulating minds. 

Perhaps my parents could offer guidance. I'm still grappling with the limited knowledge I've inherited from the memories of this world.

"Good morning! Dear, what's troubling you today?" My mother's concerned voice broke through my reverie.

"It's nothing, Mother," I replied, settling into my seat at the dining table. "Just pondering whether to focus on a specific element or train all three simultaneously."

"That's simple, dear. Just consult with your father," she advised with a warm smile. "He'll find you suitable teachers for any elements you want to master. Except for the death element, of course. Death element users are rare and... often difficult to approach."

"Don't stress too much," my father, William, chimed in, his tone reassuring. "I'll speak with the family elders. They'll arrange a suitable teacher for you. In the meantime, focus on strengthening your body. Mastering these elements will require physical endurance as well."

"Good morning, everyone. Mommy, what's for breakfast? Oh, and congratulations, brother, on your successful awakening!" Isabella, my little sister, joined us, still rubbing sleep from her eyes.

"Thanks, Bella," I said softly, patting her head. 

"Morning, Bella. Come sit and eat," my mother, Amelia, greeted her warmly as we began our breakfast.

Afterward, Mother headed to her office, and Father motioned for me to follow him to the council chambers. As we walked, he spoke in a low, conspiratorial tone.

"Son, the council has granted you access to the death arts and assigned a teacher. He will arrive shortly. Meanwhile, you should study the death art manual. It's called the Primordial Death Scripture, and its rank exceeds six stars—it's incredibly powerful. Cherish it."

"Yes, Father. Thank you," I replied, excitement tingling in my veins as he handed me the manual. I eagerly flipped through its pages, my mind racing with possibilities.

"This is tougher than I thought... worthy of its rank," I thought aloud, marveling at the complex, arcane knowledge contained within the ancient tome.

As I immersed myself in the manual, a luxurious carriage arrived at the entrance of the Ashborn estate. A distinguished middle-aged man stepped out, his gaze sweeping across the familiar landscape.

"It's been a long time since I've been here. Nothing has changed, I see," he murmured to himself, striding towards William's office with a purpose in his step.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

SunScarcreators' thoughts